Betrayal 149

Betrayal 149

54 Royal Court Part

* Point 

54 Royal Court Part

Drake POV 

Stepping into the royal court I’d be lying if I denied feeling nervous. All of the tribes are 

represented, and the room is at full capacity. I hate that Lily can’t be by my side as we walk in 

to face all the tribal leaders but soon enough she will take the seat she was born to have at 

my side. I take the few steps that lead to the throne and take my seat. My father brought me 

to this room once and sat me on this very throne

I can still hear him telling me that one day I would be a better king than he was because he 

would teach me not to make his mistakes. I have to believe that even though he didn’t get the 

chance, being surrounded by people that love me will help me become a great king to the 

Elven people. Knowing what it’s like to be a slave and mistreated will help me ensure that all 

members of my kingdom are treated far better

The door on the right side of the room opens, bringing me out of my thoughts. Samuel and the 

council take their seats at their designated table. All the chatter in the room dies down and 

the eyes around the room are focused solely on me. The door on the left side of the room

opens, and two guards drag David into the room as he fights to free himself. He’s thrown onto 

the floor and his leg is shackled

I watch as he looks around the room pleading with his eyes for someone to realize who he 

really is but those around him look on in disgust. His eyes meet mine and I expect to see fear 

or regret, but all I see is hatred. My eyes move from him to Lily. I feel her love and strength 

flow through our bond. I turn my attention back to the room and straighten my spine

You have been summoned today to bear witness to the crowning of the real King of Elves.” 

The room erupts into chaos when the final word leaves my mouth. Silencemy voice booms 

and everyone quiets instantly. I’m sure you are all aware that King Allister was killed many 

years ago and his son was to assume the throne when he came of age.One of the older elves 

from an outlying tribe stands to be recognized

SpeakI say and he bows. I mean no disrespect, my king, but the elf shackled to the floor before us is King Allister’s son, is he not?No he is not. I am King Allister’s son,I say, allowing the illusion to fade, revealing myself and David. Gasps are heard throughout the 

room, and it falls into chaos once again. What is the meaning of this,another tribe leader demands. Sit down and be silent, all of you,”I say, pushing my command. The power of my words has everyone quickly taking their seats


54 Royal Court Part

The room falls into silence, but I can see that many want to speak. I have called this 

proceeding in order for the kingdom to know the truth of what happened to my parents. I’m 

sure you are all confused as you were told the trauma of what I witnessed had rendered me 

unable to speak, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth.” 

The man you have called king for all these years is an evil batard that coveted that which 

was never meant to be his. He is the one that killed my mother and father in cold blood. He 

stood over my father reveling in the fact that he was taking his last breath. His own brother 

meant nothing to him. I watched it all happen as a small child. That part is absolutely true

but the trauma didn’t steal my voice. That was David’s doing as well.” 

David pulls on his shackles and tries to speak but no sound will come out. He used his 

powers to place a veil spell, so I couldn’t speak. He also locked my powers deep inside me, sc 

I couldn’t fight against him. He has abused and tortured me since the day I lost my parents.” 

One of the tribal leaders stands. If that were true, then how are you here now speaking to us

A veil can only be lifted by the creator and only a royal has the power to create a veil spell,” he 


I believe I would like to explain that if I may, my kingElder Samuel says. I nod, and he steps 

from around the long table. Most of the Elders and some of the older elves will remember 

being taught of the prophecy of the Red Wolf.” Many of the elves are turning toward each other 

and nodding, while others simply look confused

For those of you who don’t know about the prophecy, let me explain. A Red Wolf, which is the 

rarest of her kind, will have powers that rival the goddess herself. She was to be betrayed by 

one that was meant to protect and love her.I notice Colton, who is standing with Liam, has 

regret in his eyes. I almost smile when Arina wraps her arm around his waist, offering him 


I focus back on Samuel. Her true mate will suffer and she will be his savior. Her presence in 

our kingdom will reveal the faux king’s wrong doings so that the true king will take his rightful 

place. Together they will be stronger than any king or queen that came before themhe says

My eyes meet Lily’s. My queen, please join me.She nods and makes her way to the platform

