90 Prophecy
Rosalyn POV
Beck leads us through the pack house toward the back entrance. Mindy and Barrett will be joining us to find out just who was behind the attack. My mind is still whirling after everything Mindy just told us. I still can’t believe that Zora is a guardian wolf or that our pup will be a red
wolf. I never even knew red wolves existed. We learn as pups about blessed wolves, but never
did I think I would be anything more than an average wolf.
Zora growls, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. “I told you that you were special the moment
I was awakened in you. Even if you weren’t a guardian, you are special my Rose.” Before she
can say more, the door that leads to the dungeon opens, and we follow the stairs that lead
directly to the cells. “You should just kill me because I’m not telling you pack p**sies sh*t,” a masculine voice yells from down the hallway.
As we approach I’m shocked to see he is more of a boy than a man. He can’t be more than
eighteen. He looks like he’s malnourished. When his eyes meet mine he smirks. “Not even a pretty lady will get me to talk, but I won’t stop you if you want to suck.” A powerful growl stops his words and fear flashes in his eyes as he backs away from the bars.
“I will rip your f**king throat out if you speak to my Luna like that again. You’ll get your f**king wish of death,” Beck says. I lay my hand on his arm trying to calm him before I look back at the young man. Something flickers in his eyes before he speaks again. “I’m as good as dead for getting caught. Better you kill me than that evil pr*ck. At least my death will be quick,” he
“How old are you?” My question seems to take everyone off guard. “Why do you care? I came here with those sent to kill your pup. Just kill me and be done with it,” he says. “Why would you want to hurt a defenseless pup?” Something deep inside me believes that him being involved in today’s attack was not by his own choice, but I need to figure out if I’m right or not.
Regret flashes in his eyes before his face hardens again. “Even if I wanted to tell you, I couldn’t” he says. “He’s telling the truth Rose. There was a magical veil placed over him. He can’t speak about who sent him or anything that happened before he arrived here today,” Zora says. “That’s great. Now how the hell do we find out who tried to hurt Lily?”
“Rose, I want you to focus your energy on looking past what he’s saying” Zora says. “Is this going to make me pass out again? I don’t want to see Beck upset if we pass out.” “No, this won’t take that much energy. You’ll be able to see his aura. If his aura is white, we can break the veil that is keeping him from speaking.”
+10 Point
90 Prophecy
I do as she says, and it doesn’t take long for his body to glow white, but it’s covered by a blue haze. “Now picture the veil crumbling to the ground” she says. “Goddess this is all so weird.” “I know, but you’ll get used to it. She chose you because she saw your strength.” I do as she says and watch as the haze falls to the ground before it disappears. “What the hell did you just do” the rogue asks. “I freed you of the spell that was binding you. Now tell me your name and how old you are.”
He hesitates at first but finally answers. “My name is Liam Morter and I turned eighteen two months ago.” “Tell me who sent you and why they wanted you to hurt my daughter.” “Honestly, I don’t know who is behind sending us. All I know is that one night not long after my birthday. there was an attack on the rogue camp I grew up in. Men that I knew weren’t wolves captured most of us. My sister, my mother, and I were placed in cells.”
“A man that was clearly Elven came to the cells the night we were captured. I had never met one, but his ears were a dead give away. He separated the men from the women and children. We were told that if we didn’t want every one of the women and children slaughtered we would follow the orders of his lord. That’s when we were told that we were to attack this pack and kill the Alpha pup. If we failed then our family would be killed. The same prick stood in front of all of us and said some mumbo jumbo that wouldn’t let us tell anyone why we attacked,” he says.
“Honestly, I think they hoped you would kill us all, no questions asked. As long as the pup died, we were no longer needed. From what I gathered, they wanted it to look like a random rogue attack so no one would suspect the Elven were involved. Hell, I wouldn’t doubt they’ve already killed our families.” The pain and sadness in his words are almost palpable. “I’m sorry for all that you’ve been through.”
His eyes meet mine and I can see he is shocked to hear my apology. “Why would you apologize to me? I came here with those that were meant to kill your pup? I may not have shot
the arrows, but I was here with them.” “There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do to protect the people
love Liam. I’m not saying that I’m not angry that you were here to do such a horrible thing, but I do understand why. I wish I could offer you a way to know that your mother and sister
survived, but I can’t. If you return, you’ll be killed. What I can offer you is a chance to punish
those that were involved.”
I look at Beck and he nods at me. “We will offer you and the other rogues that survived, depending on their aura, a place in this pack. When the time comes to deal with the ba**ards
that want to harm my daughter, we will give you the opportunity to have your revenge.“Not that I’m not grateful, but why would you do that? Why not just kill us and be done with it,” he
“That would make us no better than the ba**ards who tried to hurt my pup. You have a choice
+10 Point
90 Prophecy
to make. What will it be?” “I would like the opportunity to join the pack and make those pr*cks pay for taking my family from me” he says. Mindy has been quiet, but I noticed her eyes when he was speaking about the man being Elven. She knows something. The question is whether she will be able to tell us exactly what she knows or if the goddess will have her keep more secrets.
I trust the goddess. I just pray that whatever is coming I’m ready for it. I not only have to protect Lily but our other pups. I know I’m not alone, but what we are facing isn’t a simple enemy. I really need Mindy to finish telling us about this damn prophecy. After we get everything situated with Liam and the other two men whose auras were also white, we head. back to our living room.
“Tell me about the prophecy,” I say, more demanding than I mean to be. My body is on edge after everything we learned from Liam. “The prophecy is of a red wolf born of an omega and Alpha. She will be stronger than any red wolf that came before her. She will have powers that rival those of the goddess herself.”
She pauses a moment before looking at Beck, knowing whatever she is about to say next is
going to upset him. “She will be betrayed by one that is meant to protect and love her.” Beck
growls and is out of his seat starting to pace. “Beck, I know this is hard, but we need to hear it
all so we can be prepared.” He retakes his seat next to me and Mindy continues. “Many will try
to covet her, but her one true mate will only take his rightful place with her by his side.”
“How are we supposed to protect her from the pain of this betrayal,” Beck asks. Mindy gives
him a sad smile. “You’re not.” She looks at me and I realize that, despite the pain I had to endure, I wouldn’t change anything that led me to where I am right now. As much as I hate the
thought of Lily suffering a moment’s pain, I have to believe she will survive just like I did and
be stronger because of it. She will find the man that is meant to be her other half.
“As hard as it will be, you can’t interfere despite what you know. If you do, she will never fulfill
the prophecy or her destiny. She will be in for a lifetime of pain if she ends up with the wrong
mate. You need to remember that the sadness won’t last, and she will end up right where she
belongs, just like Rosalyn did. Until then, you, I, and Barrett will put a protection spell on the pack. The Elven pr*ck won’t be able to detect her and will think his plan was a success,” Mindy