Chapter Sixty–Eight
Tovi’s POV
I went into labor eight weeks early with Piper. The pain from the contractions was strong. I
didn’t want to wake Greg up, but he felt them through our bond, waking him up. He helped me
get dressed and got Moneo to bring the SUV up to the door. As we were going to the hospital, I
told Greg to get the vial that Sienna gave me for the pain. I took it before we got to the
hospital and by the time the nurses helped me to get settled, and the monitor hooked
pain was nearly non–existent. Dr. James checked me to see if I was dilated, and I was, at
seven. Piper is going to make her appearance tonight.
Greg sat down by my side, holding my hand and brushing my hair out of my face.
“Would you like me to put your hair up quickly, so it is not in your face while you are pushing?”
he asked me, getting my brush and a hair tie out of my bag. I nodded my head, and he gently
pulled my hair back into a ponytail. Mother and dad came into the room after a bit, both
excited that their first grandchild would be here shortly.
“I called your brothers and sisters. They are on their way here and will be here in a couple of
hours,” dad informed me.
“Thank you, dad. I would love for the whole family to be here to meet Piper when she comes.
Where is Nana?”
“Nana is in the waiting room, waiting for us to come back with any news,” mother replied.
“Mother, I would like you to stay with us. I have a feeling that I will need you through the rest
of the labor.” Her face lit up with a smile.
“Of course, I will stay with you,” she answered, coming over and sitting down next to me on the
other side of the bed.
“I will check in and see if you three need anything. I will go and get some coffee and bring it
up for you two. Sorry, Tovi dear, you can’t have anything until after you have the baby,” dad
said, kissing the top of my head. “Hang in there, kiddo. She will be here soon. Lillian, link me
with updates. I’ll keep Mary company until the kids get here or Piper is born.” We all nodded
our heads, and I continued to focus on my contractions. Jack, Elizabeth, Jason, Moneo, and
Angelica came to my room, just to check on my progress.
“Cuz, if you need anything, let me know. I brought the laptop and some paperwork that I will get done for you while you are here. Focus on your mate and pup right now,” Jack told Greg
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Chapter Sixty–Eight
and he nodded his head. They all left after a couple of minutes. Andrew and Deidre finally
showed up and Deidre was a blubbering mess, crying that I was in labor.
“I cannot believe that she is on her way! My baby is going to be a father and we will be
grandparents! I cannot believe that the time is now!” she cried, tears running down her face.
Andrew took her to the waiting room to get her to calm down. After an hour, Dr. James came
back into the room.
“Luna, how are you feeling?” he asked.
“I am feeling ok, just tired,” I replied.
“Well, let’s check you and see if you have made any progress,” he said from the foot of the bed.
He sat down on the bed and checked my dilation. He jerked his head up, his eyes wide open. Luna, you went from seven to nine in an hour. We will be having a baby soon!” he exclaimed. Nurse, get everything set up and ready. The heir will be here soon!” The nurse went to work,
got my bed set up, and got a table ready for the delivery. I looked at Greg anxiously, knowing that our daughter would be here soon. He kissed my forehead and rubbed his thumb over the
top of my hand.
“It will be ok. We will be holding her soon and she will be well–loved not only by us but by our
family and friends.” My contractions were starting to get stronger; the potion must be starting
to wear off or they are getting stronger because the delivery is near.
“The time is near. I will take over with the pain, so you can focus on the delivery. We do not want you to be weak while pushing out this adorable baby girl. She told me that she is excited to finally come into the world to meet her family,” Winter told me and suddenly, the pain had
decreased sufficiently, making me focus more on what was going on.
“Greg, our daughter is going to be special. Winter told me that Piper told her that she was excited about seeing her family. Our daughter can talk to wolves, even in the womb.” He looked at me with shock on his face, not believing what I just told him.
Twenty minutes later, I had the urge to push. Dr. James checked me and he nodded his head. ” Luna, you are at ten, and I can feel her head right there. We are going to push your legs back and when I tell you, you will push, counting to ten.” Greg and mother each grabbed my legs and pushed them back. The doctor told me to push and I did. I heard both Greg and mother counting to ten for me. The pain was starting to be excruciating, and I was on the verge of
“Tovi, focus on the delivery, not the pain. I will take the pain away from you while you are
pushing.” Winter was encouraging me to push.
