49 Second Chances
49 Second Chances
Myra POV
I open my eyes, and I’ve never been more confused. How the hell did I get back in my building in town? The last thing I remember is getting ready to punch my sister and a green powder. I plop down in my favorite dark blue chair trying to get my bearings. Memories of her words about the children come rushing back. I get to my feet when a voice I never thought I’d hear
again startles me.
I whirl around and come face to face with my son. Now I know I’m dreaming. Whatever that b**ch threw in my face has me hallucinating. “Michael” I say as he takes a step closer to me. “Mom, I’ve missed you” he says. “No, this isn’t real. I lost you a long time ago. I won’t let that
evil hag alter what’s real no matter how much I wish it was.”
“Mom, this isn’t Magnolia’s doing and I promise you that she won’t be causing anyone any more pain,” he says. He steps so close I could reach out and touch him, but I know this isn’t
real. He raises his hand, touching my face and I gasp. I can feel his touch. Without overthinking it, I reach out placing my arms around his waist, hugging him to me. I sob as he
wraps his arms around me.
“I don’t care if this isn’t real. I never thought I’d get to hug you again.”He chuckles and tightens his hold on me. “This is real mom. The green powder that b**ch used on you in the cells was a powerful poison,” he says. I pull back so I can look into his eyes. “Are you saying I’m dead? My house is the afterlife. That’s a little disappointing.” This time he throws his head back and laughs.
“No, your soul is still tethered to your body because the people that love you are trying to save your life. The goddess is trying to right the wrongs of the past, so she allowed me to come here to see you. “I’m ready.” He looks at me confused. “Ready for what?” “Ready to go with you. You said I was poisoned. The goddess sent you to bring me to the real afterlife to be with
He releases me from his hold and leads me over to the couch near the bay window. “Mom, why would you want to go with me? Death is forever. You will never see Jasmine or the twins
again. What about the babies growing in Jasmine’s womb? They deserve to have their
grandmother,” he says. “I miss you every day, Michael. I hate that I’m alive and you’re not. I don’t want to leave you again.”
“I miss you too, mom, but wanting you here is selfish of me. As hard as it is to hear, this is
+8 Point:
49 Second Chances
where I am meant to be. Jazzy needs you and even though she has a new beloved, I still love
her now as much as I did the day we realized we were beloveds. I want her to have the
happiness she deserves, which includes a mother who loves her,” he says.
Before I can say anything, the sound of a baby’s cries startles me. I look at Michael, who just
smiles. He stands offering me his hand. I take it without hesitation. He leads me down the
hall to a room that I have for Diane and Daniel. When he pushes open the door, it looks
completely different. A large crib against the far wall has my heart beating out of my chest.
Michael squeezes my hand before encouraging me to look in the crib. I reach the crib in five
steps and gasp when I see two beautiful elven babies with wide eyes looking back at me.
Michael drapes his arm over my shoulder and I lean into his touch, but my eyes never leave
the crib. I can’t help but compare Michael’s features when he was a baby to these two little
“I know it would be easy for you to give in to the poison that is flowing through you and stay
here with me, mom, but you still have life to live. You still have people that need you. People
that want you to live, but you need to want to live. I’ll be here loving you and waiting for you,”
he says.
Tingles erupt on the palm of my left hand, startling me again. I look down at my hand, confused, before I look back at Michael. He smiles like the Cheshire cat, but before I can ask him about it, he speaks again. “I want you to give Jazzy a message for me, mom,” he says. “You are pretty confident I’m choosing to go back.” “I am” he says smugly.
“Tell her that I will always love her, but I want her to give her whole heart to Liam. She doesn’t have to forget me, but she has to let go of the guilt over everything that happened. Nothing that happened was her fault. I’ll watch over her and her family. I want her to be happy. I want her to know I’ll be watching over the babies until she has them safely in her arms,” he says.
Tears roll down my cheeks as I listen to my son be the selfless elf he always was. “I love you, Michael. I am so proud to have you as my son. I will miss you, but I know we will be together when it’s my time.” He pulls me in for another hug and I hold onto him tight because I know he’s going to disappear. He leans down and whispers near my ear. “Believe in second chances and be happy. I love you, mom.” He kisses my cheek and everything around me fades into
Matilda POV
Goddess, this place stinks. I was afraid to even let the children sit on the furniture. I can’t believe the old witch lives in a place like this. “Matty, what is this place,” Diane asks. “It’s a
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49 Second Chances
cottage.” She looks around and scrunches her nose. I swear these two are the cutest kids. My child would have been a year younger, and I wonder if it would have been a boy or a girl. I shake those thoughts away because no good can come of dwelling in the past.
