67 Please Stay
Rosalyn POV
Once we’re in the hallway, I scoop Lily up in my arms. I’ve missed her even though it’s only been a few days. “So you had fun with Nana, Papa, Sam, and Colton while daddy and I were away?” “Lots of fun. Auntie Sam played dolls with me. Colton and I played tag in the big yard. Nana and Papa made cupcakes that looked like bears. They said they were Lily bears” she says with a giggle.
When we reach our floor, Lily runs to the room that we gave to Colton. I step inside and smile. He and Sam are watching Moana. “I take it you got your rooms situated the way you want them while your here.““My room is perfect” she says, but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes. Before I can find out what’s going on with my sister, my mother steps into the room.
“I didn’t know we were having a party in here. Why wasn’t I invited,” she says with a pout. “Nana, this isn’t a party” Lily says with a giggle. “I feel better than, because I would be upset if my favorite pups didn’t invite me to their party.” “Lily, do you want to watch a movie for a few minutes while mommy talks to Nana. Then we can take Colton and Sam to get a snack.”
She wiggles out of my arms without a word and sits on the floor next to Colton. I lead my mom out of the room and into a small office. “What’s wrong, Rosalyn” she asks, her voice laced with concern. “Everything’s good mom. It may take sometime, but I feel like the pack wil learn to trust Beck again. I’m also hopeful that Jayden will find a way to forgive Beck. So, overall, I think things are going better than we expected.”
“Then what’s bothering you, and before you say anything, remember I’m your mother. I know when something is weighing on your mind.” I smile knowing she’s right. “Honestly, it’s about you and Charlie.” “About us. What about us?” “I know I shouldn’t pressure you, but I would really like you, Charlie, Sam, and Colton to live here.”
“I know I’m grown, and I have my own mate and pup now, but the thought of you being hours away sucks. I want you here when I have a newborn. Here to help me be the best mom I can t Lily and any other pups I have.” I notice tears in the corner of her eyes and I feel terrible. I shouldn’t have said anything.
“I’m sorry if I’m being selfish. It’s not about what I want anymore. If you and Charlie want to stay in the human city, then we will just visit you guys all the time. I want you to be happy. You deserve to be happy after everything that happened.’She closes the distance between us and pulls me into a tight hug.
“Breathe, baby girl. I’m not upset that you want me to stay here with you. I’m crying because
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Charlie and I talked about moving here with the pups, but I didn’t want to assume you wanted us here. You’re mated now with a pup of your own. I’m so happy, I didn’t know,” she starts to say, but I cut her off.
“Mom, I love you. I love Charlie. Despite not knowing Sam and Colton long, I love them and
want to get to know them. Emmett and I both want you, Charlie, and the pups here. You are our family!” She pulls back, and fresh tears stain her cheeks. “I guess its settled then. We will be joining the Blue Crescent pack” she says.
“I can’t wait to tell Emmett and Stacey. She is really looking forward to spending time with you now that everything is settling down. What will happen to the bakery?““Charlie has already talked to his aunt. She is tired of retirement and with Holly gone she wants to return to the
bakery,” she says.
A knock sounds on the door and Charlie pokes his head in. “I’m going to assume those are happy tears since I can feel your happiness through our bond,” he says, as he wraps his arm
around my mom’s waist. “Rose wants us to join the pack. So it looks like we will be moving
here.” “I had no doubt, beautiful. I have already made arrangements for the house to be put on
the market. I’ll talk to Beck about getting the house packed up and our things brought here,”
Charlie says.
My mom smiles and presses a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you, my love. I guess we better go let
Sam and Colton know” my mom says. “Mom, is Sam alright? She smiled at me earlier, but it
seemed forced.” “She hasn’t said anything. Let’s go let them know about the move. Maybe we
can figure out what’s bothering her,” mom says.
When we walk back toward Colton’s room, the door is cracked enough that we can see Lily is
sitting on Sam’s lap, and she is playing with Lily’s hair. “Auntie Sam, are you going to live here with us,” Lily asks. There is a long pause before Sam finally answers. “I’m not really sure, Lily.
It’s up to Nana and Papa. They are Colton and my mom and dad now. I’ll tell you a secret
though. I hope we do. I want to see you and your mommy every day. Colton and I want to
spend time with you, Uncle Emmett, and your mommy,” she says.
