50 Will You Accept
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50 Will You Accept
Myra POV
I really wish someone would turn off that annoying beeping sound. “Myra,” a deep masculine voice says my name, sending shivers down my spine. “Please wake up beautiful,” the voice says again. Tingles erupt on my cheek as warm fingers brush against my skin. The beeping speeds up, and I realize it matches my heartbeat.
Based on the scent of antiseptic, I must be in the royal hospital. I try to force my eyes open, needing to see if what I just felt is truly real. Michael’s words replay in my mind. “Believe in second chances and be happy, mom.” I thought he was talking about choosing to live, but now
I realize he meant a second chance beloved. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think this
would happen.
My first beloved was a warrior that died not long after Michael turned two. I had no choice but to keep living for my child. He needed me and I had no time to wallow in my pain and loss. I focus back on the hand that is now intertwined with mine. Part of me is excited at the thought of a second chance, but the other part is terrified. Terrified of losing the people I hold in my heart. I lost Michael and his father. What if it happens again? I don’t know if I’m strong enough
to survive.
My mind wanders to Jasmine and Liam. I remember seeing the guilt and fear in her eyes when she realized the goddess had given her a new beloved. She deserved the chance to love and be loved again. I encouraged her to open her heart and trust the goddess. What kind of hypocrite would I be to not give myself the same chance?
squeeze my eyes tight, praying for courage before trying to open them again. This time they open, but everything is blurry. “Thank the goddess, you’re awake,” the deep voice from earlier says. I try to focus as his face comes into view, but it’s not working. I blink a few more times, hoping my eyes will start to work.
When he finally comes into focus, my heart that was beating out of my chest damn near stops. “Samuel” I whisper. His smile widens, and he cups my cheek with his hand. “I wondered if you would remember me. It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other beautiful,” he says. I’m sure my cheeks turn pink because of his endearment.
“You may be older, more distinguished, but you are just as handsome as you were when I was a young girl. I’m sure you remember how all the young girls of the tribe fawned after you. remember you were about to become an elite warrior, and then you were gone. I never
50 Will You Accept
understood why you disappeared so suddenly. Elizabeth told me that you went to work and live with the council, but I could never understand why. You were so young. You couldn’t
become a member at such a young age.”
A sadness flashes in his eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to upset you with,” I start to say, but he
cuts me off. He pulls a chair close to my bed. He takes my hand in his. Bringing it to his lips, he presses a soft kiss on the back. “You never have to be sorry for asking me questions. There
will be no secrets between us, Myra. I want you to know my past, but I worry if it will change
how you feel about our bond. I can’t lose you, Myra. I’ve waited too long in this life to know the
love of my fated beloved.”
I hold tightly to his hand, wanting him to know I’m here with him. That he doesn’t need to fear
telling me anything as long as its the truth. “I had never intended to leave the royal tribe. I
completed my elite training and was to become the king’s guard until he found his queen. I
had turned eighteen while I was in training. When it was time to return to the castle, I had
hoped to find my beloved,” he says.
“When we were young I fancied you quite a bit, but I knew that you had found Stephen. I won’t
lie. I was disappointed, but I was sure the goddess had picked out the perfect elf for me. The
day I was to meet with the king to start my duties, I headed to his office. Based on the sounds
that were happening, I knew I should just leave, but something had me frozen in place. Before
the king met Elizabeth, he was a bit of a playboy. It wasn’t uncommon for him to be
entertaining elves that were not his beloved, but something in my gut knew this was different,”
he says.
Despite the years that have passed, I can still hear the pain he feels reliving the memory.
“Without a thought of the consequences, I pushed open the door and my eyes met ones that
were meant only to see me. A body that was meant to only be mine. She was naked and made
no move to cover herself or pull away from the king even after she breathed the words I’d
waited to hear. “Beloved” she said, but at that moment, all the hope and love I had at the
thought of this elf disappeared like a puff of smoke,” he says.
“The king immediately stepped away from her and covered himself. “Samuel” he started to
say, but I just glared at him. Whatever he was about to say died on his lips. I looked back at
the elf the goddess chose for me and felt nothing but disgust. She didn’t even look sorry. I decided at that moment that I would rather live my life without a beloved than beg her to love me,” he says.
His eyes meet mine again and the love I see in them takes my breath away. “That’s why I was so shocked to discover that you were my second chance. I rejected my beloved and yet here
50 Will You Accept
you are, mine” he says. “Samuel, what on earth would make you think that what you just told
me would change how I feel about our bond? If anything, it makes me want it more. A chance to show you exactly how you deserve to be loved.”
“It’s not the story so much as the person that I rejected.” Bile rises in my throat because
immediately know whose name he is about to say, but he’s wrong. Nothing about what my where of a sister did to him changes the fact that he is mine. “Based on the look in your eyes, I
can see you figured it out. After I rejected Magnolia, I couldn’t stay in the tribe. I couldn’t face
the king every day knowing he slept with her even if I had no intention of accepting her, so I
took the chance to work for the council until I could become a member,” he says.
I raise my free hand and cup his cheek. “I’m glad you rejected her. She didn’t deserve you.
Nothing that you just told me changes that you are my beloved. I accept our bond, Samuel.”
His eyes fill with tears before he bends down, pressing his lips against mine. What starts as a
sweet kiss quickly changes. I can feel the heat of it all the way to my toes. Someone clearing
their throat has Samuel pulling away. When I look at the door, Jasmine is smiling. I almost
jump off the bed when I see my grand babies are safe as they move toward my bed.
Matilda POV
My mate takes a step towards me and my first instinct is to cower, but instead I stay still.
“What is your name, my Lunara?” I look at him confused. “Wolf packs have Luna’s and Elven
tribes have Lunara’s. You are my beloved, which makes you my Lunara” he says. “You are not
my first mate,” I blurt out. “I may not be your first, but goddess willing, I will be your last. My
name is Artruo” he says.
“My name is Matilda.” “That is a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. May I come closer to
you Matilda?” I push away my fear and nod. He moves closer until he is standing in front of
- me. “I can tell that bad things have happened to you here, and I’m sorry for all that you’ve been
through, but I can promise you that I will protect you as long as there is breath in my lungs. I
will never hurt you. You are the other half of my soul and I will cherish you all the days of our lives,” he says.
I can’t stop the sob that escapes me. A mixture of relief and sadness that I can’t stop from
pouring out of me. He reaches out for me, but waits for my permission before touches me. I
take a step toward him, and he engulfs me in his arms. “I have you, my love. No one will ever
take you from me or hurt you again,” he says, pressing a kiss to the crown of my head.
“You can trust him, Matilda. His words are sincere. He will love us with his whole heart,” Cora
says. For the first time since we were ripped from our home, I feel a sense of peace. “Will you accept our bond, Matilda,” Artruo asks. I pull back looking into his beautiful eyes. I expect to
50 Will You Accept
feel fear or apprehension after the past and that fact we just met, but the only thing I feel is
happiness and love. “Yes, I accept our bond Artruo.”
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