Betrayal 136

Betrayal 136

41 Choices 

Colton POV 

I had hoped the emptiness I’m feeling would lessen by seeing her find the happiness she 

deserved, but it hasn’t. As much as I know, I have to let her go. The thought is killing me. The 

problem is my heart still hasn’t gotten the message. Despite the broken bond, Cash and I both

still love her. I just have to love her enough to put her happiness before my own. I just pray 

when it’s time for me to leave I can. I had almost told her that it was truly me and not Grant

but now I realize it’s better for me to just leave without her knowing. She is happy

Drake makes her happy. I can see how much Drake loves her every time they are together.

believe in my heart she will never feel a moment’s doubt about the love he has for her

Honestly, I had intended to return to the pack after the council was dealt with because I was 

sure that Liam, Drake, and Lily wouldn’t need me to accompany them to the Red Death Tribe

but Cash insisted we needed to see this through to the end. I wasn’t sure what he meant by 

the end, but I trust Cash

If he says we need to make the trip with Lily, then there has to be a good reason. Maybe

despite her powers, she needs us to help keep her safe. I step out of the guest room ready to 

meet the others to leave. Seeing Liam standing outside my door startles me. What’s wrong

Is Lily alright?She’s fine, Colton. I wanted to talk to you before we leave for the Red Death Tribe,” he says. Liam, what did you just call me?” 

I called you by your name, Colton.Panic starts to rise in my body. I grab his arm and pull him into the room I just left. Liam, I’m not sure why the hell you’re calling me Colton but.He 

raises his hand to stop my rant. Colton, you need to calm down. I wasn’t positive it was you until I saw your face after Drake and Lily had marked. Between your look of absolute defeat and the way you have been acting towards Lily, after I know I saw Grant flirting with men back 

in the pack, I put two and two together and got four,” he says

I guess my only question is why. I assume Mindy helped you hide your true self. Why would you put yourself through this? Why would you travel with us knowing you would see Lily being mated to someone who isn’t you? I know you f**ked up, and I wanted to beat your a**, but you don’t deserve this kind of torturehe says. My shoulders sag, part in relief and the other part in 


After everything went down, Reese wanted to talk to me. I never knew what happened between him and my sister. He wanted me to understand that, despite my colossal f**k up,

was worth a second chance. At the time, I wasn’t sure I agreed with him, but then Mindy gave 


+9 Point 

41 Choices 

me a chance to help Lily find the happiness she should have had with me. You will never know 

how much I hate myself for what I did. Even when I didn’t act like it, I loved her.” 

Then why cheat? Why hurt her that way if you truly loved her,he asks. Honestly, I think 

besides the obvious, which is pure stupidity, I didn’t feel worthy of being mated to her. Lily ha

always been this amazing, strong, beautiful woman, and I was the ba**ard son of a monster.” 

Liam steps in front of me and places his hands on my shoulders, forcing me to look at him

You are not your father’s mistakes. Despite some bad choices, I’ve watched you grow from

pup to the man you are now. I can honestly say I’m proud of you, Colton. Not many wolves 

would be able to do what you’ve done for Lily. Do you ever plan on telling her that it was truly 

you that helped us get here,” he asks

At first I planned to, but now I realize there really is no point. I’m hopeful at some time in the 

future she’ll forgive me, and when she returns home for a visit we can at least try to be friend 

If not for our own sake, then for our family’s. She doesn’t owe me anything after what I did, bu 

that doesn’t mean I don’t pray to the goddess that we will find the love we once shared as 

pups again.” 

I’m not thrilled about keeping things from Lily, but after what you did for her, I’ll keep my 

mouth shut,” Liam says and I smile. I’ll be returning to the pack after today’s mission. I think 

I’ve tortured myself enough.”He nods and we both head out of the room. We step into the 

foyer and Jasmine immediately rushes over to Liam, who wraps her in his arms

I look around hoping no one sees them, and I’m shocked to find the room is empty. Normally

this room that leads outside the castle is bustling with activity. I almost wonder if the 

members of the tribe have been warned to stay away. I don’t have much time to focus on it as 

