Chapter Fifty–Seven
Tovi’s POV
With the help of Angelica, Sloane, Georgia, and Deidre, we were able to plan a kid’s day within a week. Luckily, there was someone in the pack who owned a bouncy house business and
allowed us to have them this weekend for free. Some of the members volunteered to help with
the games and face painting. There were a few that were selling baked goods. Mrs. Cullens
and the Omegas were thrilled to help out with the food, and we came up with burgers, hot dogs, brats, grilled chicken, potato, macaroni, and pasta salads, baked beans, chips, and ice
cream for dessert.
We had all sorts of prizes for the games, from stuffed animals to gift cards to a whole day to
hang out with Greg and me for the kids, and for the parents, there were gift cards to some of
the restaurants and shops on the packland to five hundred dollars cash. The witches even got
involved and were having a magic show for the kids.
The day of the kid’s day and I am glad that we did it on the training grounds. It was packed, it
was like all the members came out to have fun. We had four face painters and there were long
lines for those. We set up the stage for the band to play. The witches were a huge hit with all
the kids. They ended up doing four shows because of their popularity. There were a lot of
happy kids and parents, and we made sure that every child went home with something; a gift
bag with candy, stickers, a coloring book, crayons, and bubbles. Mrs. Cullens and her crew
were amazing and hit off with the food, making sure that there was enough for everyone to
have seconds. She even had several Omegas deliver food to the elderly who couldn’t make it
to the kid’s day. We wanted to make sure that everyone was included. Greg even shortened the
patrols sooner, so the warriors could go with their families and get to have fun.
By the end of the day, we had a lot of happy and worn–out kids and parents who were happy
that they were able to have fun with their children and forget the forthcoming attack. I had a lot of parents come up to me, telling me that this was the best idea and hoping that we could
do it again next year. I believe that we have started a new tradition. It has brought life into the
pack and lots of smiles. At the end of the day, after all the kids left, we had a dance for the
teens and adults, continuing the fun late into the night. I am so happy that Greg gave me the
ok and planned this for everyone. Next year, we will make sure that all the elderly will be able
to come and enjoy the fun too.
When we finally got to our suite, I was tired and worn out. My feet were hurting, and I was ready for bed. We went into our room and I went into the closet to get my pajamas on. I
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walked out and Greg was already in bed, sitting up and waiting for me. I crawled into bed and
cuddled up to him.
“Today was amazing. There was a huge turnout and everyone had a lot of fun. It lifted everyone’s spirits, and they all enjoyed being out with their family and friends because this might be the last chance that they have with them.”
“Thank you for allowing me to throw it and the girls and I had fun planning it. I would like to do this every year, for everyone to have fun. I cannot wait until next year when we get to take our
pup to it.”
“You know what, it is a good idea to have this every year. It was fun and it brought the pack together. This would remind everyone that our home is worth fighting for. Thank you for asking to do this,” he said, kissing me deeply. He moved his hand to my stomach and as soon as his hand stopped, the baby kicked his hand hard. We looked at each other and gasped. Greg jumped up and placed both his hands on the sides of my bump.
“Ok, sweetheart, can you kick daddy’s hand again?” he whispered into my stomach. She kicked again, making his hand jump. We started to chuckle.
“She is going to be a strong pup. She almost kicked your hand off my stomach,” laughing at Greg when she did it again. That time it really hurt. “Ow! Don’t hurt mommy little one!” Then the pup got into a kicking frenzy, even after Greg removed his hands. “She is going to be a handful when she comes,” I explained to Greg. He kissed my stomach and crawled up the bed, lying down, pulling me up to him.
“She will be a wonderful wolf. We already know what she is going to be when she is older by Sienna. I just want her to be healthy, strong, and happy. We will give her as much of a normal childhood as possible so that way she is well–adjusted and does not hold grudges against us. But we will have her train with the witches so she can have control of her powers and how to use them correctly,” this shows me that he will be a great father to our pup. I kissed him and
cuddled up to his chest, immediately falling asleep.
