27 Dinner
Lily POV
We are gathered at what I assume is the head table. The dining room isn’t completely full, but
there are quite a few elves who are chattering as they look between me, Liam, and Grant. David insisted that I sit on his left side and, despite Grant’s glare, I smiled and took the seat. “Lily, I must say I’m still amazed that any fool would let such a beautiful woman go for what I can only assume is a wh*re,” David says.
I watch Grant’s expression darken. His eyes meet mine and something like regret and anger flashes in them. “I appreciate the compliment, King David. Honestly, I’ve forgiven him and I hope he finds happiness.” “You’re a better elf than most. If someone had betrayed me that way they would wish for death,” David says, looking at Jasmine.
My heart starts to race as her eyes never leave his. “Fortunately, I never have to worry about such a thing because my queen is loyal. We have been in love since the moment I laid eyes on her,” he says, reaching over and bringing her hand to his lips. My eyes move to Liam and I can tell that he is fighting Ottis for control.
“Liam, she is yours. Focus on the fact that she is repulsed by him. She loves you and only you I can’t imagine how hard this is, but I need you to fight for control. This will all be over soon’l say quickly through our link. He eyes snap to mine, and he takes a couple of deep breaths before he nods at me. “I hope you are all hungry. We had the kitchen servants make a feast in your honor,” David says.
A few seconds later doors across the room open and elves with large trays start to file out. I can tell by their clothing how they are treated. I have heard my father talk about packs that treat omegas like this. Like they are unimportant. Like they are less than because of their rank. Giving them just enough to survive.
A plate being sat down in front of Liam brings me out of my thoughts. I notice a silent exchange between the woman and David as she lingers near Liam. “Please let me know if you need anything else sir” she says seductively and runs her hand down his arm. He quickly moves his arm away from her touch. Jasmine’s eyes narrow and in any other circumstances, I would encourage her to beat the woman’s a** but right now we need to get through dinner.
“This food looks amazing” Grant says. He must have noticed the tension. I’m grateful for his distraction as Jasmine turns her focus to him. “The kitchen staff are very good, especially since the royal tribe is made up of over five hundred elves. Thankfully, not all eat in the dining room, but there’s still a large number of elves to feed at each meal,” she says.
27 Dinner
Grant smiles and takes another bite of food. The sound of a plate crashing to the floor has everyone at the table turning toward the sound. When my eyes fall on the man who is standing near the mess, my heart feels like it stops beating. Ariel pushes forward and says the word I’ve been waiting to hear. “Mate” she says.
As if it happens in slow motion, a fist connects with my mate’s jaw. I’m on my feet before I can stop myself. Drake manages to stay on his feet as the pr*ck steps into his space. “Kill that ba**ard” Ariel growls. As much as I want to, we are in a room full of elves. If I reveal myself, I won’t be able to save Drake. “What were you told, mute? Were you not told one f**k up with guests here would get you punished” the pr*ck asks.
“Lily, please have a seat. Jared will deal with the disruption. I apologize for the incompetence of the mute. He normally isn’t allowed to be around guests for just this reason,” David says. “Do your warriors often abuse your kitchen servants,” Grant asks, and my eyes snap to his. “Excuse me. Why on earth would you ask such a question,” David asks.
“Why, because I just watched that warrior knock the tray from that man’s hands and instead of apologizing he is blaming the servant for dropping the plates,” Grant says. David’s fist tightens, his eyes never leaving Grant’s. “No, my warriors do not abuse my servants. Please excuse me while I deal with Jared since he seems to be the one in the wrong,” David says through gritted teeth.
He stands from the table and I start to panic. I jump up and follow him. As soon as we get close the scent of chocolate and coffee has my mouth practically watering. “Jared, our guests seem to think that you pushed this servant. Is that what happened, Jared,” David asks. “No, your majesty. He bumped into me because he can’t walk and carry a tray at the same time.” I ball my fists at my sides. I have a feeling this ba**ard abuses my mate as much as David does. He will pay for every slight against Drake.
David turns toward Drake, who looks at me for the first time. I see something flash in his eyes and I wonder if he realizes he is my mate. David steps in front of me and leans in dropping his voice, so only Drake can hear. What he doesn’t realize is, with my wolf hearing, I can hear every word. “I’m going to enjoy torturing you tonight before I f**k the little elf behind me. She
wouldn’t even let you lick her shoes, you pathetic slave. You better say what happened was your fault when I ask,” he says before he stands up straight.