I’m free from that ba**ard and I have Liam back in my life. That’s all that matters right now. “It’s a stinky cottage,” Daniel says and I giggle. “You’re right, it is. Hopefully, we won’t be here too long. I just need you to trust me.““We trust you Matty” Diane says and I smile. “What is
that scent,” Cora growls. “I can’t pinpoint what’s causing the stench and I know it’s worse for
you, but we’re safe here.“No not the disgusting smell. Something smells like lemon cookies.
Before I can tell her how crazy she sounds, the scent has me on my feet. I move toward the
door and the scent gets stronger. I turn back toward the kids. “Stay here, I’ll be right back.”
They both nod and I push open the door. I step out onto the rickety porch and sniff the air. I’m
just about to step off the porch to follow the scent when Liam steps out of the tree line.
I’m shocked he’s here but so happy to see him. I take a few steps toward him when he
screams “no.” My head catches movement to his left just in time to see an arrow barreling
toward me. I know there is no way I’m moving in time, so I focus my eyes on Liam. At least I’ll
die knowing the kids are safe. I want him to be the last thing I see.
It’s so strange, but I feel like everything around me has slowed down. Even the arrow has
almost stopped in midair a few inches from me. I start to wonder if this is what everyone feels
when they are close to death. I start to think about my mother, but before I can dwell on her
last moments, I’m knocked to the ground.
I expect my wolf to growl, but instead she purrs. Tingles dance on my skin where I’m
cocooned in strong arms. What the hell just happened? “You almost died, my love. Don’t scare me like that again,” a deep voice says, breaking me out of my thoughts. He pulls back, and I
swear I can’t breathe. He’s my second chance mate. His is the scent that I smelled. The
tingles are the bond. “Don’t push him away, he isn’t like the evil pr*ck that was our first mate”
Cora says.
Fear rushes through me. A second chance, that’s an elf. I can’t live through that again. I can feel myself start to tremble. The sound of the children’s voices has me looking toward the cottage. “Are you OK, Matty,” Diane asks, her voice laced with concern. “I am. Liam’s back so we can leave the stinky cottage” I say trying to keep my words from shaking. They both giggle
and rush toward my brother.
“Colton, can you and Arina take the pups to their mother? She is at the hospital,” Liam says. “Is mommy hurt, Daniel asks, his voice full of worry. “No, buddy, she’s fine. Why don’t you go keep her company,” Liam says. “I don’t remember anyone putting you in charge, a familiar
+3 Points
49 Second Chances
male voice says from behind us. Despite my fear of my mate, I huddle closer to him. Blake wasn’t as cruel as Jared, but he hates wolves. He made that perfectly clear over the years every time he hit me. I wonder if he is the one that shot the arrow. That would make sense.”
“The queen and you can stand down,” Liam says. “As soon as I take the mutt into custody, I’ll stand down,” he says. He doesn’t realize that Liam is a wolf because of his bracelet. My mate tightens his hold on me and, for the moment I lean into his protection. He lifts me to stand,
but he keeps me tucked into his side. “She is my beloved and the future Lunara of the Red
Death Tribe,” my mate says.
“She kidnapped the king’s children and will be punished for her crimes,” Blake says. I finally find my voice as Cora pushes to the surface. I step away from my mate. “I did no such thing. I
was protecting them from the seer’s vision until Liam returned. I would never hurt the childrer
They are my family.” Blake throws his head back and laughs. “A pathetic mutt like you is
nothing. Hell, you are less than nothing,” he says.
Before I can stop her, Cora pushes forward, taking control. She lunges forward, partially
shifting and sinks her claws into Blake’s chest. “You will never hurt Matilda again” she says.
His eyes widen as he gasps for breath. She pulls our claws back from his chest, and he drops
to the ground. She gives me back control. I turn to face the man that is to be my second
chance, expecting to see anger and disgust, but instead he looks happy and proud. I told you
he isn’t that ba**ard. He is our second chance.
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