Betrayal 137

Betrayal 137

42 Lily’s Surprise 

Lily POV 

This can’t be happening. Grant can’t die. My heart is pounding against my chest as I watch his color grow paler and paler. I hold my hand over the wound as blood pours out around my fingers. Lily, move your hand. I think I can use my regeneration powers to heal him. I’ve never used the power, but all royals are said to have the power to heal,” Drake says. What if 


can’t, and he bleeds to death quicker without the pressure of my hand against the wound?” 

Lily, you need to let him try. If you don’t, he isn’t going to survive. You need to have faith that the goddess has bigger plans for him than to die here in this f**king jungle,Liam says. The panic and anger in his voice makes my own even worse. Lily, Liam is right. Just keep your hand on Grant’s body while Drake tries to heal him. He needs us both to combat whatever was coating that bullet. His body is weakening not only from the blood loss but from whatever poison the bullet was dipped in,Ariel says

I look at Drake and nod. Everything happens so quickly. I move my hand and Drake quickly replaces it with his. I lay my hand next to Drake’s feeling Grant’s warm skin under my fingertips. I close my eyes, focusing all my power on healing this man who sacrificed his own life to save mine and Drake’s. This man that selflessly volunteered to help me find my mate 

and rescue Elder Samuel

Please moon goddess spare him. He deserves to live. I never even knew he had found and lost his mate, but he deserves the chance to find a second one. A second chance at sharing the bond with someone meant just for him,” I pray. I feel the warmth under my hand get stronger. I slide my hand closer until my skin touches Drake’s. All three of us connected by 


I feel Drake’s and my power connect. I open my eyes in time to see Grant’s body being enveloped in a glowing purple light. I look at Drake, and he offers me a reassuring smile. My heart that felt like it was going to beat out of my chest slows when I realize our combined powers are healing Grant. After what feels like hours but is only minutes, the purple glow 

recedes and Grant’s breathing evens out

When Drake lifts his hand, the wound is completely healed. I look back at Grant’s face and stumble back, falling on my a**. I feel like I’m losing my mind. This can’t be real. Instead of Grant lying on the ground in front of me, it’s Colton. I look at Drake, and he looks as confused as I feel. I look at Liam, who gives me a look of sympathy, but he doesn’t look shocked in the least. I’m just about to ask what the f**k is going on when the sound of heavy footsteps 


48 Poin

42 Lily’s Surprise 

silences me

I start to panic again when I look back at Colton and his eyes haven’t opened. He looks like he 

is having the best sleep of his life while I’m losing my sh*t. Drake and Liam rush to stand in 

front of us. The trees shift and five men step into view. One of them that is clearly in charge steps forward. Three of them have guns that are trained on us. How dare you attack your king,Drake says, keeping his tone stern

You are no king or ours, David. My father warned you the last time you stepped foot in our 

tribe, we would have no mercy if you ever returned,” the man says. Before I can think better of 

it, I’m on my feet and moving to stand in front of Drake. The man that spoke looks at me

clearly confused, but all the men behind him shift their weapons to me. You dare threaten my 

queen,Drake says, his voice unrecognizable

Lower your weapons nowthe man says, and the men immediately drop their weapons to 

their sides. Despite not being able to see Drake’s face, I can feel the anger rolling off him. I turn quickly, and his focus is solely on the men behind me. I place my hands on his face when I realize that he is no longer in control and his eyes are glowing purple. “Drake, my love, look at me. I’m alright. They have lowered their weapons.” 

He finally manages to tear his eyes from them and focus on me. You need to show them that 

you are not David. They only attacked because they thought you were him. I’m not happy that they tried to shoot us and shot Colton, but I have a feeling they aren’t a danger to us. Please’l say and he simply nods. I turn back around and watch as the shock registers on their faces 

when Drake lets the illusion spell go. Without warning, they all drop to their knees and bow 

their heads

Drake POV 

The minute Grant is surrounded by the purple glow, I feel like I can breathe. I would never forgive myself if Grant died because he came here to help me rescue Samuel. Besides, Lily 

would be devastated. I can see how much she cares for Grant. If I didn’t know how much she 

loved me, I would worry she had more than just friendly feelings for him. I can see how he 

looks at her, but I can’t say I blame him. My queen is amazing. Anyone would be lucky to have 

her by their side

When I pull my hand away and the wound is healed, my shoulders sag in relief. I wish that Grant would open his eyes, but he doesn’t. I have to believe that he will when his body is ready. I look up at Lily and tears are streaming down her cheeks before a look of shock crosses her features

+8 Points 

42 Lily’s Surprise 

Lily’s look of shock has my focus back on Grant, but what I find is a man I’ve never seen. What the f**k is happening? I don’t have time to ask questions when the sound of heavy footsteps moving through the trees has me up off the ground and positioning myself to protect Lily. Liam comes to stand next to me as a group of elves step through the greenery

I’m on the verge of doing to these men what I did to the council when I see them aiming their 

weapons at Lily. No one threatens my queen, my love. Her hands on my face bring me out of 

the rage that consumes me. When she turns back toward the elves, I release the illusion. To 

my surprise, the men drop to their knees and bear their necks to me. After a few seconds, the man that appears to be in charge gets to his feet

Forgive us my king. My name is Artruo. I am the son of the leader of the Red Death Tribe. We 

had no idea that you weren’t the faux king. I can assure you my father, Canius, will not be 

happy that we have injured the man that accompanied you,he says. I raise my hand to stop 

him. “What matters is he lives. Can you take me to your father? We have things to discuss.”‘ 

Of course, my king,he says

With the help of the tribe’s men, we carry the man that Lily called Colton through the trees

When Artruo stops a few paces ahead of us, we all do the same. He waves his hand and, despite my shock, I keep my face impassive. I’ve never traveled outside the castle, but I wasn’t 

expecting homes that were built high in the trees. Many tree houses stretch out as far as the 

eye can see. A larger one seems to mark the center of the tribe

Artruo leads us directly to that tree. He turns to face us. This is my father and mother’s 

home. He is expecting you, my king,” Artruo says. He steps onto what looks like a floating platform and we join him. My men will take your injured companion to the tribe’s healerhe 

says. Liam, please go with Colton,” Lily says, her voice laced with worry. He will be safe, my 

queen,” Artruo tries to reassure her, but she simply nods. I can tell that Colton is important to 

her, but I try not to read too much into it

She wraps her arm around my waist and leans into me as the platform begins to move. The rest of our trip is in silence. When we finally reach the tree top, the platform stops on a wide bridge. Artruo steps off first, directing his men in the opposite direction with Colton. Liam follows closely behind. Please come this wayArtruo says, and we follow

When we step inside, a small group of people sit in a moderately sized sitting room. All eyes are on us as we move through the space. Some look curious while others look concerned. Lily holds my hand tightly as we follow Artruo down a long hallway. He knocks twice before pushing open an ornate wooden door. As soon as we step inside, a booming voice startles me. What the hell were you thinking,the man behind the desk directs his anger at Artruo 


+8 Points 

42 Lily’s Surprise 

before his eyes meet mine

I’m shocked to see the wide smile that spreads across his face as he stands from his desk

Something about the man seems familiar, but I can’t put my finger on it. My king and queen, my deepest apologies for my son and his men. I promise you they will be punished for 

attacking you unprovoked,he says

No, that won’t be necessary. He was defending the tribe against a known threat. I was unclea about your tribe’s feelings against David, and it was my fault that Artruo attacked my group. He does not deserve to be punished. I would like to know the minute our companion is awake.Of course, my king. Can we have a seat? There is a lot we need to discuss. The most important thing, of course, is why you are here,” he says



Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:



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