Chapter Thirty–Three
Tovi’s POV
It is the day that I find my dress for the Luna ceremony. I am nervous because I haven’t
dressed up. Well, I was not allowed to dress up for anything, only in a server’s outfit for
ceremonies and dances. This will be a new experience for me. My mother, Nana, Siobhan, and
Pete’s daughter, Chloe, came up from Ocean Bay to help pick out a dress. I was so happy to
see Nana when she stepped out of the SUV. Siobhan, I was apprehensive about it because of
the way she treated me at Blood Stone. Chloe is the spitting image of father and me; chestnut
auburn hair, green eyes, and the same nose, she is so adorable!
“Tovi! I finally get to meet my big sister!” Chloe screeched, running up to me, and hugging me.
“I’m Chloe by the way, your little sister.” I was thrilled that my little sister was accepting me
into the family, even though I was kept a secret from the pack. I hugged her back, and I
showed everyone their rooms for the night that were in our suite.
Siobhan stood at the back of the group, with a sad face. I knew she was upset. I waited until I
showed everyone their rooms before I could talk to Siobhan.
“Siobhan, are you ok?”
“No, I’m not ok. I treated you like s**t my whole life and I realized that it was completely wrong,
she said to me sadly. “I have lost everything, father, my home, my title, even my best friend in
the rogue attack. I have a second chance to change, and I am starting by apologizing to the
ones I hurt the most and that is you. I am so sorry, Tovi. You never deserved to be treated that
way. You are the kindest, sweetest person that I have met and the only reason I have treated
you like that is because of my father. Please forgive me.” She had tears running down her face
when she was done. She meant what she said. I hope that she does change for the best. I
pulled her into a hug.
“I forgive you, Siobhan. Let’s have this as a fresh start as a family,” I told her, with tears in my eyes. She broke down and started to cry.
“Thank you, Tovi. That means the world to me. Let me get settled, and we can talk about our lives in our new packs,” she sniffled.
“Let’s do that.”
“Oh, Nana brought you her chocolate chip cookies. It was hard to stay out of them during the two–hour drive here,” she laughed. I laughed with her.
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Chapter Thirty–Three
“You better stay out of them, or we will fight over them. Nah, I’ll share them with you.” I hugged her again and walked into the kitchen in the suite. I figured I would make everyone dinner, and
we could all relax.
“Babe, what are you doing?” Greg linked me.
“Waiting for everyone to come out of their rooms. I was thinking of making dinner tonight and having your parents come over,” I linked back.
“Sounds good, I’ll be up in a bit to give them a tour.”
“Ok, I will let them know. Love you.”
“Love you, too.”
Just as I cut the link, mother and Nana walked into the kitchen. Nana was holding a container.
“I brought you something, angel.”
“Nana, I already know what it is. You are the best!” I hugged her as she placed the container
on the island.
“What time are we going to the dress shop?” mother asked.
“We are going tomorrow morning, so that way you guys can get home before dark,” I answered her, hugging her again. “How are things at Ocean Bay?”
“Like I never left. Your brothers are excited about meeting you next week and all your siblings
are making sure that Siobhan is fitting in, including her with their friends and activities. She had her first surfing lesson yesterday.”
My jaw dropped. Siobhan is learning to surf. She never does anything that requires a workout. I am so jealous. Siobhan walked into the kitchen and sat at the island, stealing one of Nana’s
“So, you are learning how to surf. How is that going?”
“It is going. Right now, I am learning on the beach and, hopefully, next week after your ceremony, I can get into the water. Blade is teaching me.”
“That is cool. How are you having a good relationship with your stepsiblings?”
“We are getting along great. We are always hanging out, and I have beaten both Colton and Blade in a game of pool. Pete has a youth center where most of the kids hang out. It is so cool.” A youth center, which would be perfect for here, is a place for the kids to hang out.
Greg walked into the suite, with Sloane right behind him. He kissed me and hugged my
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Chapter Thirty–Three
mother and Nana.
“Everyone, this is my cousin, Sloane. Sloane, this is Tovi’s mom, Lillian; her Nana, Mary; and
her two sisters, Siobhan, and Chloe. And is that chocolate chip cookies I smell?” he said,
smelling the air.
“Nana brought her cookies, Greg. She has plenty for everyone here.” Siobhan answered. He
took one and bit into one. He started to groan.
“Damn, those are the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever had. Just don’t tell Mrs. Cullens.”
He put his finger up to his lips, and we all laughed.
“Come on everyone, I will give you a tour of the pack. I have two UTVs out front, so we don’t
have to walk all over the place.”
We all headed downstairs, loaded into the UTVs, and drove around for a couple of hours. Everyone was impressed with the pack, my mother especially. We stopped for some ice cream and then went back to the packhouse. We decided to hang out on the patio for a bit before it was time for me to make dinner. Both Siobhan and Chloe helped me, making chicken scampi with cheesy garlic bread and veggie soup.
“You two don’t need to help. I have this,” I told them both.
“No, we want to learn how to cook, and you are a damn good cook, Tovi, Siobhan replied. I was surprised that she said that. Normally, she would take a couple of bites and throw the rest away, saying that it was nasty. It was Paul’s influence that made her do that. We spent the next hour making dinner, making the homemade scampi sauce, grilling the chicken, cutting it, and making the noodles from scratch. The girls loved it, especially when they got to hang out with their big sister. Greg, my mother, Nana, Deidre, Andrew, and Sloane sat in the living room, talking while we made dinner. When we were done, everyone got their plate and sat down to eat. There was nothing left at the end of dinner.
We sat and watched a movie after dinner and the kitchen cleaned up. I was happy that I got to spend time with my family because, after my ceremony, I won’t be able to because of my training. We went to bed after the movie because we had to get up early in the morning. I have my training with Meghan and then go to the shop after breakfast.