Like clockwork, I had to get up at two in the morning to use the bathroom. I swear this child loves to lie on my bladder and make me have to pee more at night. I went to use the bathroom and when I was done, I turned the light off and walked up to the balcony window, with a full moon outside. I can see the entire backyard and training grounds. As I looked over the yard, I saw several rogues running across the yard. I freaked out. I went out on the balcony and, with my ability, I placed a force shield around them, linking Greg and the warriors around the packhouse. Greg got up and ran out onto the balcony. I held them there until the warriors surrounded them and I dropped the force shield around them. They were cuffed and taken to
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the cells.
“Thank goodness you saw them and caught them when you did. I am going down and take
care of them. I hope that they are not with Paul and trying to find a refuge, a place to call
home. Hopefully, I won’t be long.” He kissed me and went to get dressed.
“Take Sienna with you. She can read minds. Let her see if they are with Paul and this is a
setup or if they are looking for a safe place,” I told him, placing my arms around his waist and
hugging him. He nodded his head and walked out the door. For some reason, I have a bad
feeling about this. I shut the door and locked it. I linked Travis, seeing he could place some
warriors on the balcony. He agreed and sent a couple into the suite, knocking on the bedroom
door. Just as I opened the bedroom door to let them in, someone came crashing through the
balcony door, trying to shoot darts at me. I used a force shield and knocked the darts out of
the air and then held the perpetrators that broke into my room. The two warriors surrounded
them and I let one go at a time so that they could handcuff them. I linked Greg and told him
what happened and as soon as I told him through our link, the whole pack heard him howl and
Deacon was in our room within minutes.
“Have you been hurt, my love?” he asked, rubbing up against me.
“No, baby. The baby and I are fine. I used my forcefield to protect myself and the warriors and
held them in place. I know that either Shelia or Paul sent them to harm me. But do not take it
out on the warriors. They got here to protect me as these assholes broke through our balcony
door.” I ran my fingers through Deacon’s fur. “I am upset now because I won’t be able to sleep
in our bed, as it has been getting cooler out, that fall is right around the corner. We will have to
sleep in one of the other guest rooms.”
“I will have the balcony door replaced first thing in the morning. Go lie down and get some
sleep. I will be in bed in a while,” Greg told me, while Deacon licked me on the side of my face
and ran out of our room through the balcony door.
Travis and Henry came into our room after the attackers were taken out of the room. “Luna,
are you ok?” Henry walked in, making sure I was unharmed.
“I am fine, Henry. Thank you for asking.” I told him.
“I have Omegas corning up to clean up the mess as we speak, and we have a door in storage
to replace the one that was broken. The repairmen will bring it up in an hour, and you should
be able to speak in your bed,”
“Thank goodness. Is Georgia awake and if she is, could you have her come up and keep me
company until the door is repaired and Greg comes back from the prison? Angelica is already
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on her way and I would enjoy the company until I have calmed down.”
Henry nodded his head at me and his eyes glazed over. “She is on her way and will be here in
a few minutes. Moneo said that Angelica was running up here.” I miss my best friend and I
miss hanging out with her and Georgia.
Angelica ran through the doors of the suite, tears running down her face. She ran and hugged me, “Thank Goddess you and the baby are ok! When Moneo told me about some wolves breaking into your room and trying to attack you, I freaked out! I don’t know what I would do without my best friend if something had happened to you!” I hugged her back, trying not to cry
with her.
“I am ok, Angelica. I stopped the attack as soon as they came crashing through the door. I am just worn out from using my powers and I just want to hang out with you and Georgia until Greg comes back.”
“Sounds good. Does Nana have any more cookies hidden in the kitchen? I could make us
some hot chocolate, and we could watch some movies.”
“Yes, Nana has cookies hidden in the kitchen and no, you cannot have them,” Nana scolded Angelica as she walked into the living room. “I will make a fresh batch for all of you. Go sit down, and I will have fresh cookies and hot chocolate for all of you in an hour.” She started to get all of her ingredients out, to make some fresh cookies. I am so happy that she decided to stay here with us. Georgia came into the suite, ran up to me, and hugged me.
“Are you ok? Henry told me what happened, and he asked for me to come up here.” She had fear in her eyes and concern on her face, squeezing my hands.
“I am fine. I will have Greg link the pack and let everyone know that the pup and I are ok,” I assured her. “Now, let’s go watch a movie and wait for Nana’s cookies.” All three of us went into the living room to watch movies while Nana made her cookies and waited for my love to
come back.