Chapter Sixty–Six
When I was ready for the baby shower, we all headed downstairs. There were already a bunch
of people in the common area with their gifts. I told them to go ahead and place them in the
tent that was set up. I walked into the tent and it was so adorable. Mother and Deidre
decorated the tent like the nursery, the woodland creatures. There was pink all over the place
and a big throne chair sitting at the end, with tables lined up around the tent and tables full of
food. They have done a wonderful job. I walked towards the front and Deidre motioned me to
sit in the chair. It was comfy and had extra support for my body. I could see people piling in,
placing their gifts on the gift tables next to me.
There were big bags and boxes of baby items. The pack has shown that this pup will be
well–loved and cared for. They have spoiled her rotten, and she has not arrived yet. I cannot
wait to open all these presents and see what everyone has gotten. There were even some that
were unwrapped, like a stroller and a couple of car seats.
Deidre came up to me and placed a mommy–to–be sash on me. I thought it was adorable. “Are you ready for this to begin?” Deidre asked me.
“Yes, I am. I am tired, and I want to take a nap. But I am happy to be here and celebrate with the pack. So, yes, let’s get this started.” The tent was almost full, with even more people on the outside. I don’t think that Deidre and mother got a big enough tent for this. But they had
planned games for everyone to play, plenty of food, and there were tons of presents to open. The shower went on for a few hours, well past dinner time. Luckily, Mrs. Cullens and her staff
made enough food for everyone, even past dinner.
I received lots and lots of adorable clothes, in all sorts of sizes, a lot of toys, and other baby items like baby bathtubs, wet wipe warmers, and even bottles. We are set for her. I even received a couple of homemade blankets for her. There were so many presents that I believe that they will fill up not only the nursery but also one of the bedrooms. I don’t know what I am going to do with all this, or if I am going to be able to use it all. I have enough diapers to last
until it is time to potty break Piper.
It was about eight when the shower was over. I was beyond exhausted and ready for bed. But I wanted to go to the pack hospital and make sure that Piper is ok and if she is fully developed. I told Greg that I was going to the hospital, to see Dr. James.
“Are you ok?” He asked.
“Yes, I am. I just want to make sure that our pup is growing and fully developed. Sienna told
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Chapter Sixty–Six
me that she would be here in the next few days. So, I just want to make sure that she is ok to
come early.”
“Why did Sienna tell you that? Is there something wrong?” He was starting to get concerned.
“No, she told me that because we are both from Alpha bloodlines, Alpha pups tend to come
early. So, I want to make sure that she is good before she makes her appearance,” I explained
to him what Sienna told me.
“Then I am coming with you. I want to be by your side.” We instructed the Omegas to place all
the presents in the conference room until tomorrow because it is late, and it would take them
all night to get everything put away. After instructing everyone on what to do, we walked to the
hospital, to see Dr. James.
We walked into the hospital and Dr. James was waiting for us. “Alpha, Luna, I understand your
concerns about the pup. Let’s look at her and see if everything is good.” We nodded our heads
and followed him to the ultrasound room. Since I was still wearing my sweater dress from the
shower, I had to pull my dress up to expose my tummy. The nurse covered my legs with a
blanket so I wouldn’t get a chill. Dr. James placed a warm gel on my bump and the wand on it.
“There she is and growing great. Her measurements are over what they are supposed to be,
but that is because both of you are from Alpha bloodlines. The heartbeat sounds strong and
wonderful. I am sorry, Alpha, but I need to check her to see if her cervix has started to soften
- up. That means I will have to touch her and I know you do not like that,” James explained,
with Greg growling a bit when he mentioned checking me.
“Babe,” I said calmly, placing my hand on his, “let Dr. James do his job. I just don’t feel right, and I want to make sure that everything is good before we go to bed. Just for my peace of mind.” He nodded his head. We went to an exam room after the gel was wiped off my belly. The nurse was in there, waiting for us. She handed me a gown and walked out of the room so I
could change. Greg sat down, sulking that another male was going to touch me, but it was for
a good reason, and Dr. James was completely professional.