I fight back the tears that threaten to fall again, hearing my sister say she wants to stay here
with us. I knock pressing the door open. When Sam looks back at me she looks panicked. She
sets Lily on the floor and scrambles to her feet. “Rose, what’s wrong” she asks as pulls me in
for a hug. “You want to stay here with me?”
Her hold on me tightens when she realizes that mom and Charlie heard what she just said.
Her eyes meet my mom’s and the same sadness from earlier is there. “I’m sorry. We are so
thankful to have you and Charlie to love and take care of us. I just wish we could all be together,” she says. My mom steps closer to us and brushes a stray strand of hair off her face.
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“You never have to apologize for telling us what you want, Samantha. I’m never going to be upset or angry because you want to spend time with your sister, Lily, or Emmett. They are your family. They are our family and that’s why we will be moving here to be with them.” Sam blinks a few times before a genuine smile spreads across her face.
“We are going to live here, all of us” she says. “Yep, I’m sure mom and Charlie will want to stay in one of the family homes, but we will get to see each other every day.She releases her hold on me and wraps her arms around my mother’s waist. “Thank you” she whispers. “Mommy can we have a snack now,” Lily asks, and I can’t help but chuckle.
“Absolutely” I say, offering her my hand. “Colton, are you ready to go get a snack?““Can we have icecream” he asks. “I think fruit for now and maybe icecream after dinner.”I can see the disappointment in his eyes, but he nods his agreement. Sam, Colton, Lily, and I head down to the pack kitchen. There are a few women bustling about, I’m sure, preparing, dinner. When one notices us, she immediately rushes toward us.
“Luna” she says while bowing. “There is no need to bow. I am not that type of Luna. What’s your name?” She looks shocked by my question. “Bridgette” she says, keeping her eyes cast
down. “Bridgette, I can only imagine what it was like to be an omega while the last two Alphas were in charge, but that is not how things will be now. I appreciate your respect, but I do not
expect you to stare at the floor when you speak to me.”
After a few seconds, she looks up with a soft smile on her face. “What can I help you with Luna?” “I was wondering if you could point me in the direction of the peanut butter. I wanted t get Lily, Samantha, and Colton a snack.” “Luna, I am more than happy to get that for you. You
shouldn’t be,” she starts to say, but I cut her off.
“Bridgette, you are busy preparing the dinner meal. I do not expect you to stop what you are doing to wait on me when I am perfectly capable. Now just point me in the right direction, and we will get out of your hair!” “Of course, Luna” she says. She leads me over to a large pantry and to a refrigerator that is for fresh fruit only. I wash and cut up apples while introducing myself and the pups to the other ladies who are working hard in the kitchen.
My hope is to learn every pack member’s name. “It is admirable for a Luna to show such kindness to the omegas of the pack,” a masculine voice says. I turn to see the man that Jayden called Fredrick standing in the doorway to the kitchen.
“All pack members should be treated with kindness, regardless of their rank. It is not admirable to do what is right. The omegas are the backbone of the pack. They do all the heavy lifting while higher–ranked members enjoy the fruits of their labor.”
I can tell he doesn’t agree with my statement. I know wolves like him. Wolves that think they
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are better than others simply because they were born into a higher rank. “Omega” he calls to
Bridgette. “Yes, Warrior Fredrick. What can I do for you?” “Her name is Bridgette, Fredrick.”
“My apologies, Luna. I do not know all the omega’s names.” “You grew up in this pack, did you
not? I would think by now you would know the pack members, especially the ones that feed
you.” “I will do my best in the future to learn them, Luna. Bridgette, do you have any sandwiches I can take on patrol?”
“Of course” she says, grabbing him a few and placing them in a bag along with fruit and drinks. She hands them to him, and he takes the bag with a smile that makes a wave of unease flow through me. “Thank you, Bridgette,” he says, before he turns to leave. “Zora, what do you think?”
“I think he’s an a**hole. We need to talk to Beck about his sh**ty attitude toward omegas. We will not let pack members be misused” she growls. “I agree, I think at some point we should talk to Bridgette alone. I think she may be afraid of him. He won’t have to worry about learning anyone’s name if he is hurting her.”