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Drake POV
As we sit around the table, I look at all these people I never expected to have in my life. My beautiful queen who accepted me when I was a mere slave. Even if she thought I would become king, that was never her reason for finding me. She is my savior. Jasmine who, despite the hell David put her through, treated me as < her own child. Samuel who, despite what it cost him, tried to stop David from hurting me. My uncle and
cousins that I never knew existed. All this family, whether it be by blood or choice, means everything to me.
Lily slides her hand into mine and I look into her beautiful eyes. My surprise for her should arrive tonight for dinner. It will be the best of all the presents I have planned for her. I’m shocked she hasn’t asked me why Colton, Arina, and Auriela have been missing since we left the royal court. Although the fact we have been dealing with David has been keeping us busy. After today, we will finally be rid of him. Part of me is glad that he will no longer exist in our world, but part of me feels like he should endure more for all the pain he caused. “Don’t worry my king, his suffering has just begun.” A faint female voice says, and I wonder if I’m losing it when no one else seems to notice. “You aren’t losing it, Drake. I think the Goddess of Vengeance spoke so only you and I could hear,” Lily says through our link. A sense of relief settles over me and I enjoy the rest of breakfast with my family.
Once we have all finished, we head toward the cells. Samuel, Canius, and Myra will be the only ones joining us this morning. Jasmine and Liam decided that they inflicted all the pain they needed to yesterday after we left. Something about the smile on their faces kept me from asking exactly what they had done. As long as he is alive, I’m probably better off not knowing based on the twinkle in my mother’s eyes.
We make our way downstairs and the guards bow their heads in respect. Vincent smiles when he sees us approaching. “He’s been begging for death all night. Going on about watching the woman he loved being defiled by a mutt was worse than losing his fingers, Vincent says. I glare at him because I could have lived the rest of my life not knowing that information.
“Sorry my king, but after watching all he did to Jasmine while she was under my care over the last two years, hearing his cries was like music to my ears, Vincent says. I nod and move past him to open the door. When I step inside, if David was a different man, I would feel pity for him. He looks broken in body and spirit. His head is cast down to the floor as soft whimpers escape his lips. He deserves every bit of suffering, so I feel nothing but retribution for those that have suffered at his hands.
When his eyes meet mine, I expect to see regret or defeat, but instead I only see hatred. “You, all of this is
fault. You are the reason that I have lost everything. You and that mutt,” he says, looking toward Lily, don’t know why I thought maybe you would be a little bit different today after your suffering, but I guess I should have known better. Nothing was going to save you from what is about to happen, but maybe if you pretended to be sorry, I would have ended you quickly.”
“F**k you, all that you and all these ba**ard’s have proved since yesterday is you’re just like me. You all took pleasure in torturing me. I wonder what your precious moon goddess will think of her chosen king now.” “You’ll find out soon enough. I have a feeling she will be more than happy with her chosen king. Hell the Goddess of Vengeance made a personal appearance in the royal court to ensure we had time with you.” “Well, none of it matters because there is nothing more that you can do to hurt me. After what that wh*re,” he
s Last Breath
+8 Points
starts to say, but I silence him once again. I don’t need to hear his words or screams to know he’s suffering. hove to stand in front of him and release the vines once again, but this time I ensure they are covered in barbs. As they wrap up his body, each barb pierces his skin. The more he fights against them, the more pain they cause him.
When his eyes connect with mine, I conjure images of my father, mother, and Michael. He is the only one that can see them and his eyes widen in disbelief. As they creep closer, he starts to thrash, making the barbs tear his skin. When they are close enough to touch him, they disappear. I pull back the vines and blood runs down
⚫ his body.
A warm soft hand that I love threads her fingers with mine. “It’s time to end this, my king. He isn’t worth any more of your time. Let’s put him in our past. The best way to torture him is to live the lives the goddess blessed us with, my love,” Lily says. I turn and press a soft kiss on her lips. I will be grateful every day of my life that the goddess sent her to me. I release her hand and move until I’m close enough to touch David. Despite hating that I have to touch him for this next part, it’s the only fitting way to end him.
