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Jayden POV
Once I’m taken to the exam room, Barrett leaves. “You should have told him,” Atlas growls. “Don’t you think I wanted to? I have no way to protect Jacob, Atlas. Even pack members we once thought of as loyal are too afraid to go against that prick. If I tell Barrett, and he believes me, there is no guarantee we will make it to Jacob before they hide or kill him. Are you willing to take that chance with our brother’s life?”
Atlas whimpers and recedes to the back of my mind. I don’t care about myself. If Jacob wasn’t here I would have already tried to end Corey and Waller. The door to the exam room opens, bringing me out of my thoughts. “Jayden, what happened, Dr. James asks. He has been the pack doctor since well before I was born. This is the first time he has seen me in three years because they never bring me to the pack hospital for my injuries.
“Training got a little out of hand. I think a few of my ribs are broken. It should be fine by the morning, but Councilman Barrett insisted I be checked out.” He moves toward me, placing his hand on my side. I wince as he moves down my right side pressing gently. “Its odd that your wolf isn’t healing you faster. Alpha wolves have accelerated healing” he says.
I can’t tell him that we probably aren’t healing because of all the wolfsbane they give me. “I’m going to do some blood work to see why you’re not healing. I’ll have the nurse take you for x–rays to determine if you in fact have rib fractures and if they are displaced” he says. “I don’t think all that is necessary. I’ll be fine” I say attempting to sit up.
“That wasn’t a recommendation, Jayden. You may be an Alpha wolf who is used to giving orders, but inside these walls I give orders. You’ll have the tests done,” he says. Atlas bristles at his tone. I’m just about to open my mouth to protest again when the door opens and Fredrick steps inside. I growl low, but Fredrick focuses his attention on Dr. James.
“Doc, do you think I could have a few minutes alone with Jayden? By the time the nurse comes back, he’ll be ready to go for the tests” he says. “Of course, Fredrick. One of the nurses will be back shortly” Dr. James says. As soon as the door clicks shut I growl at Fredrick again. “What the hell are you doing here?”
“Well, hello to you too. You need to let Dr. James, check you out” he says. “Don’t pretend like you give a sh*t about me Fredrick. Did Alpha a**hat send you to make sure I keep my mouth shut?” “You know, Jayden, there was a time we were best friends. You never doubted my loyalty to you or the pack,” he says.
“The operative word is was. The minute that Beckham left and that pr*ck Corey took over the
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pack, you were too busy kissing his a** to become the head warrior to have my back.“It’s
Fredrick’s turn to growl.
“For a smart guy, you are acting pretty dumb. Everything I’ve been doing has been to protect you and Jacob as much as I could. Why do you think that Barrett found you tonight before those a**holes could do more damage? Now you can keep acting like everyone is against you, or you can let me help you. I will be the one assigned to Jacob tomorrow morning. This is the
only chance you’ll have to tell Barrett exactly what the hell has been going on and know that
Jacob is safe. Don’t f**k it up, Jayden.”
A knock on the door has him turning to leave without another word. How the f**k am I
supposed to trust him? The nurse walks in with a wheelchair. “I can walk.” “Sir, I have my orders. Please just get into the chair” she says. I roll my eyes, but get into the chair. As she pushes me down the hall, Fredrick’s words feel like they are on an endless loop repeating in
my head.
“I know as much as you don’t want to admit it, you’re scared, Jayden. You were never trained to become Alpha and you think that your not strong enough to protect Jacob or the pack, so you just keep taking their abuse,” he says. Bile rises in my throat. As much as I want to tell
him he’s wrong, I can’t.
Losing Beck and then having Jacob pretty much taken away from me has made me feel weak. “There is nothing wrong with being afraid, but sometimes you have to put on your big boy pants and face it. I don’t think Beck will ever come back after what happened. We need to save ourselves. You are strong enough, and I’ll be with you every step of the way. That pr*ck is going to expect you to lie for his pathetic son. It’s time to stand up Jayden,” Atlas says.