She comes to stand next to me. I ask her for her hand, which she gives me without hesitation

I bring it to my lips pressing a kiss on the back before I slide the ring from her finger. Her 

shimmer fades and my beautiful queen stands before me in her true form. I take her hand in 

mine and turn back to face the tribes

My queen, is the reason I stand before you today with my powers and voice. She freed me 

from the veil placed on me by an elf that was meant to protect me. He was meant to protect 


+8 Point

54 Royal Court Part

his brother but instead killed him so he could be king. Now I have brought you here today not 

for a trial because there is no need to discuss if he is guilty. I was there and watched him kill my parents. He has had many other crimes over the years which will also be revealed. You ar 

here to simply hear the the faux king be sentenced.” 

What if we are not willing to follow an elf that needed to be saved by this wolf,” a younger elf says. What is your name and tribe?I am Atlas, leader of the Green Leaf Tribehe says, puffing out his chest. “Then you can join the faux king and a new leader will be appointed to your tribe. By all means, if any of you think me unworthy, challenge me for the crown, but I wi show no mercy. I am the rightful king and no one will ever take what was always destined to 

be mine. Do you wish to be the first one to challenge me, Atlas?” 

Fear flashes in his eyes and he quickly takes his seat. I look down at David, who has stopped struggling but looks at me with loathing in his eyes. That feeling is very much mutual. Is there anyone else beside Atlas that has something to say or that would like to challenge me 

for my crown?” 

A large man who looks to be older than me but younger than David stands, his eyes sizing me up. Why isn’t King David being allowed to tell us whether these accusations are true? You expect us to just accept that after all this time of you being a powerless mute, that you are the king that is meant to lead our kingdom because of some shewolf who looks like she couldn’t hurt a pixie if she triedhe says

The woman sitting next to him grabs his arm, and he whirls on her. He raises his hand to 

strike her, and she immediately cowers back. My power pushes to the surface, but before I can 

unleash it, I hear my beautiful queen say the word pain.Without warning, the ba**ard drops 

to the floor and his screams fill the room. The woman that must be his, Lunara, looks torn

What is your name Lunara?Her eyes meet mine and she quickly bows her head

My name is Tabitha my king. We are from the Golden Tree Tribeshe says. Is this elf your 

fated?No, my king. My father refused to allow me to lead the tribe because I am female, so he chose the tribe’s head warrior as my mate,she says. His aura is red, my kingLily says

Do you want to be mated to this elf, Tabitha?Again she looks torn as she looks at the elf 

that continues to writhe on the floor at her feet

No, I don’t. He is abusive and unfaithful. I would rather be alone than continue to be forced 

into this mateshipshe says. Guards take the prisoner to the cells. Tabitha my queen and

will speak with you after the royal court is concluded.” she bows her head in respect and 

retakes her seat. Pain stop,Lily says, and the elf goes silent. Does anyone else feel that they 

want to challenge me?This time the room stays silent. The other tribe leaders bow, and


54 Royal Court Part

+3 Points 

swear I can feel their acceptance sweep over me

My eyes focus back on David as I can feel my power swirling at the surface of my skin. David 

Whitlock, you have committed the murder of King Allistar and Queen Carmen Whitlock. You 

have also murdered Michael Katz for the purpose of forcibly mating Jamsine Katz.Gasps 

again fill the room. Jasmine and Myra both step forward and recount David’s crimes from 

their own mouths to the room. I notice David drop his head in defeat hearing Jasmine speak

They both bow to Lily and me before taking a step back

Also, for your crimes against me, which have already been discussed, you will now be sentenced. A sentence of death doesn’t seem near enough for all the pain and suffering you have caused to so many. Therefore, every living relative, past and present, will be afforded th opportunity for their pound of flesh. Your torture will begin directly following the convincing c the royal court.” 

When he lifts his head and his eyes meet mine, a triumphant smile spreads across his face. His hand lifts and for the first time I notice a vial of black shimmery liquid. I immediately know that b**ch gave him something to save him from being tortured. I create the portal intending to try to stop him, when a scream has my head snapping back to David




Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:



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