66 I’ll Be Strong
Alpha Marco POV
+50 Puntos
I can see Carter’s wheels turning about our unexpected visitor. “So what are you thinking,
brother?” Most people don’t know that Carter is my half–brother. My father bedded one of the omegas in our pack not long after I was born and she became pregnant. Amazingly enough, my mother didn’t castrate him.
After years of groveling, she forgave him and they are still happily mated to this day. Watching them be so in love when I was a pup, I never would have suspected that my father could even
look at another woman, let alone sleep with her.
I guess my father fell into the trap that an Alpha can do as he pleases. When he almost lost his mate, he learned quickly that wasn’t true. I can’t imagine the betrayal my mother must have felt, especially knowing that a child was born out of it. She is one of the strongest
women I have ever met.
I can only pray to the goddess to have such an amazing Luna. My mother even accepted Carter. She never held my father’s sins against Carter. Most Luna’s would have insisted the omega and her pup be cast out, but not my mother.
Carter is a year younger, and we grew up as best friends. It wasn’t until we were teenagers that my parents sat us down to explain that we were indeed brothers. It was definitely a shock, but we were already as close as brothers, so it changed nothing about our relationship. When I took over as Alpha at twenty, I was lucky because my father’s Beta never had pups. I appointed Carter as my Beta and the rest is history. Now at twenty–four, the only thing that’s
missing is my Luna.
“Honestly, Marco, are you even considering this? He is willing to turn on his own pack. What is to say if we decide to move forward he doesn’t turn on us? The Blue Crescent isn’t a weak pack. Even with the turmoil over losing its current Alpha, it won’t be easily won. We have been dealing with that pr*ck Corey for the last three years. The Alpha before him was no better. Our warriors are strong, but are you willing to sacrifice our own pack members to gain ones that may be as disloyal as that little sh*t Fredrick,” Carter says.
“I’ll give him credit that he had the b*lls to come here and even propose I take over his pack. He is either extremely confident that I will do as he asks or very dumb. I haven’t decided whic at this point. I know listening to him go on and on about how he was doing this for his pack had me damn near laughing in his face. Men like him don’t do anything for nothing. The question is, does he even give a sh*t about his pack at all or is it all about gaining a title.”
- 50 Puntor
66 I’ll Be Strong
“I was ready to rip his head off even suggesting he could be Beta. If he believes he will
become a Beta to our pack he is delusional. I watched him during those meetings with Corey
and not once when he spoke about trading us omegas did that pr*ck even flinch. If he cared
so much about his pack, why didn’t he come to us then to take over? Help us get the evidence
against the evil pr*ck. If it wasn’t for the fact that we had no other proof of his dealings, we
would have turned that a**hole Corey into the council for even suggesting trading omegas
three to one for warriors,” Carter says.
“I’m all for expanding the pack brother, but not at the cost of innocent lives. Maybe you should set up a meeting with the new Alpha. We can do it under the guise of a possible alliance as neighboring packs. If we feel that you would be better suited to lead their pack and protect the loyal members, we can reach out to the council for approval. I mean what could make an Alpha abandon his pack? If he is anything like his disgusting father, then maybe it won’t be much of a fight to take over the pack,” Carter says.
“I agree. Call and set it up Carter. Also, call the snake and tell him to get us all the pack statistics in case we decide to move forward. It can’t hurt to see how many warriors the pack has and their patrol schedules. First I want to meet this new Alpha. Then we can decide if Beckham Forester’s days as the Blue Crescent Alpha are numbered.“‘
Beckham POV
“I noticed Fredrick sneaking off after Jayden started to deal with Waller. I planned to follow him, but two of the teenage pups got into a fight, and I was the closest warrior. By the time I was done dealing with them, I couldn’t find him. I even joined patrol to see if he was near the borders and I couldn’t even catch his scent,” Brent says.
Fredrick was Jayden’s friend growing up. He and I never spent a lot of time together. I have no idea his loyalty after these last three years. “Maybe he’s upset that Jayden gave me the title. I’m sure he isn’t the only one. I’m going to have to prove to the pack that they can trust me.“I agree, but this feels different Beck. I’m not sure how to describe it. When I found him in the woods, he seemned defensive. He brought up painful things from my past to try to get me to stop asking him questions,” Brent says.
