62 The Ceremony
+8 Point:
62 The Ceremony
Tanith POV
I make my way into the torture room to see Nemesis working on Magnolia. Her screams fill the room. The sound of her pain wraps around me like a warm blanket. “Hello, sister, is our guest of honor ready” she asks. “He’s ready. He’ll be begging to go back to the viewing room after he’s had a few days with us. First I think we should reunite him with mommy dearest
“David” Magnolia whispers, barely able to speak. “Well, most of him anyway. I’ve never been prouder to watch retribution than I was over the two days they kept him alive. Hell watching him cry over Liam f**king Jasmine was more entertaining than watching Canius cut off all his fingers.” “You’re monsters” she croaks out. “We are. Monsters made by evil people just like you and your pathetic son.”
“Now, I’m expecting two more guests today and one of them is a violator, dear sister.” Her eyes light up, and she rubs her hands together like a kid who just got the best present. “First we are going to have a little movie night with our current guests. Gather Robert, Cain, Bryce, Jared, and this b**ch in David’s holding room.” “My pleasure” she says as she waves her hand in front of Magnolia. She disappears, and I make my way to get David ready for the show.
When I push open the door, David’s eyes snap toward me. “Please turn it off. Haven’t I suffered enough? I’m dead for goddess sake” he pleads. I have Jasmine and Liam’s torture playing over and over on a loop. Without warning, Magnolia appears chained to the far wall. “Why is she here” he asks, his voice laced with irritation. I slap him hard across the face. “I know you have never been the brightest of elves, but pissing me off seems even stupider than I originally thought you were. She is here to suffer just like everyone else that will be joining us.”
“Please, I’m sorry for all I’ve done” he says. I throw my head back and laugh. “You do know that you can’t lie to a goddess. We are omniscient.” It doesn’t take long for our other playthings to arrive. Cain’s eyes scan the room and his fear makes me happy. “What’s wrong, Cain? This is a party. You should be grateful that you were invited. You’re about to see some
familiar faces.”
The door on the far end of the room opens and Nemesis leads Allister, Carmen, and Michael
into the room. David starts to thrash against his chains the minute he sees his brother.
Allister approaches him and waits until David finally looks into his eyes. “Don’t worry brother, we will have our time. The three of us are very much looking forward to it, but for now, we get to see our son take his rightful place with his queen by his side.”
62 The Ceremony
Allister, Carmen, and Michael all take a seat and a scene that makes me smile appears on the
wall. Finnius squirms like the worm he is at Drake’s feet. Lily’s powers are something to
behold. “Enjoy the show because after the real entertainment begins, for us.”
Drake POV
I stand to my full height and look toward the woman that is wrapped around Tabitha. I take a step toward them. “Lunara, are you alright,” I ask her as Finnius continues to scream in pain. She turns toward me. Her lip is split, and her cheek is swollen. I move closer and slowly raise my hand, asking for her permission. She nods, and I place my hand against her cheek. A light purple glow emanates from my hand.
When I pull back there is no evidence of the pr*ck’s abuse. The door to the room opens and Vincent and another guard step inside. “My queen, if you would release him, please.“Pain stop” she says. His screams die down but he continues to moan. “Vincent, I would like him and his ba**ard son–in–law chained in the throne room. I plan to make an example of what will
not be tolerated in my kingdom.” “Of course, my king,” Vincent says.
They drag a barely coherent Finnius from the room. “Thank you, my king,” Tabitha’s mother says so low I almost didn’t hear it. “You don’t owe me any thanks, but the kingdom owes you an apology. Had the tribes been being watched over, you wouldn’t have suffered such atrocities. I promise you here and now that I will visit every tribe to ensure that this isn’t happening to others.”
“Now, as soon as Finnius and Cornelius are dealt with, I will be naming your daughter as the new tribe leader with her beloved.”I watch the woman’s eyes get big before she looks toward Tabitha, who takes Auriella’s hand in hers. “Mom, this is my beloved, Auriella. Auriella, this is my mother, Agnus,” Tabitha says, her voice slightly shaky. Agnus steps past her daughter and
pulls Auriella into her arms.
I take Lily’s hand and lead her out of the room to give them a few minutes alone before the ceremony. Once we are in the hallway, I turn her to face me. “Have I told you how beautiful you look in this gown, my queen?” “A few times” she says with a beautiful smile. “You are looking pretty hot in your royal suite, my king.” She is wearing a gown that is a deep purple with a
fitted bodice and full skirt that flairs out from her waist.
Her mark is on full display, which makes me want to beat my chest. I press a soft kiss to her full lips before I offer her my hand. We make our way down a long hallway and across the castle grounds. When we reach the door that leads to the throne room, two guards pull them open. The chatter immediately quiets down as music plays signaling for us to enter. When we step inside, I’m once again overwhelmed by the number of elves in attendance.
+9 Paint
62 The Ceremony
Unlike the royal court, the tribe leaders were able to bring their family members that are of age and important tribal members to witness our crowning. My eyes move around the room until they fall on the two men who are shackled in front of the stage. I lead Lily up the few steps and Samuel is waiting near an ornate table with two crowns. I’ve asked that he be the one to
crown us. Lily and I face the crowd.
“Welcome, tribes of the Northern Kingdom. We would like to take this opportunity to thank yol for joining us on this momentous occasion. As most of you know, becoming king is my birthright, and today I accept that responsibility with a full heart and a strong hand. The goddess has blessed me with an amazing queen who will rule by my side as my equal in
every way.”
I see a few looks of shock but no one utters a negative word. “Unfortunately, today’s ceremony
will be delayed a few minutes while I deal with a very serious issue. Abuse and mistreatment
is something that will never be tolerated in this kingdom. I don’t care if you are the future triba leader, the Lunara, or a tribal servant, you will not be mistreated in my kingdom.”
“Now, the two elves before me and I use that term loosely, because what they truly are is
pathetic worms will be punished for their crimes. Finnius Blane not only abused his daughter
and beloved but stood by while a beloved he forced upon his daughter abused her. Cornelius
Durst forcibly mated and marked Tabitha Durst.” Gasps reverberate off the throne room walls.
“Both of these men will be put to death for their crimes and Tabitha, along with her beloved,
will assume her birthright as the leader of the Golden Tree Tribe.“That wh*re will never lead
my tribe,” Finnius screams. Without a second of hesitation, the vines leave my hands and
wrap around the two of them. Once the vines are securely around their necks, the vines
become tighter and tighter until they are both no more.
My vines return to me just as quickly. “I hope this is the last time I have to carry out such
punishments, but make no mistake, this will be your fate if you abuse a member of my
kingdom.” I look out at the crowd as the elves present bow in respect. The guards rush in and
remove the bodies. “Well, let’s move onto the reason why we are truly here. As the former
leader of the Elders and now the advisor to the king, I had lost hope for our kingdom. I had
said many prayers that the goddess would set things right, and she finally has,” Samuel says.
He picks up the larger of the two crowns and takes a step toward me. I turn to face him. “It is
with great pleasure and tremendous pride that I crown the true King of Elves, King Drake
Whitlock.” As the crown is fitted on my head, the very crown my father wore, I know he is
‘proud of the elf I’ve become. Samuel turns back to pick up my mother’s crown. My heart races
as he moves toward Lily.
62 The Ceremony
“It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I crown Lily Whitlock, Queen of Elves. Her strength, heart, and gifts are the reason that our kingdom has been saved and placed back into the rightful hands of our true king,” Samuel says. He places the crown on Lily’s head. I take her hand and we face the tribal leaders. “King Drake and Queen Lily,” Samuel announces, and the crowd erupts into cheers.
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