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Chapter Sixty–Eight
“That is it, Luna. I see her head. Just give me a small push while I guide her head out.” I did what he asked, feeling the pressure of her head coming out. “Ok, Luna, her head is out, and she has a head full of hair. Now, I need you to give me a couple of strong pushes and your baby girl will be here,” he instructed me. I took a deep breath and I gave a hard, strong push. ” Ok, one more push, and she will be here!” I was getting tired, but I couldn’t give up. I was
almost there. I pushed one more time and she was here! It took a minute, but then Piper filled the silence with her cries. I started to cry, Greg bent over, kissing me and looking at our
daughter. Dr. James placed her on my chest while the nurse tried to clean her up a bit. She is
beautiful. She has my chestnut hair with my facial features. She is going to be my mini–me. I
started to cry tears of joy. I have my daughter in my arms. For being early, she had a good set
of lungs on her, and she is huge for being early! I was kissing my daughter on top of her head,
letting her know that everything would be alright. Greg cut the umbilical cord, making her
mad! She was lying on my chest, already trying to lift her head. She is a strong pup already.
The nurse took her from me, to clean her up quickly and get her weight and length. Greg went
with her, just to make sure that Piper was being well taken care of.
“She is gorgeous! She looked like you when you were born! She is your twin,” mother exclaimed, excited about her new granddaughter.
Greg looked over at me and exclaimed, “She is twelve pounds, fourteen ounces, twenty–three
inches long! She is healthy and perfect!” Oh my Goddess! She is big for being a premie! Just
imagine if she was full–term. I don’t even want to think about that! OUCH!
“Luna, you have a little tearing, but everything looks good. The placenta came out whole and you had minimal blood loss. I say that you will heal up nicely by the end of the week.” That is
good news.
Greg carried our daughter back to me and placed her on my chest. She was hungry. I uncovered myself, and she latched on with no problems and started to nurse. She ate for about ten minutes and she was full. I burped her and covered myself back up and motioned my mother to come and hold her granddaughter. Mother took her from me, tears down her
“Tovi, she is perfect. You and Greg did a wonderful job! I cannot wait to spoil her with lots of
After an hour, the staff moved us to another private room, and my family and friends came in to see Piper. My sisters were going nuts over her, cooing, and saying how adorable she was. Both my brothers held her like proud uncles. Dad was crying when he held her, knowing what he missed with me when I was born. He will have a special bond with his granddaughter.
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Chapter Sixty–Eight
Andrew stood there adoring her and Deidre was a proud grandmother. Nana sat there and
talked to Piper, with her listening to her voice attentively. Jack and Jason fell in love with her,
promising to hurt anyone who made her cry, Angelica and Elizabeth were excited, and couldn’t
wait to dress her up in adorable outfits, and Moneo, being a big guy, was so gentle with her,
promising to protect her from all harm when she is not with me or Greg.
Finally, after an hour, everyone left to let us get some rest. Greg took her from me and placed
her in the bassinet. Then he crawled into bed with me, wrapping his arms around me, and
kissed me.
“We have a beautiful daughter. You did wonderful in the delivery room, and I am so proud of
you. She is going to be a special pup, so we will have to watch her closely.”
“Not too closely. We want her to have a normal childhood, remember?” I reminded him.
“Yeah, I know. She can have a normal childhood until the boys start chasing her. Then I am
locking her in her room and not letting her out until she finds her mate,” he growled. I smacked
him across his chest.
“Don’t be mean to our daughter. She cannot find her mate if she is locked in her room. Just don’t be so strict on her, but don’t spoil her too much that she becomes an entitled spoil brat.”
He nodded his head, lying his head on top of mine.
“Get some rest. You need it. You had a long night. I love you, and thank you for giving me a
beautiful and healthy baby girl.”
I snuggled up to him and I fell asleep.
Traci Cheeseman
Piper finally made her appearance, and she has already made an impact on the family. I cannot wait to see how she grows and turn into when she gets older! #Vote#