Betrayal 146

Betrayal 146

51 Goddess of Vengeance 

+8 Points 

51 Goddess of Vengeance 

Magnolia POV 

I force my eyes open despite the brightness of the room. Where the f**k am I? I look around but don’t recognize anything. A large screen lights up and my b**ch of a sister is lying unconscious in a hospital bed. Good, I hope I get to watch her take her last breath. The door to the room opens and a very handsome man that looks familiar steps inside. Why the f**k is he smiling at that pathetic b**ch

A feeling of unease flows through me as he slides into bed next to her and pulls her close. Her eyes fly open, and she smiles like he is her everything. I can’t shake a feeling of possessiveness over the man that has my sister in his arms. Why the hell do I care? He is nothing to me. I’m disappointed to see her awake. I was truly hoping she was dying

A door I didn’t even notice opens and the scariest woman I’ve ever seen steps inside. She has raven hair and nearly black eyes. Scars cover every inch of exposed skin. I take a step back as she moves further into the room. I was really hoping your sister would get the chance to do the job, but I applaud the king for his quick vengeance,” the woman says with a sinister smile

Who the f**k are you? Where am I?The answer is simple, Magnolia, this is the realm of reckoning. The place where you are judged and sentenced,she says. I’m dead. What the f**k more do you think you can do to me?She throws her head back and laughs. I can see you are just as stupid in death as you were in life. Let me explain a few things. You should never assume that things can’t get worse and that suffering can’t be forever. Also, there are many things worse than death,she says like she is telling me the weather

I’m dead, isn’t that punishment enough.No, it’s not punishment at all. The real punishment starts after a little show and tell,” she says. The screen lights up again and this time I’m young and beautiful. I’m walking toward the king’s office. I smile when I realize this is the day my beloved walked in on us. The look on his face was of both anger and defeat. I was f**king a king. He really couldn’t expect me to accept a pathetic warrior

I was actually shocked when he rejected me and left the tribe, but I didn’t shed one tear. I didn’t want him. I deserved far better. The screen changes and I see myself in the room they 

kept me while I was pregnant with David. The door opens and Elizabeth steps inside. I rub my belly, wanting to see the hurt and sadness in her eyes, knowing I’m carrying her beloved’s child. The day you deliver the child will be taken and what I’m about to do will take effect,she 



* Paint 

51 Goddess of Vengeance 

She chants and I take a step away from her. I don’t feel any different, but she smiles before she leaves the room without another word. The scene changes and I watch them rip David from my grasp. The moment he leaves my arms, pain that rivals that of what I have just endured sweeps through my body. The doctor looks on in horror and the nurse screams. That b**ch changed me into a disgusting creature

All my beauty gone with the loss of my child. Let’s not get sentimental Magnolia. The only reason you even cared for the child is because you thought the king would keep you as his mistress since you bore him a son. Besides, all the queen did was make your outside match your inside,the woman says. I’m tempted to curse and scream at her but something about her eyes has me forcing my lips closed

The screen is back to the scene from earlier. My sister being held tight in the handsome man’s embrace. I study his features more closely and stagger back. “What the hell is this? Why is he in bed with her?She laughs again, and it takes all my restraint not to launch myself at her. My sister Selene has a twisted sense of humor. She thought it would be funny to give your exbeloved the good sister after he rejected the sh**y one,she says

No, she can’t have him. He was mine first. She doesn’t deserve him she is just a unwanted slave.” He isn’t a toy and, if my memory serves me correctly, you took great pleasure in stomping on his heart when he was just a boy. Well Magnolia, he is a man now and your sister is going to reap the benefit of your selfish, evil ways. In fact, it looks like we might get one hell 

of a show,” she says

I don’t want to look, but I can’t stop myself. As soon as I see him move down her body, the screen goes black. Where is the goddess? She can’t do this. She doesn’t deserve my beloved He isn’t your beloved. Did you know that he saved himself for you? In fact, your sister is about to find out what it feels like to have many years of pentup s****| frustration taken out on her 

bodyshe says with a smug smile

You call me evil, but here you are trying to torture me for something as so minor in the grand scheme of things. I didn’t kill him and he rejected me.Torture, sweetheart, this isn’t torture, but that part is coming. Do you know how I became the goddess of vengeance?I stay quiet

not really wanting to know

I was mated to an amazing wolf. An Alpha of one of the largest packs. I was of Beta blood. I really thought he loved me, but one day I realized the truth. He was f**king my sister. Not only was he f**king her, but he fancied himself in love with her. He never wanted me but his wolf 

was persistent,she says

I swear her eyes get darker as she relives the memory. “Anyway, they came up with a plan to 



51 Goddess of Vengeance 

kill me off so they could be together. My best friend tried to warn me, but I loved my sister and 

trusted them both. Do you know how they had me killed?She steps closer, and I swallow the 

fear that is building inside me

They hired four men who spent the night taking what I had saved for my mate. When they 

were done, they cut every inch of my body, leaving me for the animals to dispose of. I wear 

those scars because when I come for those who have done horrible things I want them to 

know fear when they look upon me.” 

This time the smile that spreads across her face has bile rising in my throat. You are just like 

my exmate, exsister, and those men. Do you know what I did the moment that Selene offered 

me to become the goddess of vengeance? To allow me to offer justice for those that were 

wronged in the most horrible ways.” 

I shake my head not wanting to know. I went to find my exmate and exsister. Walked into 

the pack, killing all those who didn’t even mourn my death, including my parents. I walked up 

on stage and the pathetic bastard pissed himself. Could you imagine he took one look at what 

he had done to me and lost control of his bladder? Big bad Alpha was a pathetic little boy 

when facing me. Didn’t much matter how he pleaded for my forgiveness because I slit is 

throat in front of the whole pack. I took more time with my sister, making sure we had 

matching scars when she returned to the goddess,” she says

Please no moreI say taking another step away from her. We are getting to the best part.

found each of the four men and, after they begged for their lives, I dismantled their bodies 

piece by piece, leaving that which violated me for last. Needless to say, I felt better, and now

get to do for others what is unthinkable to them. I make those who cause pain and suffering pay for every slight against those who are good and decent.” 

I never did such awful things. My crimes don’t compare to those.The screen lights up behind 

her. David, you are special. Your brother is not good enough to become king. It is your 

birthright. You must always remember that no matter how kind he is to you. He is the enemy

One day you will need to eliminate the enemy that is your brother to take your rightful place

the thronepast me says

The screen goes dark again. How old was David when you started spewing your rhetoric,” she 

asks. I’m tempted to lie, but I’m sure she already knows the answer. He was two the first time 

I got to hold him again. I spoke it to him starting that day and every chance I got until he 

finally killed Allister. My son was the rightful king. I was just trying to make things right.” 

The saddest part of that statement is you really believe you were justified. You know who else 

thought they were justified? My exmate and exsister. They were in love, so the end justified 


+4 Paste 

51 Goddess of Vengeance 

the means

but you know that’s a lie. Don’t worry, Magnolia, an eternity is a long time to learn

the many lessons I have to teach,she says. Please goddess, I beg you to have mercy. I’m 

sorry.” She throws her head back and laughs

Mercy is the last thing you’ll find hereshe says. She opens her palm and a dagger appears with a black shimmery blade. I take another step back but the wall makes it impossible for me to move any further away from her. Now that show and tell is over the real fun beginsshe says as she plunges the dagger into my stomach and twists



Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:



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