65 Bonus Chapter 1
+8 Points
65 Bonus Chapter 1
Jamsine and Liam
Jasmine POV
I hate waking up alone, but I know that Liam needed to travel with Lily and Drake to the Golden Leaf tribe two nights ago. They left around dinner time that night so they could be
back early this morning. They are all worried about me going into labor. Bethany is still unsure
of exactly when I’ll give birth because of the fact that our pups, as Liam calls them, are hybrids. I know I’m as big as a house. I’ve been having contractions for the last two weeks but
nothing consistent.
I had the same thing with the twins a few weeks before I delivered them, but I’m only six
months a long. Bethany said I definitely won’t carry the normal nine months of elf pregnancy. I
roll out of bed, which is comical at this stage because of how big my belly is. I head down the
hall toward Diane and Daniel’s room.
I’m just about to knock when I hear them talking in Daniel’s room. “I’m excited about the babies, but I’m scared,” Diane says. “Why are you scared” Daniel asks. “Our dad wasn’t very nice to mommy or us. I don’t even think he loved us, but I know Liam does. What if when the babies are born he only loves them because they are his babies and were not,” Diane says. My
heart breaks to hear my daughter voice her fears.
A strong arm wraps around me from behind, and I almost jump out of my skin. I turn to see Liam smiling back at me. He presses a quick kiss on my lips. When I pull back, I place my finger against my lips. He looks confused until he hears Daniel speak. “I know. I’ve almost called Liam dad a couple of times, but I was scared, so I didn’t. Besides, even if Liam doesn’t love us anymore, we will always have mom and Drake,” Daniel says.
A low growl has me looking toward Liam. I can see Ottis is at the surface. Why is he upset? Before I can ask him what’s going on, Liam steps around me and pushes the door open. Diane and Daniel smile as soon as they see Liam. They are off the floor and running toward him. He scoops them up and holds them close to his chest. He walks over to the large chair that sits
in the corner.
I take a seat on Daniel’s bed. “We missed you Liam,” Diane says. “I missed the two of you very much. Can I tell you something” he asks. They both nod, and he looks at me before he begins to speak. “Your mom and I were outside your door and heard the two of you talking.” They both look down like they were caught doing something wrong. I’m just about to reassure them they
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are not in trouble, but Liam speaks first.
“I am upset with both of you, but not for talking about your feelings. I’m upset because you didn’t feel comfortable enough to talk to me or your mom about something that was bothering you. You can always talk to us about anything. I need you both to understand that even though we don’t share blood, you are my pups. Nothing will change how I feel about you. You are as much my pups as the ones growing in your mom’s belly,” he says.
“So, you won’t love them more than us” Daniel asks. “Not even a little. You are my first pups, which makes you special. I have never pushed for you to call me dad because I didn’t want to push something you weren’t comfortable with, but nothing would make me happier than to
hear you call me dad,” he says.
“I love you dad” Daniel says first, and I can’t stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks. “I
you both so much. Not only do I love you, but Ottis loves you. He has claimed you as his
pups” he says. “I love you dad and Ottis too,” Diane says. Liam looks like he just won the
lottery as the twins cuddle closer to him. I’m just about to stand when a pain moves across
my belly like lightning. My hands go to my belly and I groan.
When I look up fear flashes in Liam’s eyes. He is already setting Diane and Daniel on their feet
before I can get a word out. The pain ebbs away just as he reaches me. “I’m alright, it’s just
more Braxton Hicks. Why don’t you stay here with our pups while I go make breakfast?” can
see he wants to protest, but I’m grateful when he doesn’t. I make my way out of the room and
toward the kitchen.
Another pain has my steps faltering as I step into the kitchen. I grip the counter and breathe
through the pain. As the pain starts to ease again, I take two more steps before warm liquid
runs down the inside of my legs. F**k, my water broke. I take a deep breath before I link Liam.
“Liam, can you come to the kitchen now.” He doesn’t even respond when I hear the door open
and heavy footsteps running toward me.