I want to ask him what he brought up, but I know I have no right to the answers. If Brent wanted to tell me he would. “Then he tried to tell me some story about scenting rogues on pack land that he chased out of the territory but lost them.” That gets my attention. From what Jayden said, Fredrick is the head warrior of the pack, which means he knows exactly how we handle rogue sightings in the pack. I am positive that hasn’t changed.
“That makes no sense. If there were rogues, protocol is to alert the patrolling guards and the Alpha. One wolf would never follow rogues out of the territory.“I agree Alpha. I know I don’t
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GG I’ll Be Strong
have any solid proof, but something doesn’t feel right about him being out there or his story
about rogues,” Brent says.
I’m just about to ask him to keep an eye on Fredrick when my office door opens and my sweet
pup rushes in. “Daddy, I missed you” she says. I scoop her up and nuzzle my nose into her
neck, breathing in her lavender scent. She stiffens, and I look up to see her looking at Brent. She starts to wiggle, and I set her on her feet.
She rounds the desk and comes to stand in front of Brent. “I’m Lily. Are you my Uncle Jacob?” He bends down and the first genuine smile I’ve seen since I’ve returned spreads across his face. “No, little one. My name is Brent. I’m a warrior here in the pack.” I’m not sure why, but she looks between us before she grabs his big hand with her little one. “You and my daddy are
friends. You can be my Uncle Brent” she says.
He looks at me before he looks back at her. “I sure can” he says, emotion thick in his voice. Lily launches herself wrapping her arms around his neck. “I have lots of uncles” she says enthusiastically. When he sets her back on her feet, his eyes meet mine. “I will let you know if he does anything else suspicious,” Brent links me. “I have to go little one. I have an important job to do, but I’m sure I’ll see you soon,” Brent says before he turns leaving my office.
Rosalyn comes over, and I pull her into my arms pressing a firm kiss on her lips. I know it’s only been a few hours but Gideon and I have missed her. “Daddy, I want kisses too,” Lily says, making Rosalyn giggle against my lips. I scoop my daughter up again and pepper kisses all over her tiny face. The sound of a throat clearing gets our attention. I look up to see Barrett smiling at us. “Who is this little one” he asks, stepping further into the office.
“My name is Lily. What’s your name?” “My name is Barrett,” he says, extending his hand to her. The minute his hand touches hers, Barrett’s eyes get big before they turn black. “How old are you little one?” Barrett’s voice is deeper, and I’m sure it’s his wolf talking. “I’m three, but I’ll be four soon.” “You are a very special little girl. You will have great strength when you get your wolf. The goddess will be with you,” he says.
“Did you hear that daddy? I’m going to be strong like you.” I try to keep my voice light even though inside I’m freaking out. Why is his wolf telling my daughter about being special? Does he have powers like Mindy? Will there be something different about Lily’s wolf? Will she be blessed like Mindy? “I heard him. I’ve always told you how special you are Lily bear. Now why don’t you go with mommy to help get Nana, Papa, Samantha, and Colton settled.”
“Colton, shared his ice cream with me at Nana and Papa’s house, daddy. He is my best friend.” all “That was very nice of him. I bet mommy can take you and Colton to get a snack after your done helping Colton with his room!” Rosalyn leans in pressing her hand to my chest and just her touch is helping the torment of questions that are whirling in my head. “I’ll be back as
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soon as I have everyone situated” Rosalyn says. She drops her voice so Lily can’t hear. “I know
you are worried. I can feel it through our bond, but trust the goddess, Beck. Whatever she has
planned for Lily, we will be with her.”
Once the door closes my eyes meet Barrett’s. “Tell me what the hell that was about.” “Honestly, Beckham, I can’t. My wolf took control and blocked me out. That has never happened before. The only thing he will tell me is that Lily is important not just to your pack but to the goddess. Hopefully Mindy will be able to tell us more, but sometimes she can’t. Listen to your mate. Trust the goddess.”