“Quit your sulking, Deacon. This will only take a minute. I just want to make sure that our pup
is ok,” I said before Greg’s eyes turned black.
“I don’t like the idea of having another male touching my mate,” Deacon exclaimed, starting to
get agitated.
“I know that but it is nothing s****I. I need to make sure that everything is ok before we go to bed tonight. That means no s*x tonight, though. I have a feeling that our pup will be here sooner than expected,” I explained to Deacon. “Now, give me Greg back please.” Greg’s eyes
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Chapter Sixty–Six
turned back to their beautiful dark blue. “Deacon is not happy, but he will get over it. I am sorry baby.” Greg got up from his seat and walked over to me, kissing me.
“I understand. But you are just overreacting to this. We will do this so you can get some sleep tonight.” He held me until we heard a knock on the door and the doctor and nurse walked in.
“Are you ready for this?” he asked. I nodded my head. “Ok, let’s get this over quickly so you can get some rest. The nurse will also draw some blood when I am done so we can make sure your bloodwork is normal. Please, lay down and scoot your butt to the edge.” I did what he asked me, with Greg holding my hand. “You will feel me touch you and I will quickly check your cervix.” I felt him insert a couple of fingers and quickly checked me. His eyes got big. ” Luna, you are dilated at a three! That cannot be. You are not due for another eight weeks. Have you had any contractions?” He asked while he helped me sit up.
“No, I have been feeling good. Tired, but good.” I answered him.
“I want you to go home and get some rest. I am placing you on bed rest. No walking around and no heavy lifting. You can still do your Luna duties, but it will be from your bed or couch. Sorry, Alpha, but no s*x until we hit the safe date. If you start having any contractions, get your butt here as fast as you can. I have a feeling that you will have a fast labor.” He bowed his
head and walked out of the room. The nurse drew some blood for the lab and told us that we
could go home. I got dressed quickly and Greg scooped me up, made me screech, and carried me back to our suite. He sat me down on the couch, placed a couple of pillows behind me, and covered me with a blanket. Mother and dad were watching TV when we walked in.
“How did it go with the doctor?” mother asked.
“I am on bed rest until my due date. I have dilated to three already.” Mother and dad both dropped their jaws, not believing that their grandchild would be here sooner than expected.
“Pete, I am not going home until my grandchild is here. I want to stay here and help Tovi out until Piper makes her appearance,” mother ordered dad and I know that he will let her have her
“It’s ok, my love. Our daughter needs you right now. I will have Damien and Jeff’s wives take
over the Luna duties while you are here. They will understand.” He kissed her on the forehead,
understanding that I needed her right now.
“Dad, you might need to stick around for a few days, please. I don’t want you to miss your granddaughter’s birth,” I asked dad, hoping he would say yes.
He sighed and looked at me. “Ok, I will stay for three days. If she isn’t here by then, I have to get back to the pack. I still have to finalize a few things before the attack happens.”
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Chapter Sixty–Six
“Thank you, dad, and I understand. We have been prepared for this for four months now. The stress of it is starting to get to us. I cannot wait until it is over, and I can focus on the war.” He nodded, and he went to make a couple of phone calls. Greg came back with a bowl of fruit, a small dish of fruit dip, and orange juice for me to snack on. He lifted my feet and placed them in his lap. He started to massage them and it felt good. They have been hurting because of the pregnancy. I ate my fruit and drank my juice, and I was ready for bed. I let Winter out. It has become a habit so she can protect me while I am sleeping. I asked Greg to help me to bed. He scooped me up and carried me to our bed. He gently placed me on the bed and went into the closet to get my pajamas. He helped me change into one of his T–shirts and a pair of my pajama bottoms. I laid down in bed, and he covered me up. He walked into the closet and that was the last thing I remember as I rolled over.