68 Final Bonus Chapter 4
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68 Final Bonus Chapter 4
Five Months Later
Drake POV
“I swear to the goddess Drake if you don’t let me walk to the bathroom I’m going to go Red Wolf on your a**” I fight the smile that threatens to spread across my face at my feisty queen. “Bethany said bedrest, sweetheart. I’m just following the doctor’s orders.“I love you for it, Drake, but Bethany said the pups would be fine if I went into labor. The only reason she was pushing the bedrest is because I was over doing it, and she was forcing me to rest. I can pee
by myself,” Lily says.
She presses a kiss on my lips before she stands waddling to the bathroom. I fight the urge to follow her. Instead, I head into the kitchen to make lunch for us. I love these moments just doing ordinary things. Our lives are always so busy with tribal visits and royal duties we don’t get the chance to appreciate these moments of normalcy.
I’m just about to go to check on Lily when she links me. “Drake, don’t freak out, but my water broke” she says. Don’t freak out is the worst thing she can say as I run to the bathroom. As soon as I push the door open, Lily is gripping the sink and groaning. “I knew I should have
followed you
into the bathroom.” “Now is not the time for I told you so,” she growls. As soon as
the pain ebbs away, I scoop her up in my arms.
“Drake, I can walk. Labor can take hours” she says. “Oh no, I am not taking any chances with you or the pups.” I make it to the hospital in record time. I’m grateful when Bethany rushes out to meet us. She leads us to the royal suite and I help Lily change into a hospital gown. The nurse hooks her up to the monitors and the sound of the pups‘ heart beats fill the room. “They both sound good. I’m going to bring the ultrasound machine in just to make sure they are both
in good position for a v*ginal delivery,” Bethany says.
I see a mix of fear and excitement in Lily’s eyes. By the time Bethany pushes the door open, Lily is breathing through another contraction. As soon as it passes, Bethany moves the wand over Lily’s stomach. “It looks like our princes are both cooperating,” Bethany says. I lean down and press a kiss on Lily’s lips. When I pull back, I notice that Bethany has a look of concern on her face that sends a wave of unease through my body.
Lily must notice it too. “What’s wrong? Is there something wrong with the pups” she asks, her voice panicked. Bethany smiles and turns the screen to face us. “Nothing is wrong, but it seems that your boys have been hiding their sister,” she says. I swear I stumble back but
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68 Final Bonus Chapter 4
catch myself. “Three pups, not two“l say, needing her to repeat what she just said. “Yes, two
princes and one princess. Everything looks good, but we will have to monitor during the birth to make sure there are no surprises that would make surgery necessary. Our goal is three healthy babies,” Bethany says.
Once Lily is cleaned up, we are left alone in the room. “Drake, are you as panicked as I am? Three pups, they out number us now” Lily says. “Hey, no way. I know this is a lot, but we are
not going to panic. We have so much help, we will never be out numbered. Besides, I can’t wai
to meet our daughter. I hope she is a mini version of you. She’ll have two brothers to protect
her and an amazing mother. This is just another blessing from the goddess.”
She smiles, and I bend to press another kiss on her lips. I never thought I would have one
child, let alone three. I say a silent prayer of thanks to the goddess before I take my seat next
to Lily’s bed. Hours pass, and it kills me to see Lily in so much pain. The door to the room
opens again and Bethany steps inside. “Alright my queen, it’s time to check and see if we are
ready to meet these little ones,” Bethany says. A few seconds later a smile spreads across her
“You’re ten centimeters. It’s time to bring the newest members of the royal tribe into the world.
My king grab her leg while the nurse grabs the other. I want you to push with all your might
when the next pain hits,” she says. I do as she says and when the pain comes Lily bares down.
I’m not sure how many times she repeats the same process, but I can tell she is getting tired. “You are doing well my queen. I know you are getting tired, but you’re in the home stretch,”
Bethany says.
“I can feel the top of the first baby’s head. Give me another good push when the pain comes.”
Lily does, and I almost drop her leg when I see the top of my first child’s head covered in dark
hair. “Focus, my king” Bethany says. Three more pushes and cries fill the room. I expect to see one of my sons, but instead my perfect tiny daughter is in the doctor’s arms. Her dark hair is
an exact match of her mother’s. “I guess we will have our first royal born queen” Bethany says
as she sets our daughter on Lily’s stomach..
“She’s perfect Drake.” “Yes, she is my love,” I say and press a kiss on both their foreheads. The nurse quickly takes her as Lily groans. “Alright, let’s see your first prince,” Bethany says. Five more pushes and my son’s cries pierce the air. His hair the same color as my sandy blonde. We don’t have long to spend time with him as his brother wants to join his siblings. It only
takes two more pushes for our third child to make his appearance.
“You were amazing Lily. I love you so much. Thank you for giving me three beautiful pups.”l love you too. Go check on them while they clean me up” she says. After an hour, we are alone
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with our three pups in a large recovery suite. I know our family will be here soon, but we
wanted a little time with just the four of us. As we stare down at these three little lives we
have created, my heart is full.
guess we have to come up with a name for our princess who surprised us.“I would like to
name her Carmina Rose if your alright with it, after our mothers” she says. I can feel the tears
roll down my cheeks as I look at this woman that is my world. “I think that is perfect. Thank
you for honoring my mother.” “Of course, if not for her, I wouldn’t have you” she says. I lean in
and press a kiss on her forehead.
“Carmina, these are your brothers, Chasen Beckham and Corbyn Allister. Boys, this is your
sister Carmina. You will be her protectors, but don’t think for a minute that means she will be
weak. If she is anything like your mother, she will be protecting the two of you just as much!!
press a kiss on each of their foreheads. Taking Lily’s hand in mine, I thank the goddess for my
Red Wolf Queen.
T TheNich29
Thank you all for taking this journey with Rosalyn, Beckham, Lily, and Drake. It has been amazing to interact with all of you and have you enjoy the story so much. Please follow me on Dreame TheNich29 pen name and join my ********: group. TheNich29 Dreame Writers and Readers. I plan to finish my two current books and I will have two new books starting soon.