Chapter Twenty–eight
Angelica and I spent the rest of the day walking around, talking to as many people as we
could, about what we could do to make life better here. Some wanted picnic areas to set up at,
a center for the teenagers to hang out at, some teens wanted a skate park, a memorial park
for lost loved ones, and a few wanted more housing, so the younger families could move out
of the townhouses and into their own homes. Everyone I spoke to was happy with the security
around the pack. I would like to check into that and see what our security is like and have a better understanding.
When we got back to my office, my feet were hurting. I should have worn more comfortable
shoes. I will keep a pair in here for things like that. There was a knock, and I yelled, come in.
Deidre walked in, with some magazines in her arms.
“Did you have a lovely afternoon, dear? I saw you out walking around, talking to the members.
That is good, dear. That will make them love you even more,” she smiled at me, placing the
magazines on the coffee table.
“It was fun. I got a feel for the members and what they would like to see around the pack.
Some wanted picnic areas, which I think would be a great idea, and some wanted more
housing for the younger families. Angelica has a list, and she is typing it up right now.”
“It was a great idea to do that. That shows that you care and want to improve the happiness
of everyone. I would start small and then go bigger as you go.” I agreed with her on that. I was
going to see if Greg knew of some great areas to set up with picnic tables and grills.
“Whenever you have time, go through these magazines, and see what you would like. I marked
a couple that I believe would look great on you, and that you would be happy with. I will see
you at dinner.” She hugged me and walked out the door.
“Luna,” Henry popped his head in, “how are you doing? Would you like something sent from
the kitchen?”
“Some fruit with cheese and crackers. Thank you, Henry.” He nodded his head and shut the
I sat down on the couch and went through the magazines Deidre brought. Some were ok and some were just atrocious! There were two that I liked and wondered if Clara had something similar in her shop.
Greg’s POV
I drove to the office with my security team, Moneo and Travis. I left Henry at home to watch
+8 Point:
Chapter Twenty–eight
Tovi, not knowing if Shelia and her friends would try to do something to her. Mom will be with her most of the day, she is one hell of a fighter herself. Tovi impressed me this morning when she told me that she broke Mason’s nose and four of his ribs. I made sure that he was ok
before I left. Honestly, I don’t have to worry about Tovi, especially when she takes on one of my best warriors and Deltas. I knew his pride would hurt for a while, but he was happy that his
Luna was strong, fast, and becoming a good fighter.
“Alpha, are we staying the night in the city?” Moneo asked me. I know that he would love to be
home tonight with Angelica, as would I with Tovi.
“I am going to try and get everything done today, so we can go home at four.”
He nodded his head and looked out the window. We keep a penthouse in the city for business
dealings that would run longer than a day. I will have to bring Tovi and Moneo’s mate with us
in a couple of weeks.
We reached the company and walked into the building. The receptionist, a witch–vampire
hybrid, welcomed us in the lobby. All three of us scanned our thumbs to enter through the security. We went to the top floor, where my office is. I said good morning to Christina, a werewolf–human hybrid. I sat down at my desk and Christina brought my coffee, the way I
liked it.
I went over the contracts that were sitting on my desk, approving them all. I just made over ten million dollars today. Then, I had a meeting with a couple of potential clients. It looked
I received a phone call when I got to my desk from Franco, my best tracker. He traces the rogues who attacked Blood Stone a couple of days ago back to the city, in an old apartment building. But there was no one there when he and my team went in to catch the rogues. It was like they disappeared. They are combing through the building, trying to find any hidden
“Ok, Franco, keep me updated on what you turn up,” I said, feeling frustrated. I hung up the phone and rubbed my face in frustration. Where the hell are these damn rogues? I looked at the clock and saw it was four o’clock. I linked Moneo and Travis, letting them know that it was time to go home. Travis met me at my office while Moneo got in the car. I could tell he was anxious to get home, as was I.
I had Moneo stop at the florist to get Tovi a dozen roses and some red wine. I figured we could celebrate the contracts I signed and spend some time with my beautiful mate. It took us two
hours to get home.
I walked into the packhouse, I could hear a commotion in the common area. I went to check it
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Chapter Twenty–eight
out, and I found Tovi playing Twister with the pups of the pack. It was so cute. She was all
twisted up with a couple of the pups, looking like she was about to fall. I cracked up laughing.
“Should I interrupt the party, or should I go eat alone?” All eyes were on me and all the pups
came running up to me.
“Alpha, come play with us!” a cute little blonde–haired she wolf asked me.
“Yes, please play with us!” another pup asked, pulling my hand to the mat.
“Hold on, you guys. Let me go up and change and I will come back down. Have you eaten yet?
“Not yet, babe,” Tovi said, coming up to me and kissing me. The pups started to howl “EW!”
and we cracked up laughing. “I asked Mrs. Cullens to make several pizzas for us. I am having
a sleepover for a bit for the single moms here in the pack, giving them a much–deserved break.
She is a damn good Luna already, looking out for the well–being of our members.
“Go change, and then I’ll put a movie on. The Omegas are setting up one of the conference
rooms for a sleepover.”
“Ok, I will be right back. And these are for you.” I handed her a dozen roses. She took them and
smelled them.
“These smell so good, as good as you, babe. Could you take them upstairs for me please and
put them in some water.”
I nodded my head and went up to change. When I came back half an hour later, pizzas were
spread out and there were some messy pups. Tovi was having fun, laughing, and joking with
the pups.
We had some popcorn made, along with some juice boxes for the kids. Tovi got them all
settled, and I put on Toy Story for them to watch. I saw Angelica and Moneo slip in to watch
the pups with us. There were a total of ten pups watching the movie and four adults. I am so
happy that Tovi arranged this. It is a clever way to get close to our members and help the ones
who are too proud to ask for help.
The pups were having fun, enjoying the movie and snacks. Eventually, they began to pass out, one by one. One of the pups, an adorable little girl named Clarissa, snuggled up to me and fell asleep. Her dad was killed when he was in another pack, helping protect them. I did not know
that her mom, Merida, was struggling. I will make a mental note to make sure that all these
moms get the help that is much needed.
After an hour, every pup was asleep. I looked at Tovi and nodded towards the door. Angelica and Moneo will watch the pups until we get back. We snuck out of the conference room, and I
+8 Point:
Chapter Twenty–eight
put my arms around her and gave her a passionate kiss.
“This was an amazing idea! You are the greatest! How did you come up with the idea?” I
asked her.
“I walked around the pack today and talked to our members. Some of them were concerned
about some of the families, so I came up with the idea of having a sleepover here. Some
moms were against the idea, and others were grateful and appreciative that I was willing to
watch their pups so they could have some time to themselves. I wanted to reach out to our
members, find a way to keep them happy, to unite the pack better,” she replied. I am falling in
love with this woman. She is so amazing!
“That is a wonderful idea. Let me know what else you come up with, and I will make sure that
you have the funds to make it happen.”
“I have a list made. Some could be done right away, and others will take some time to get
done. I wanted to prove to you and the pack that I could be the best Luna around.”
I kissed her again, putting my forehead against hers. “You have already proved that you are the best Luna around. But let’s get back to the pups and get some sleep. You lost your spot next to me tonight. Clarissa stole that spot.” We both giggled and went back into the
conference room.