35 Healer
Lily POV
Soft lips press against mine, pulling me from sleep. Tingles dance on my skin as fingers run down my cheek. My eyes flutter open and the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes stare back at me. “Good morning, my Lily.” “Why do I feel like you’ve been up for a while?“Will you think that I’m creepy if I say I was watching you sleep. I still can’t believe you’re here. I believed for so long that I would never have a fated beloved, so I keep expecting to wake up and be alone in that small, disgusting room,” he says.
I cup his cheek with my hand. “I am very real and I’m yours. This isn’t a dream, I promise.“l pull his face down to mine and press my lips to his. The kiss is slower, but I can feel every bit of love he has for me in it. When he pulls back, he presses a peck on my nose. “As much as I hate it, we need to get up and dressed. We need to meet everyone in the office” he says, giving me one last quick peck.
When he rolls out of bed, I realize he’s still naked. Despite the blush that crosses my cheeks, I
can’t take my eyes off the beautiful man that is mine as he walks to the bathroom. Once I can
no longer ogle my mate, I roll out of bed. Grabbing the dress that Jasmine gave me, I head into
the bathroom. I avoid looking in Drake’s direction even though Ariel is chanting for me to join
him. I brush my teeth and by the time I’m done, he steps out.
I turn in time to see him wrapping a towel tightly around his waist giving me a perfect view of
the V that disappears under the towel. What the hell is wrong with me that I can’t stop
checking out this man? I turn around, waiting to hear the door click closed, but instead I feel
warm skin against my back. “I feel the same way, my queen. It’s taking all my control not to
take you back to bed and learn every inch of your beautiful body” he says, sending a shiver
down my spine.
He places a soft kiss between my shoulder blades before he looks at me in the mirror. “I promise you that once we have dealt with David, Jared, and the complacent Elders, you won’t be leaving our bed for days.” When he steps away I immediately feel the loss of his heat. This
time the door clicks closed and I immediately step into the shower, turning the water cool. “I told you our mate was going to be amazing. Who needs Colton” she says.
Ariel must feel the shift in my emotions. “I’m sorry Lily. I didn’t mean to upset you” she says.
“I’m fine. Let’s not talk about Colton. We have Drake and he is our true mate. The man that will
love us and only us.” “It’s alright to be sad about losing Colton Lily” she says. “No, it’s not. I rejected him and he is no longer our mate. We need to focus on helping Drake take his rightfu place.”
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35 Healer
I can feel she wants to say more, but I’m grateful when she doesn’t. I quickly shower and step
into the floor–length green maxi dress that matches my eyes. I say a silent prayer to the
goddess to protect those I love before I step out of the bathroom. I stop dead when my eyes
fall on Drake wearing a three–piece charcoal gray suit. “Wipe the drool off your lip,” Ariel says
with a cackle. My eyes meet his, and he gives me a knowing smirk.
“You look beautiful, Lily,” he says, stepping closer to me. “Thank you. You look very
handsome.” He presses a kiss on my forehead, which is sweet but disappointing. I think I’ve
become addicted to kissing him. He takes my hand, leading me out into the living room. Myra
and Matilda are seated on the couch with a cup of coffee in their hands. Myra looks deep in
thought, but I don’t push when her eyes meet mine, and she offers me a smile that doesn’t
reach her eyes.
It doesn’t take long for Grant and Liam to join us. “Where is Jasmine?” “She took Diane and
Daniel to her guard’s home. She wants him and his beloved to keep the children safe while we
deal with the Elders. She plans to tell them what’s going on. She trusts them and I trust her
judgment,” Liam says.
“Vincent and Marion are loyal to Jasmine. They would do anything to protect her and the children. They are the only reason I didn’t die after the last beating that Jared and David gave me,” Drake says. I can’t stop the growl from escaping me at the thought of what Drake has endured. He pulls me in closer and places a kiss on my forehead. “I’m safe now,my queen.
They can’t hurt me anymore” he says.
I turn back to face everyone and I notice Grant eyes looking between me and Drake. I feel bad that he has developed a bit of a crush, but he knew the whole point of coming here was to find Drake. I’ll talk to him later and reassure him that his perfect mate is out there. Without warning, the door to the room flies open and a visibly shaken Jasmine steps inside. Liam jumps up, rushing over to her.
