Betrayal 141

Betrayal 141

46 Why Are You Smiling 

+8 Point 

46 Why Are You Smiling 

Jasmine POV 

I’ve been trying to keep busy with the kids since Lily, Liam, and Drake left, but Myra took them to the park for a while this afternoon. So unfortunately, I’ve been left alone with my thoughts. I know it’s only been two days since they left for the Red Death Tribe, but I feel like I’m losing 

my mind. My brain has conjured too many scenarios to count and none of them end well.

thought about trying to take a nap since I haven’t been sleeping, but I knew it was futile to 

even try

Even with Liam’s scent still on our sheets, it’s not enough to quell the worry that is constantly 

present. I know that Liam is strong and a skilled warrior, but he doesn’t have powers like Lily 

and Drake. I’ve heard David speak about the Red Death Tribe being full of bloodthirsty 

savages. What if something happens to Liam? I can’t lose Liam. I can’t lose any of them. I’m 

finally happy, and I refuse to let David take any more from me than he already has. The sound of the door opening breaks me out of my thoughts

I smile genuinely when I see Diane and Daniel walk through the door with icecream cones in 

their hands, even though they are both a mess. Neither of them have asked me about David

which makes me both happy and sad. I’m glad they aren’t upset and worried, but it speaks 

volumes about the type of father he was that his children don’t miss him. Mommy, Nana 

Myra got us icecream,” Diane says as she rounds the couch. “That’s wonderful. What flavor 

did you get?” 

I got cotton candy and Daniel got mint chocolate chip.I bristle my nose at the thought of 

mint icecream. I’m not a big fan of mint on a good day, but right now the thought of it turns 

my stomach. Before I realize how close Daniel is, he is offering me a taste of his icecream

The smell is overwhelming. Mommy, do you want to try mine,” he says innocently, but I quickly cover my mouth. I pop off the couch and sprint toward the bathroom

I reach the toilet just in time to empty what’s left of my lunch from my stomach. A cool cloth 

is placed on the back of my neck and Myra gently holds my hair back. Once I’m finished, I sit 

back against the wall and smile. Myra looks at me confused. I don’t think I’ve ever seen 

anyone smiling after they just tossed their cookies,she says, and I giggle. I’m not happy 

about puking, I’m happy about why I think I’m puking Myra.” 

Her eyes get big before a huge smile spreads across her face. Are you saying I’m going to have a new grand baby,” she asks. That’s what I’m hoping, but I won’t know for sure until I get checked out at the hospital.I get to my feet and Myra pulls me in for a hug. I’m so happy for 


+9 Points 

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you Jazzy. You and Liam deserve every bit of happiness.She pulls back but keeps her hands 

on my arms

Now, are we going to find out for sure or are you waiting until Liam returns,she asks. Oh

there is no way I can wait, especially not knowing exactly when they will get back.“As I grab 

my toothbrush, thoughts of a little girl with Liam’s eyes and my nose pops into my mind. As I quickly brush, a different thought pops into my head and the feeling of excitement morphs 

into fear

What happened there? All the sudden, all the happiness drained from your face,” Myra says as she stares at me in the mirror. This baby will be a hybrid. What if something happens? I wasn’t born a royal, you know that. What if I’m not strong enough to carry the baby to term?Without even realizing it, my hands go to my still flat stomach as if I can protect the child that I believe is growing in my womb

Hey, no way are you going to play the whatif game, young lady. We are going to drop the children off and head to the hospital. You are going to push those negative thoughts right out of your head.I turn to face her and nod, not trusting myself to agree out loud. I force myself to 

smile as we head back out to the children

I get them cleaned up before we take them down to the kitchen. It takes us ten minutes to reach the hospital and I try to keep the negative thoughts from taking root, but it’s hard. I focus on the fact that I had no trouble carrying the twins. My pregnancy was uneventful, and the goddess chose me to be Liam’s beloved. That has to mean something. After everything that happened in the past, she wouldn’t be cruel enough to take our child from me

What am I saying? I don’t even know for sure if I’m pregnant, and I’m already trying to guilt the goddess into letting me keep it. I say a quick prayer as we push open the double doors that lead to the waiting room. My queen,” a nurse says, rushing toward me. I almost correct her before I stop myself. No one knows about Drake and Lily yet. Are you alright, your majesty,she asks. I’m fine, but I do need to speak with Dr. Muller about something.” 

