Chapter 159 She’s Innocent
“You can blame me for everything. I accept full responsibility. Tracy’s innocent; she has done nothing wrong.”
said Brian coldly.
The words amused Rachel.
He defended Tracy as innocent, though she had consistently interfered in their relationship, causing turmoil and ultimately their separation. Still, he insisted on her innocence.
At that point, Rachel felt no urge to justify herself further.
“Since you’re still standing up for her, I doubt anything I say will change your mind.”
“Rachel,” Brian whispered her name tenderly. “You’ve always been a gentle, kind presence in my life. Tracy
shares those qualities. Please, don’t treat her harshly.”
“Understood, Mr. White,” Rachel responded, her tone detached and cold.
The rift between them deepened.
Rachel then turned to Yvonne and asked, “Shall we get back to our game?”
Yvonne agreed, handing the deck to Rachel.
Guided by her instincts, Rachel partially revealed the deck. Yvonne then tucked the rest beneath and started
She dealt to herself first, then to Norton, followed by Rachel, and finally to Eric.
The game proceeded with caution from all players, everyone guarding their cards closely.
Eric eventually broke the silence, revealing his hand first.
He laid down a “9“, an average card.
Norton was next, revealing his card–a “10“.
It was just enough to edge out Eric’s hand, sparing Norton from defeat in this round.
Next up was Brian’s turn, and he too pulled a “10,” mirroring Norton’s draw.
Yvonne watched the two of them, noticing not only their matching cards but also their shared knack for
On the other hand, Eric was a model of integrity and decency. Surprisingly, despite his qualities, he stayed single, with no casual dates or hidden romances.
Yvonne then shifted her attention to Tracy. “It’s your turn.”
Gaining courage from Brian’s earlier reassurance, Tracy sat up straighter and said confidently, “Since you were
Chapter 159 She’s Innocent
the winner last round, perhaps you should show your hand first.”
“The winner gets to dictate the order, right? You go first.”
Feeling the pressure of the moment, a chill ran down Tracy’s spine, and her anxiety was clear. Her worry stemmed from the embarrassingly low number on her card.
She had been dreading this moment ever since she drew the card, growing more nervous by the minute. This concern caused her to delay showing her card.
Reluctantly, Tracy looked to Brian for an out. “Brian, perhaps Rachel should show her hand first? I’m curious
about her hand.”
Rachel’s patience with Tracy wore thin.
Without hesitation, she flipped her card over.
To everyone’s surprise, it was only a “3“.
Usually fortunate in the game, Rachel had always drawn high numbers until now. This turn of bad luck was a
Tracy, on the other hand, felt a surge of relief.
Seeing that Rachel’s low number matched her own, she confidently showed her card.
“What do you know, Rachel? We’ve drawn the same number.”
Yvonne chimed in, unable to resist a comment, “Typical of my luck!”
Her statement captured everyone’s attention.
The game was nearing its end, with most cards now turned face–up. The lowest cards, threes, were held by Rachel and Tracy, while the tens belonged to Brian and Norton.
It was Yvonne’s turn to show her hand. At this point, she didn’t hesitate. With a decisive flick, she turned over her card. A Queen lay face up on the table.
Yvonne won.
Tracy’s face turned pale, her hands clenching tightly.
With a grin, Yvonne said, “It’s settled. I’ve won, and Tracy Haynes, you’re still coming up short.”
Trying to mask her disappointment, Tracy replied with a strained smile, “Well, if I’m the loser, Rachel’s right there with me. That’s only fair.”
Yvonne and Rachel echoed each other, perfectly aligned.
Tracy felt somewhat comforted by the thought that she wouldn’t be the only one facing consequences.
She assumed Yvonne would go easy on Rachel. But Tracy had misjudged the situation.
Yvonne’s next move was to ask probing, personal questions.
Focusing on Tracy, Yvonne asked further, “Let’s continue with you. Tell us about your first time. How did it go?”
Chapter 159 She’s Innocent
The question caught everyone off guard, including Rachel.
Rachel hadn’t expected Yvonne to defend her to such an extent.
Norton’s look towards Yvonne was piercing, filled with disapproval.
But Tracy, caught off guard, instinctively reached for her glass.
Yvonne quickly warned, “Remember, Tracy, this time it’s five glasses, not four. Are you ready for that?”
“Yes, I’m sure.”
Yvonne’s question was a clever trap.
Tracy realized responding could only worsen her situation. Her only viable choice was to endure the
“Let’s just get this over with.”
At that moment, Brian’s familiar tone broke through as he relieved her of the glass. He bravely gulped down all five glasses in a single series of swallows.
The color drained from his face as the effects of the total fourteen glasses of liquor he had consumed began to
hit him.
Despite their small size, the glasses added up to more than his limits.
With a fierce look, Tracy turned to Yvonne, saying, “It’s Rachel’s turn now!”
Acknowledging her, Yvonne turned towards Rachel and posed her question. “Truth it is. Is our friendship for
“Without a doubt,” Rachel responded confidently.
A delighted smile spread across Yvonne’s face.
Meanwhile, Tracy stood in disbelief. This was an obvious setup. Why was the question for Rachel so simple, while she was singled out for a more difficult one?
Yvonne could already tell what Tracy was thinking and interrupted, saying, “Remember, the winner sets the rules. Beat me, and you can make your own demands. Then, ask whatever you want, and I’ll answer honestly.”
That was enough to spark Tracy’s competitive spirit. Her desire to outdo Yvonne surged within her.
Yvonne took the chance to ask, “Well then, will you keep playing?”