“What’s going on Jazzy” he asks. “Marion and Vincent” she says their names but can’t seem to get the rest out. “It’s alright love. Take your time. What’s happening” Liam comforts her. “Marion, was crying when I arrived with the children. She said that Jared had Vincent in the cells as punishment. They went to help Drake, and he caught them,” she says, guilt in her eyes. They were trying to protect my mate. Ariel tries to push to the surface, but I keep control.
“We should have told them what was happening yesterday,” Jasmine says, sobbing. Liam tightens his grip, upset to see his mate crying. Drake releases me and walks to Jasmine. He offers his hand to her. Something passes between them and I say a silent prayer of thanks that Drake had Jasmine when he was left with no one. Drake turns to me, offering me a reassuring smile. “We won’t be long. Head to my office and we will join you shortly” he says,
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35 Healer
before leaving with Jasmine. I wish I could join them, but we can’t raise suspicions, especially with the Elders arriving shortly.
Jasmine POV
As soon as I arrive at the small cottage that Vincent and Marion share, I usher the children out quickly. When I knock it takes a long time for the door to swing open, but when it does, my heart damn near stops. Marion looks like she has been crying all night. I quickly pull her into
my arms. “Marion, what’s wrong? Where is Vincent” I ask, leading her inside. The minute she
sits on the couch she sobs.
When she finally manages to quiet down she looks so broken. “Marion, tell me what
happened.” She tells me about going to help Drake and Jared dragging Vincent to one of the
cells. “I don’t know if he is hurt or worse, my queen. I can’t live without him. I didn’t even get to
tell him that I’m pregnant. What if” she starts to say, but I cut her off.
“We are not going to do that. What if’s, isn’t what is. Now I will take the children back to the
castle and get to Vincent.” “No, please leave them here. I’ll watch over them. It will give me
something to focus on other than my beloved’s pain,” she says. I hug her one more time before
I rush back to the castle.
I walk side by side with Drake to the door that leads to the cells. The guard’s eyes look between us. I know he wants to know what the hell I’m doing here, but he knows better than to ask. He bows to Drake and opens the door for us to walk through. When we make it down the
stairs, we quickly walk down the hall of cells. When we reach David’s cell, the smirk on his
face tells me all I need to know. Vincent is hurt badly.
I don’t give him the satisfaction of my words as we make it to the end of the hall. The cell isn’t
locked, but Vincent couldn’t escape if he wanted to. It looks like his leg is broken. His eyes are almost swollen shut. He barely acknowledges us when he realizes he is no longer alone. “Vincent, I’m so sorry“I say, as Drake takes a step toward him. As he bends, I notice an
iridescent glow coming from his hand.
I watch as he reaches out, placing both hands on Vincent’s face first. If I wasn’t here to see it I wouldn’t believe what Vincent’s face looked like seconds ago. All the bruising and swelling is gone. When Vincent sees David in front of him, he tries to move away, but I quickly ask him to
trust me.
I can see the apprehension, but eventually he settles and allows Drake to continue. Drake
works his way down Vincent’s body and with each pass of his hands Vincent looks better and better. The last place Drake touches is his leg where the break is very visible. It takes a little longer, but just like his face, it looks like he was never injured.
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Drake helps him to his feet. “Thank you, my king” Vincent says. “You don’t owe me any thanks. You and Marion saved my life. Besides, it’s a king’s job to protect his people,”Drake says, and I can see the confusion on Vincent’s face. “Vincent, let’s get you back to your beloved. She is losing her mind with worry. When we get there I’ll explain everything. I’m just sorry we didn’t do it sooner.”
He nods, and we make our way down the hall back toward the stairs. The smirk that was on that ba**ard’s face fades the moment he sees Vincent. This time I do stop in front of his cell. “How does it feel to be caged like the animal you are? I can see the rage in his eyes. I drop my voice so only he can hear me. “Don’t worry David, my new beloved, is ten times the man you are. Once you’re dead he will claim the children like he has already claimed me,” say, moving my hair to reveal my mark.
He grabs at the bars attempting to scream, but no sound comes out. “Enjoy what’s left of your pathetic life,” I say before turning to join Vincent and Drake. As we make our way through the foyer, my steps falter and Drake steadies me. Jared and the old b**ch who warned me about the Red Wolf are walking toward us. Why is she walking around the castle? “Jared, what the f**k is she doing here,” Drake asks. “My apologies my king, but she needs to speak to you. It’s very important,” Jared says, his eyes focused on me.