“Drake, is that true? Did you bump into Jared?” I manage to look around David to see Drake
nod his agreement that he was at fault. “I’m going to rip this ba**ard’s head from his neck”
Ariel says. “Return to your room. I will be there later to deal with you” he says. Drake’s eyes meet mine briefly and I wonder if he even realizes I’m his. My heart aches at the thought, but I push it down for now.
+8 Point:
27 Dinner
David turns and we come face to face. He hadn’t realized that I followed him. “I’m sorry you had to see that Lily. I’m sure Grant was just mistaken. Jared is my most honorable and trusted warrior. I trust him with my life, so if he says that the servant was at fault I must believe him,” he says. He must see concern in my eyes. “I won’t be too hard on the mute, but he has to learn. I’m sure you understand,” David says as he places his hands on my shoulders.
A strong arm wraps around my waist, pulling me away from David. David’s eyes snap to Grant, who now has his arm around my shoulders. “Sorry King David, but I’m sure you understand that touching an untamed female might give everyone around the wrong idea and I wouldn’t want my sister labeled as anything less than the proper elf that she is” Grant says. “Of course, my apologies. Let’s finish dinner, and then I will give you a tour of the castle, David
I shake Grant off and return to my seat. My mind won’t stop replaying Drake’s face when our eyes met. I assumed elves discovered their mates like witches or vampires, but maybe I’m wrong. I’ll have to ask Jasmine after dinner. The rest of dinner is uneventful. Grant, Liam, and Jasmine aren’t going to like what I’m about to do, but I need to keep him from going to Drake. I
refuse to allow him anymore pain if I can stop it.
My eyes meet Myra’s for the first time since dinner started and a knowing smirk spreads across her face. I must be being paranoid because there is no way she knows what I’m about to do. “King David, I was wondering if before the tour I could speak to you alone. There are some details about what happened with my mate I don’t feel comfortable speaking about in front of my brother and father. The queen is welcome to join us if you would like.”
David’s eyes light up like a pup on Christmas. “Unfortunately, my queen will need to attend to our children, but I would gladly meet with you in my office after dinner,” David says. Liam goes to open his mouth but Myra interrupts. “My king, its been so long since I’ve been in the royal kitchen. Would you allow me to bring you and Lily some dessert and shimmer plum tea while you talk” Myra asks.
Before David can answer, I do. “Myra, I would love shimmer plum tea.” “That would be lovely Myra. Why don’t you head into the kitchen now as we are almost finished with dinner” he says. “Of course, my king,” Myra says as she stands and makes her way to the kitchen. Grant and Liam both look like they have sucked on a lemon, but they stay quiet. I have a feeling Myra is going to make the king’s tea very special.
Drake POV
I make my way back to the kitchen because I know what will happen if I just return to my room without cleaning up. As I start to scrub the counters a woman that looks familiar steps into the kitchen. “You look so much like your father. You have his eyes.” I point to my mouth
+8 P
27 Dinner
and shake my head hoping she understands what I mean. She rounds the counter and comes to stand in front of me.
She reaches out and cups my cheek with her hand. “I know you have suffered, but I promise you its almost over. Your beloved is here, and she is going to help you right the wrongs of the past.” My mind flashes back to the beautiful girl from the dining room. Looking into her eyes made something stir inside me, but could it really have been the bond? I pull the tablet and pen from my pocket, but before I can write a word Jared steps into the room.
“I guess you don’t think you have to follow orders all of a sudden” he says. “Actually, I stopped him to help me get something for the king if you must know. Why are you here? I doubt you have ever helped with a meal,” the woman says, and I fight the urge to smile. He takes a step closer to the older woman. “Just because you don’t work in the castle doesn’t change that you will always be a slave. You would do well to remember that” he says before he turns to me.
“Get her what she needs and go to your f**king room. If you have to be told again, you won’t like the consequences,” he says before he turns to leave. Once she is gone, she grabs my hand and squeezes it. “You are the king and soon the Elven world will remember who the true ruler of our kind is,” the woman says. Could that beautiful girl really be my mate? The one my mother told me about. Hope blooms in my chest as I gather what the older woman needs.