Chapter Thirty–Four
Training went great with Meghan and her brother, Mark. Micah and Mason are both still healing from the injuries that I gave them a few days ago. My mother and Nana were
extremely impressed with my progress and my mother even trained with me and Angelica. We went and took showers and met up in the dining room for breakfast. We quickly ate and then
the eight of us loaded up in two SUVS and went to Clara’s shop.
Clara had a wide variety of dresses, so it would be hard to find the perfect one.
“Good morning, Luna, and ladies. Are we ready to find the perfect dress for the ceremony
today?” Clara chirped, being very cheerful this morning.
“Yes, we are, Clara. Have you had a delightful selection for Luna here to pick out?” Deidre
asked her.
“Yes, I do. Luna, if you could please, follow my assistant, Molly, to the dressing room and she
can help you with the dresses.”
I followed Molly to the dressing room, waiting to see what dresses Clara had picked out for me. I walked in and saw several dresses hanging there for me. Some were too frilly, and some
had too much lace. But, to humor Deidre and my mother, I will try them on.
The first one I tried on was a princess dress, with a huge tulle skirt and a lot of embellishments on the bodice. I didn’t like it too much. Then there was a mermaid dress that I couldn’t walk in. I fell over as soon as I took a step. Then a strapless with layered tulle skirting that was heavy and felt like my t**s were about to fall out. Another one was a high neckline with capped sleeves and ruffles up the side. Nope to that one. Then I finally tried on one shoulder with embellishments all over. It fit well and I could move in it. I showed everyone, but they were not very thrilled about it. Finally, I found the perfect one. A sweetheart runch bodice A–lined dress that was off the shoulder and had jeweled straps. I love it. It fit well, and it went into a flowy skirt. I walked out and showed everyone, and they loved it. I found my dress. Clara had one that was dark blue, one of the pack colors, which was in my size. Perfect. I have shoes, and I have a pendant diamond necklace with matching earrings to go with it. Just need to figure out the makeup and hair and I will be set.
An hour and a half after we walked into the store, we walked out with my dress. I am going to hang in one of the bedrooms, so Greg doesn’t accidentally see it. We decided to do some more shopping and I bought some more workout clothes at the sports shop, got Chloe and Siobhan matching necklaces with me, got father and Greg their favorite whiskey, Nana got a new shawl
8 Point
Chapter Thirty–Four
to wear on the chilly evenings on the beach, got Deidre a dragonfly pendant since she loves them, and got Angelica a few hoodies that she was eyeing.
It was lunchtime when we got to the packhouse. One of the Omegas grabbed my bags and dress to take upstairs for me, the same with Deidre. We dropped Angelica off at her townhouse so she could put everything away, and then she would be at the packhouse. Mother, Nana, and the girls had everything loaded up in their SUV, so they put their stuff in that. We all ate lunch together, and then it was time for mother and the rest of them to head
home. I hugged all four of them as they loaded up into their SUV and drove off. I miss them
already, but I will see them in a few days.
I went up to the library, grabbed a book, and went up to the crow’s nest. I curled up in a blanket and began reading my book. I must have fallen asleep because Greg was gently shaking me, telling me it was time to get up. I looked at the time, and it was six in the evening. I marked
my spot, set the book down on the coffee table, and went downstairs.
“Sorry sweetheart, shopping must have worn me out,”
“It’s ok, sometimes you just have to take some time for yourself,” he said, kissing me on the forehead. There were beef tips and noodles at the buffet, along with some mashed potatoes. We talked to other members of the pack while we ate, laughing and having fun. Then we decided to have a movie night, and several other members joined us in the theater. It was a fun and relaxing morning.
Greg’s POV
It was great seeing Lillian and meeting Nana and Chloe. Siobhan looked like she was a
changed wolf, not acting like a spoiled brat like she was at Blood Stone. Zane’s punishment
must have forced her to change.
We went to bed early again, and I woke up before my alarm went off. I kissed her gently on the forehead and got out of bed. I went to training for a couple of hours and when I returned, I
found Tovi in the shower. I got the urge to jump in and join her, but I needed to get to the
company to deal with some business matters, and it would take me a couple of days to do it. I
will be back in time for the ceremony. I ordered some breakfast while I waited for her to finish.
She finally finished in the shower and came out of the bathroom with only a towel on, leftover
droplets of water running down her skin, giving her a beautiful glistening glow to her skin. I
walked up to her, gave her a deep, passionate kiss, and rested my forehead against hers.
“I ordered breakfast for us. It should be here in a few minutes.”
“Ok, I can feel some tenseness and nervousness in you. What’s up?”
Chapter Thirty–Four
“I must go into the city for a couple of days. I have some things to do there. I will be back
before the ceremony,” I mumbled, seeing the upset in her eyes.
“I understand, but a couple of days. Who will run the pack while you are gone? I am not ready
to take on such a big task yet.”
“You can do it, and my parents will be here to help. Don’t worry about the ceremony. Our
moms have it under control. Your mom will be coming back today, to help my mom to take
care of the final things.” I told her with confidence, kissing her forehead. I go and jump into th shower and get dressed in my suit. I saw that Tovi packed a small travel bag for me, making sure that I had everything while I was gone. The smell of food attacked my nose, and my
stomach growled. I went to the kitchen and Tovi was setting up our plates on the island so w
could eat.
“Thank you, baby. Jack and my security team will be going with me. Henry will be here to
watch you, and I am assigning another warrior to your security team, so Henry can take a break. I will introduce you to them after breakfast.” She gave me a side–eye, taking a bite out
of her fruit salad.
“Do you think that I couldn’t protect myself? I have been getting stronger and faster every day I can feel something building up in me, like some kind of power, but I don’t know how to use it yet.”
“I know that you are getting stronger and faster every day. But now, since all the couples are together to defeat the demons, I want you to be protected. I do not want anything to happen to you before war happens in a few years. And you will be leaving soon for your training for a month, and I don’t want you to go, but I understand that you must go.” I pulled her into my lap, kissing her cheek. “I have to go soon, but I will see you Thursday night.”
“Are you staying at a hotel in the city?”
“No, we have a penthouse there, just for this. It’s nice to have, so we don’t have to drive back late or in dangerous weather. All the pack members have access to it because some of them like to come to the city.” She liked the fact that I let the pack members use the penthouse for their use. It was time to go, so I kissed her and left with Moneo and Travis.