53 Explain it to Me
49 Point
53 Explain it to Me
Jasmine POV
Myra’s words replay over in my mind as Liam and I lead the children back to the castle. I never want to feel the fear I felt today again. The thought of something happening to my children
was unbearable. “Jasmine, I know your upset with Matilda, but I know in my heart she meant
no harm,” Liam says. “She didn’t tell you why she took the children.”
“I haven’t had the chance to speak with her about it with her finding her mate. They are in the
sitting room downstairs getting to know each other. I think she will need sometime before
they complete the bond after all she has been through” he says. “Liam, I’m really trying not to be upset with Matilda, but I have never been more afraid than I was when we heard she had
taken the children. I know she is your sister, but I can’t imagine an explanation that will make
me forgive her for all that she caused.”
He stops walking and turns me to face him. “You and the pups come before anyone. I don’t
expect you to forgive her because she’s my sister. All I expect is for you to listen to her reason.
If you don’t feel safe having our pups be around her, then I will respect that, but I believe in my
heart that she meant no harm. Are you ready to go and hear her explanation” he asks.
“I am, but I would like Lily to join us.” “You want her to see if Matilda is being truthful when she speaks” he says, but its not a question. “Yes, I’m sorry if that upsets you. Your sister has been through hell and that can change a person. I won’t put our children at risk based on what you
believe of the girl you knew before she was imprisoned here.Sadness flashes in his eyes and I step toward him.
“I’m sorry Liam” I start to say, but his kiss silences me. When he pulls back, he cups my face
in his hands. “You never have to apologize to me for protecting our pups. As much as I want to
believe that, despite everything that she went through, she is still the sweet girl I grew up with.
I agree it’s best we know she is telling the truth,” he says. I press another kiss on his lips before he leads me down the long hallway.
He knocks before he pushes the door open. When we step inside, Artruo has Matilda on his
lap and is holding her close. Liam growls and I slap his arm. “What, I don’t want to see that.
She is my baby sister,” he says. “Too bad. They are beloveds so you’ll have to get over it.“A
giggle has me looking toward Matilda who is smiling at me. “Thank you, Jasmine” she says, standing from Artruo’s lap. A flash of disappointment in Artruo’s eyes has me wanting to
giggle. These men are all the same.
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53 Explain it to Me
Matilda comes to stand in front of me. She opens her mouth, but before she can speak, the
door to the room opens and Drake and Lily step inside. Drake is scowling, and his shoulders
are rigid. I didn’t even think about my poor boy and how upset he would be about the children.
He considers them his brother and sister. Lily grips his hand and his posture instantly relaxes.
“Why don’t we all have a seat and Matilda can tell us about everything that happened with the pups” Lily says. We make our way over to the couch and Liam pulls me close to his side,
breathing in my scent. Once everyone is settled I look at Matilda. “Matilda, can you tell us why
you took the children?” She looks confused but before she speaks her eyes glaze over. After seeing Liam do this a dozen times, I know she is talking to her wolf.
When she looks back at me, fear and sadness are in her eyes. “You think I kidnapped the
children to hurt them” she says. The pain in her voice makes my chest ache. “Matilda,
honestly, I don’t know what to think. When Magnolia told us you took the children because you
hated Liam for escaping and being happy, it made sense. You were tortured by that ba**ard
Jared and if I had to guess, I’m sure David was involved too.”
She silently nods and my stomach rolls. It was bad enough when he screwed the willing, but
to know he took what wasn’t offered makes the fact he is about to suffer all the sweeter. “I
promise you that no matter what they did to me, I could never hate Liam. He is the only family I have left, and I’m glad he escaped. I’m glad he got to be happy and safe in a wolf pack with
people who cared about him,” she says.
I look toward Lily and she smiles. She is telling the truth. I look back at Matilda. “If you weren’t
upset with Liam then why did you take the children?” She recounts her conversation with that old hag. I swear to the goddess I wish she wasn’t dead because I would kill her again with my bare hands. How can two people be so damn evil? “I really am sorry that you thought I took
the pups to hurt them. I would never hurt them, Jasmine. I know that you and Liam have marked, so I consider them my family, but I understand if you don’t trust me” she says.