As soon as he sees me, panic flashes in his eyes. “You’re in labor” he says. “Yes, I know. I was
wrong. Call Myra to come sit with the twins and I’ll grab my bag.” “You will do no such thing” he says, guiding me to sit on a chair. He grabs his phone and heads down the hallway. I roll my eyes because he has no idea how long this is going to take, and they will probably want
me to walk around. A few seconds later he appears with my bag in hand and the twins on his
“Mom, are the babies coming? Dad said the babies are coming,” Diane says. “They are, but it
will be a while. Grandma Myra and Papa Samuel are going to come sit with you.” “Why can’t
we be there? I want to come with you and dad,” Daniel says. “I know sweet boy, but you have to
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wait until your brothers or sisters are born. I promise you two will be the first to meet them!
hug them both as Liam opens the door.
Myra rushes inside with a huge smile on her face. “I heard my grand babies are ready to make their appearances” she says. “They are, my water just broke.“I’m surprised you aren’t walking all over like you did last time” she says, and I smile looking at Liam. She gives me a knowing smile as I stand and make my way to the door. It doesn’t take us long to reach the hospital.
I’m shocked to see Drake and Lily in the waiting area.
Drake rushes over to me. “Are you feeling alright? Liam called me, and we rushed over,” Drake says. I lay my hand on his cheek. He couldn’t be there when the twins were born so he insisted
he wanted to be here for the new babies. “It will probably be hours, Drake. You and Lily should
rest. You’ve been gone for two days.”
“No way, we will be right here until I get to meet my new brothers or sisters” he says. “Alright,
but it’s going to be a while.” Another pain rips through me and I almost double over. When my eyes look down, the liquid which was clear before is tinged with blood. Panic floods my body
and this time I reach for Liam. “Something is wrong” I say. The doctor rushes over, and they
help me onto a gurney.
The flurry of activity is doing nothing to calm the panic inside me. I’m hooked up to machines
and the sounds of the babies‘ heartbeats fill the room. I take my first easy breath since I saw
the blood on my legs. An ultrasound machine is pushed into the room and the doctor immediately puts gel on my belly. As he moves the wand around, I watch his face for any
changes that could indicate that things are bad, but his expression remains impassive.
He finally looks at me offering a reassuring smile. “The babies look fine, but they are not in a
good position to deliver.” “What about the blood?” “It looks like a corner of one of the
placentas was lying over the cervix. It isn’t enough to stop you from delivering naturally, but
their position is concerning. At this point, I would like to take you in for a C–section,” he says.
Liam squeezes my hand and I can feel his fear through our bond. “Whatever gets them out,
the safest is fine with me.” Again the room is thrown into chaos as the nurses ready me for
surgery. When they begin to move my bed, Liam doesn’t let go of my hand. “Sir, you’re going to
need to stay here” one of the nurses says and Liam growls.
“Liam, calm down.” “I am going with you. I need to be with you and the pups” he says. “You will
be with her sir. We just need to get you changed,” the nurse manages to get out. He doesn’t look happy but he nods. He presses a kiss on my forehead. “I won’t be long. I love you” he
says. “I love you too.”
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A few minutes later the room is bathed in blue on every surface, and I’m staring at the ceiling. I say a silent prayer to the goddess to protect the babies. The door opens, and my handsome love takes the chair by my head. Everything happens in a blur, but the distinct sound of cries fills the room. “Congratulations you have a son.” Liam cuts the cord and I get a brief glimpse of my son before he is whisked away.
I’m not sure how much time passes when cries fill the room again. My body finally relaxes as they hold her up for me to see. I have another daughter. Liam places kisses all over my face before he leaves my side to check on the babies. It feels like forever before I’m finished in the OR and moved to a room in the royal suite. The door opens and Liam walks in, followed by two nurses pushing bassinets. Liam lifts each of them, placing them in my arms.
Tears of joy rush down my cheeks as I stare at the proof the goddess has given us all a new chance at the happiest future. A few minutes later the door opens and Diane and Daniel step inside. They climb up on the bed gently, each staring at their new brother and sister. “You guys are a big brother and sister now” Liam says. “Diane and Daniel, meet your new sister Lila Madelena and Liam Michael.”