I follow Liam, Jasmine, and Myra outside. We make our way to a small clearing just outside 

the castle to wait for Drake and Lily to arrive

It doesn’t take long for them to show up. As everyone says their goodbyes, I step closer to Lily. I swear I see disappointment in her eyes when I tell her I’m leaving to return to the pack. I push those thoughts aside and focus on Drake. I really wish I could hate him for getting my girl, but 

I can’t. He truly is a kindhearted elf. He is going to be an amazing king with a wonderful queen by his side

We all move toward the portal. Before Liam steps through, he gives me a nod and I do the same. I step in behind him and gasp. Holy sh*t, it’s like a different world. I’ve never seen any place like this except on TV or in magazines. It’s like a rain forest. The greenery is thick but Drake and Lily begin to push through with Liam and me bringing up the rear. The narrow path 

seems to widen slightly as we are able to stand by their sides


69 Print 

41 Choices 

I take three more steps when a scream in the distance has me damn near tripping over my own feet. What the f**k was that? Lily takes a step closer to Drake before she grips her arm.

immediately notice blood coming from around her fingers. My head whips in the direction of the scream from earlier. I notice movement in the trees. A reflection off something metallic 

catches my eye and has my brain registering the weapon just in time to push Drake and Lily 

out of the way

The burning sensation in my chest knocks the wind from me as I hit the ground. My eyes 

focus on Lily, checking to make sure she isn’t hurt anymore than the flesh wound she had 

earlier. She stays low to the ground but scrambles toward me. With Drake’s help, they drag me 

into the trees for cover. Grant, look at me. Stay with me,” she pleads as she starts to rip my 

shirt. I’m just about to make a smart ass comment about her wanting me out of my clothes to 

lighten the mood when darkness takes me under

I feel like I’m floating and I can’t feel Cash. I wonder if I’m dead. I wonder if this is what Cash 

meant by the end.If it is, I’m glad that I protected Lily and Drake from losing each other. I had 

hoped to have a second chance but maybe having that kind of love wasn’t in the cards for me 

after my f**k up. I hope the goddess at least forgives me. I let the darkness around me offer 

me peace as I wait to see exactly what the afterlife holds for me

I’m not sure how much time passes when a soft unfamiliar feminine voice calls out to me

Coltonthe voice says again. The darkness fades, and I’m left standing in a beautiful garden 

covered in wild flowers. I spin around taking in the splendor of it all. Wondering if this is where 

I’ll spend eternity. A giggle brings me out of my thoughts

I turn toward the sound and take a step back when a beautiful woman with long red hair steps 

out from the trees. I immediately know who she is. I bow to the mother of our kind. A soft 

hand on the back of my head has me looking up into beautiful emerald eyes. No need to bow 

my child. I’ve been waiting for you,she says. So I am dead.” Yes and no,she says. I’m sure

look as confused as I feel

The bullet that pierced your chest struck your heart. It was also laced with a poison that is 

strong enough to kill both elves and wolves,she says. That sounds like there is no hope. It 

sounds like dead.” In normal circumstances, that would definitely be the case, but Drake isn’t an ordinary elf. Nor is Lily an ordinary wolf. I have faith they will figure out how to stop you 

from leaving the life you are meant to have,” she says

I drop my gaze to the ground, wanting to say a life without the love of my mate, but I don’t. Every choice has an outcome, whether it be good or bad, depends on the person’s actions

You made a really stupid mistake, but you also did something selfless in order to ensure Lily’s 


41 Choices 

18 Paints 

happiness, even if it meant that happiness was with Drake and not you. I agree with Liam that not many wolves would have done the same,she says

Now it is time to make another choice, but this time there is no right or wrong. I’m going to give you a second chance, but not just any ordinary second chance. I’m going to give you the choice to become Lily’s second mate or to find new love with someone else. Either way, you will feel the bond just as you did with Lily the first time.” 

The bond will be true and real. Before you make your choice, I need you to understand one thing. If you choose to become Lily’s second mate, and she refuses to accept you, you will never know what it feels like to have the fated bond with anyone else. You will be able to fall in love as the humans do, but the tingles and the love that the bond helps create will be lost to you,she says. My chest aches because it feels like an impossible choice. What the hell do I do



Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type:



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