Myra squeezes my hand as we follow the nurse down a long hallway to the wing that is reserved for myself, the children, and David. He insisted that he didn’t want himself or the children treated among the common elves, as he called them. I shake my head at the memory. Once we are inside, I take a seat on the exam table. Myra takes a seat in the chair that is closest to me. Within seconds, a knock sounds on the door

I breathe a sigh of relief when I see it’s Bethany. She is one of the few women I consider a friend. She was just starting out as a doctor when Allister became king. She delivered both my children and I can tell, despite being respectful, she does not like David. I think she is one of 


46 Why Are You Smiling 

the only women who would tell him no if he ever went there, which is why he doesn’t try

Marion steps in behind her and I smile

Jasmine, is everything alright?I think I may be with child, but it is not the king’s,”I blurt out

As soon as the words leave my mouth, she smiles so wide I worry she’ll hurt her cheeks

Finally, I’m glad you decided to give that pig a dose of his own medicine.” 

Myra laughs and I join in. Actually, you know that David never marked me. I found my belovec 

and he is not an elf. He is a wolf. I need you to make sure that if I am pregnant the child is 

alright. I’m worried my body won’t be strong enough to carry a hybrid child.” 

She cuts me off. After all you’ve endured over the years, your body is plenty strong enough.

have no doubt that if you are pregnant your child will be just fine. You are the strongest 

woman I know,she says. Marion is going to draw blood and, if you’re right, we will do an 

ultrasound,” she says

She reaches out and squeezes my hand. Your secret is safe with me, you know that, Jasmine

but at some point the a**hat that is the king is going to realize the child isn’t his when it’s 

born.I squeeze her hand back, seeing the worry on her face. I promise that won’t be an 

issue.She nods and leaves the room

Once Marion draws my blood, it’s a waiting game. I’m not sure how much time passes before 

Bethany walks back in with a huge smile on her face. Congratulations my queen, you’re pregnant.The door opens a few seconds later, and Marion pushes an ultrasound machine 

into the room. I pull my shirt up, exposing my belly

Myra comes to stand next to the exam table, taking my hand in hers. Bethany puts the cold gel I remember from last time on my belly. As she begins to move the wand the room fills with the sound of a strong heartbeat. Tears run down my cheeks at the thought of a part of Liam 

and a part of me growing in my womb

Well, my queen, I’m kind of feeling a little dejavushe says as she turns to the screen toward me. You are too early to know what the s*xes are, but as you can see, there are two healthy babies snuggled inside your belly. This is baby A and this is baby Bshe says, pointing to the screen. Two babiesMyra repeats and Bethany nods. If this was an elven pregnancy I would put you at two months, but based on the look you just gave me, I’m guessing that is not 


No, it can’t be. Even if I got pregnant when Liam and I mated for the first time, that would be about two weeks ago.Well, it looks like I’ll have to make some phone calls to some of my colleagues that deal with hybrid pregnancies, but if I had to guess, I would say that you’ll 


+3 Print 

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deliver around five monthsshe says. Banging on the door brings me out of my shock

Bethany pulls the door open and Vincent looks panicked. I quickly clean myself up and slide off the table. What’s going on, Vincent?He leans in so only I can hear. Something is wrong with David, my queen.What do you mean?He is unconscious and the hag is screaming that he is dying, and we have to save him.We have been keeping him hydrated and nourished until the king returns. He seemed fine this morning, but now we can’t wake him. I was afraid to bring in a doctor until I spoke to you. I don’t trust that the pr*ck isn’t trying to trick us,” he says

Bethany, bring a nurse you trust and not Marion to the cells. I won’t risk her and her child if anything goes sideways. I agree with Vincent. I don’t trust him, and he is desperate right now. I’m confused, my queen. Who is in the cells and why would we provide them with medical attention if they are a prisoner?I’ll explain on the way, but I need you to trust me.Of course, I do,she says, and we both start toward the door



Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:



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