Tears run down her cheeks and Artruo pulls her back onto his lap. He glares at me and Liam. Liam growls, and I place my hand on his forearm. “His mate is hurting. He has every right to
glare at us.” Matilda pulls back, looking at Artruo. “No, he doesn’t. If it was our pups that went missing, and you thought they were being harmed by someone you didn’t know, you would be
the same way,” she says.
A huge smile spreads across Artruo’s face. “Our pups, I like the sound of that” he says.
Matilda’s cheeks blush and I can’t help but chuckle. She buries her head in his chest and he
rubs circles on her back. I look over at Liam and he is smiling. “Matilda, despite all that has happened to you over the years, your aura doesn’t have a shred of darkness in it. One of my
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53 Explain it to Me
many gifts is to read a person’s true intentions and yours were to protect the pups you considered your family,” Lily says.
I stand from my seat and move toward the couch where Artruo is still holding onto Matilda,
who is clearly sobbing silently. I reach out placing my hand on her shoulder. She turns to face
me and I pull her into a hug. “I am so happy that you didn’t let those two ba**ards take your
light. Thank you for protecting my children even if that old hag lied. To know you were trying
to keep them safe means the world to me, Matilda.” She pulls back offering me a genuine
“You’re welcome. I’m really glad that Liam found you, Jasmine. I always wanted a sister and
now its seems I have three” she says turning back to Artruo. “Yes, you do. I know you will be
returning to the Red Death Tribe with your beloved but I hope that you will be visiting often,
especially since you’ll be having more nieces or nephews. We will need all the help we can
get.” Matilda squeals and pulls me back in for another hug.
Once she releases me I turn and I’m engulfed in a hug. “I’m so happy for you, mom. When did
you find out” Drake asks. “Yesterday, but with all the craziness I didn’t get the chance to tell you.” “Congratulations, Jasmine” Lily says and I hug her. “I’m just happy I won’t have my duties
this time around. I will be able to nap and enjoy being pregnant.”
Liam pulls me into his arms. “I can’t wait to see you round with our pups.” Goddess I couldn’t be any happier at this moment. Well that’s not true. Knowing that David is truly gone and can
never hurt another person I love will definitely make everything that is happening even better.
Drake POV
Lily and I make our way back toward the confernece room where the remaining elders are
waiting. I know they were confused when we suddenly said we had something important to
attend to but I offered them no further explanation. I push open the door and I’m shocked to
see Samuel has joined us. Honestly after learning that Myra is his second chance beloved I
was worried he wouldn’t be here for what I had planned.
I know I can stand before the kingdom with the other council members but having him with
me feels like my father is standing behind me. “My king, are you ready to begin” he asks. “Of
course, I’m a little shocked to see you so soon. I thought you wouldn’t join us until after
dinner.” A smile spreads across his face. “My beautiful beloved needed a break” he says
smugly. Lily throws her head back and laughs while I try to keep the look of disgust from my
I think of Myra like a grandmother and that is the last thought I want in my head. “Let’s begin”
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53 Explain it to Me
I say quickly and everyone takes their seats. “My queen and I have discussed how we wish to present what has happened to the kingdom. We would like to hold the proceedings in the roya court. I will maintain the illusion spell until everyone has gathered. Once everyone is seated I will reveal myself and David will be sentenced in front of the entire kingdom for his crimes no only against me but against my parents and Jasmine.”
Everyone agrees with the plan. We begin to discuss Lily being announced. “I mean no disrespect my king but how do you think the members of the Elven Kingdom are going to take having a wolf for their queen” the only remaining male elder besides Samuel asks. “My queen is not up for discussion or debate. I have been blessed by the goddess and no elf gets to
voice. question the goddess’s choice if I don’t. I love Lily,”I say trying to keep the anger for my
“I will speak about the prophecy before we announce Queen Lily” Samuel says. “But our king is absoutely right. No elf should question the goddess. In fact they should be happy we have such a strong and powerful queen” Samuel says. I can’t help my smile as I pull Lily closer to my side. After tonight David will be no more and I’ll finally be able to spend time with Lily. I’m hoping she’ll like the surprise I have coming for her.