The Next Morning
“Thankfully, the three ribs that were broken weren’t displaced. It took Atlas most of the night to heal me. I was glad that Barrett never came back last night to talk to me about his meeting with Corey and Waller. I needed to wait until Fredrick was in place as Jacob’s guard this morning before telling Barrett everything.
I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t afraid of everything going to sh*t and Jacob getting hurt, but Atlas is right. It’s time to expose Corey and Waller for the evil pr*cks they are. The door to my room opens and Dr. James steps inside. “Jayden, your lab work won’t be back for a day or so. Your pain seems to be better this morning, and I’m alright with discharging you if you can promise me no training for at least a couple of days,” he says.
“Absolutely,” I say already reaching for a fresh set of clothes that appeared in my room. “Alpha Corey, also asked that you come to his office as soon as I discharged you.” I resist the urge to
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roll my eyes. Of course, he did. “I will make sure I head there now,” I say and he leaves the
room. Once I’m dressed, I make my way back to the pack house. Once I’m inside, I take the
stairs to the Alpha floor. I say a silent prayer to the goddess that she protects Jacob before I
reach for the door handle.
As I wrap my hand around it, I feel the familiar link of that pr*ck Waller. “I can smell you’re here. You better stick to the story, or you’ll be sorry mutt.” He breaks the link and I knock as I
push the door open. Corey is seated behind his desk while Barrett is seated across from him. Twiddle dumb, dumber, and dumbest are standing off to the side. “Come in Jayden. How are
you feeling,” Corey asks with fake concern.
“Better than I did last night.” Corey’s eyes flash in warning before he speaks again. “I
understand there was a bit of a misunderstanding that only you can clear up. Can you please tell Barrett exactly what was going on last night when you were hurt,” Corey says. I take a deep breath before my eyes meet Barrett’s. “Waller and his buddies decided to teach me a lesson
after I beat Waller’s a** in training.”
A small smile lifts the corner of Barrett’s mouth but, it’s gone just as quickly as it came. “It seems there was no misunderstanding as you hoped, Alpha Corey,” Barrett says. Without a word, Corey is out of his chair and heading for the door with Waller hot on his heels. “Where the hell are you going,” Barrett says, his voice laced with irritation.
“We have an issue at the gate that requires my immediate attention. I will summon you both to continue this discussion once I’m finished dealing with the issue,” Corey says before he is gone. I look at Barrett who has a strange smile spreading across his face. “I think we should join the Alpha and his pup. They may need our help, Jayden. I wouldn’t want to miss the
excitement” he says.
Beckham POV
It’s about eight in the morning when we make the turn onto the road that will lead to the Blue Crescent pack. It feels like my heart is going to pound out of my chest the closer we get to the gate. Rosalyn takes my hand in hers as the gate comes into view. “I have faith in you my Alpha,” Rosalyn links me and Gideon preens.
When I pull in front of the gate, a guard steps out from the trees. When he finally realizes who is driving, anger flashes in his eyes. I reach for the handle and Rosalyn lays her hand on my forearm. “Please be careful.” “I will my love.” I push the door open and step out. I stand to my full height and step closer to the gate. “Why are you here, deserter?”
I give a low growl at his disrespect. He takes a step back and drops his gaze to the ground. “I am here to speak with your Alpha. Link him now that I’m here.” The sound of the doors
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opening behind me makes me smile. I wondered how long they would stay in the car. I watch the guard’s eyes glaze over before they return to his normal color. “The Alpha is on his way” he says. “Thank you,” I say and he looks at me confused.
I’m not sure what to say to my brother first. I want to apologize for leaving him without a word, but he may hate me for killing our father and not want my apology. A few minutes later, I watch two people that I have no desire to speak with approach the gate. I growl at the guard who looks surprised by my anger. “I asked for the Alpha, not the Beta. I suggest you link my brother and tell him I’m here requesting to speak with him.”
Corey’s smirk makes a feeling of unease bubble up inside me. “The guard made no mistake, Beckham. Your brother is not the Alpha of this pack. Hell he is barely an omega. I’m the Alpha of the Blue Crescent and you are not welcome in my pack. I suggest you leave before I have you killed for killing my daughter and the former Alpha of this pack.” I’m overwhelmed by guilt What has he done to my brother?