“You lose. Everyone you took from us is at peace, but you will never be. We will all go on and be happy, but you will never be. You lose,” I say, before my magic flows through me and into David. He must feel the surge of power because his eyes brighten for a moment before he starts to panic. My magic comes back to me pulling David’s life force with it. After a few seconds, the life in his eyes fades and he breathes his last. We turn, leaving just the shell of an elf that won’t be remembered after today.
Colton POV
When we reach the clearing I’m feeling anxious. I haven’t spoken to my mother or sisters since I left. I miss them desperately, but I have no idea if they are still angry with me. I wouldn’t blame them if they were. I’m still amazed that Lily has forgiven me. Arina squeezes my hand, bringing me out of my thoughts. She has been an amazing mate and I haven’t regretted my decision for a moment.
As much as he pained me before, Lily was meant to be with Drake. I’m just glad that the goddess felt I was worthy of a second chance. “Colton, they will forgive you. Look at all you have done for Lily’s happiness. You made a mistake that cost you dearly, but you have done everything you can to prove that you are truly sorry. If your family can’t see that, then they are fools,” she says.
I pull her onto my lap and bury my head in her neck. The love I feel flowing through our bond helps to calm my nerves. “I guess introductions are in order,” Rosalyn says. My eyes snap up to meet my sister’s. Her smile and the love I see in her eyes has my heart nearly beating out of my chest. I stand taking Arina with me. I set her on her feet but keep her close to my side.
“Hi Rosie, I’ve missed you.““I’ve missed you too, little brother” she says. I can’t stop the tears that flow down my cheeks. Arina practically shoves me toward my sister and I wrap her in a hug. “I’m so sorry, Rosie.““No” more of that. I was angry at you but I never for a moment stopped loving you, Colton. I’m just glad that you and Lily have both found your happiness. You both deserve it,” she says.
When she finally releases me, Beck pulls me in for a hug. “I’ve missed you too, Colton. Thank you for taking this journey with Lily even if she didn’t know it was you. I can’t imagine how hard that was for you. You are a better man than most, brother,” Beck says. “It was the least I could do after all the pain I caused Lily.” He pulls back his face unreadable. He grips my shoulders firmly and looks into my eyes.
“No, the least you could was apologize, which you did. Most wolves would not help their fated mate, rejected or not, find another after they screwed up. The selflessness you showed was a testament to the man that
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you have become. I’m proud of you, Beck says. His words bring a fresh wave of tears. “Alright, enough of thes mushy stuff. I want to meet my new sister–in–law, Rosie says, bringing levity to the moment. I wipe my tears and move toward Arina, who immediately wraps her hand around mine.
“Rosie and Beck, this is my mate, Arina, Arina this is my sister, Rosie, and my brother–in–law, Beck. They are Lily’s parents,” She lets go of my hand and rushes over to Rosie first. She wraps her in a hug before she moves over to Beck. She comes to stand next to me and I turn to Auriela who had been waiting near the portal. “I thought maybe they didn’t show up, I’m Auricla, Arina’s sister” she says, reaching out to Beck and
< Rosie.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” “Shall we get moving? Drake wants us there for dinner. You are one of the gifts he plans to give Lily tonight,” Auriela says. We make our way further into the clearing and stop. I can see the confusion on Rosie and Beck’s face before Auriela lifts the barrier. I smile when my sister’s eyes get as big as saucers. “Holy sh*t” Beck says, and we all chuckle.
Crazy right, wait till you see inside. It reminds me of the story books we read as pups. We move through the doorway and step into the familiar street. The same guard as last time smiles when he sees us. Drake spoke to him before we left so he wouldn’t be shocked when we returned with Rosie and Beck. We make our way over to a waiting car. I can’t wait to see Lily’s face. Everything has turned out as it should have.