13 The Witch is Dead
Lily POV
“Dad, I’m not a pup anymore. After everything I’ve learned about myself and Ariel, I need you I
trust me. Even if you’re scared, you are going to have to trust me. What would
What would you do if you knew mom was being abused or in danger?” “I would burn the world down to get to her and kill
anyone who hurt her” he says. My mother smiles, knowing he means every word.
“Someone is hurting my mate, dad. I can’t stay here knowing that I’m destined to save him. I’m
the hero in my own love story. I’ve accepted that Colton wasn’t ever going to be my forever, bu
this man is supposed to be. All the bad stuff that’s happened was for a reason. The reason
was showing me how strong I am.”
“I won’t lie and say I’m not scared of being away from the pack and my family, but do you
know what I’m more afraid of dad? I’m afraid that I won’t get to him. I won’t get the chance to
burn the world to the ground and kill the people that are hurting him.”
I can feel the tears flow down my cheeks as I remember the visions the goddess showed me.
My father pulls me into his arms and I bury my head in his chest. “I’m so proud of you Lily. You
will always be my pup, but I do trust you. I trust you to come back to me and your mom safely.
I trust you to bring your mate here so I can put the fear of the goddess in him that if he ever
hurts my daughter he will deal with me,” he says, and I can feel his smile against the top of my
Jasmine POV
The words that woman spoke at the gate keep replaying over in my mind. I’m tempted to
make a trip to see Elder James since he is the oldest of our kind, but I fear he will mention my
questions to David. Why would a prophecy involving a Red Wolf matter to the Elven King? He
must fear something because he never came to bed last night until almost midnight. He was
hold up in his office with Jared and that old woman late into the night.
I was glad when he was gone before I woke up this morning. The less time I have to spend
with that ba**ard the better. The only good that has come from my punishment was he hasn’t
touched me. I would take the bite of the belt ten times over his touch. I have learned over the
years to not act repulsed by his touch.
I’m sure he is using Jiselle to meet his needs and I couldn’t care less. His touch has always
made my skin crawl. I shake those thoughts away as I gather Diane and Daniel for school.
They are the only good that has ever come from that man. They chatter all the way to their
classroom, which makes me smile. Once I have the kids situated with their teacher, I head to
13 The Witch is Dead
my office. I retrieved several books from the archives, but I don’t have high hopes I’ll find something about wolf prophecy in them.
An hour later I’ve gotten through two books when there is a knock on my office door. I quickly hide the books under my desk before I call out to whoever is knocking. I know my guards are
outside, so whoever has approached has been approved by them. When the door swings open
I’m shocked to see Jiselle.
She doesn’t usually bother me when my guards are around. She knows that they will report
her behavior to David. She must be desperate to show up here. The guard steps in behind her.
“Really, I have to be supervised to visit my own sister” she says, rolling her eyes. When she
steps closer to my desk, I notice that her lip is split and there is a faint bruise above her eye.
I don’t respond to her whining as I sit back in my chair. “Jasmine, can we please talk alone. It’s
something I don’t feel comfortable discussing in front of this man,” she pleads. “I have strict
orders that you are not to be alone with the Queen,” Vince says. Out of all my guards, he is the
one that I trust the most. “You heard my guard. Whatever you need to say will have to be said
in front of him.”
“Fine, I just wanted to remind you how pathetic you are.” Vincent goes to step toward her and I raise my hand to stop him. “Let her say what she wants. She must have pissed the king off.
She is worried he will replace her with another mistress. She is trying to goad me into engaging her so he will think I’m jealous of her, so he won’t get rid of her. Who is the pathetic one, Jiselle? I haven’t been a mistress for the last fifteen years. I’m not the one who rejected
my fate to be someone’s second choice.”
I can see Vincent fighting the urge to smile. He gives me a nod and Jiselle screeches. Stomping her foot she glares at me. “You’re wrong. David loves me. He would never replace me. What kind of woman stays with a man she knows cheats on her? You were never woman
enough to keep him satisfied.”
“So what did you do to piss off your lover, Jiselle? He usually leaves your face untouched, so must have been something that really pissed him off.” “You b**ch. You think you’re special because David chose you, but you’re not. If he had seen me first, I would have been his wife and the Queen.” I can’t help but laugh. “Jiselle, nothing you have to say is going to bother me. I am not the same girl I was when David married me.”
“I have never cared when he was with you, Jiselle, and nothing has changed that would make me care now. In fact, your welcome to f**k him anytime you want with my blessing. You won’t get the response you’re looking for, so get the f**k out of my office.”
“Maybe I should go back to the kitchen and get the pathetic mute in trouble again. It seems
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you care about him. I hear you visit him often. I bet if I did that it would make you care. I bet that would piss you off.” I’m on my feet with my hands pressed to the desk. “You leave Drake alone Jiselle. I will not tell you twice.”
“Maybe I’ll tell David just how much you care about the hot slave that works in the kitchen. Maybe I’ll tell him you’ve been f**king him. What would David do if he thought you were unfaithful? He’d probably kill you both. Surely I’d be more than a mistress then. I would be
Queen as it should have always been.”
She has no idea who Drake is to David or to me. The fact she is talking about him has anger like I’ve never known burning in my chest. I feel a surge of power. Vincent starts to move toward her, but I won’t let him interfere. She has been nothing but a viper all my life, but she will not threaten my child. Before I can stop myself, vines shoot from my hands. One wraps
around Vincent and the other around Jiselle.
“What the f**k is this? How are you doing this? You have no powers. You were born a f**king slave,” she manages to croak out before the vines wrap around her neck. Vincent looks on in
disbelief but stays quiet. As the vine that is around Jiselle’s throat gets tighter and tighter, her
eyes finally meet mine. “You will never threaten my child again. I hope the goddess gives you
everything you deserve, you disgusting b**ch.”
Her body goes limp and the vines recede. “My queen the king is on his way,” Vincent says, panic in his voice. “I will handle it.” Seconds later the door bangs open and David steps inside,
followed by Jared. He looks at Jiselle’s lifeless body before he looks at me. I wait for him to
demand an answer from me, but instead he just stares his face impassive.
He finally turns to Vincent. “Clean this mess up now. The queen won’t need you for the rest of
the day” he says. Vincent nods but shoots me a concerned look as he bends to pick up
Jiselle’s body. I know he won’t kill me, but I’m not sure what he will do to me for killing his
mistress. He reaches his hand out, and I place mine in his without hesitation. I don’t need to
give him anymore fuel for whatever punishment he has planned.
He leads me back to our wing. Once we step inside, he sits on the couch pulling me onto his
lap. “I’m so sorry my love.” He must see my confusion because he continues. “I know my
relationship with Jiselle has always been hard on you, but I’ve tried to make sure, despite my
indiscretions to let you knew how much I loved you. I haven’t done a very good job these last
few days,” he says.
Goddess, he really thinks that I give a sh*t about him. He is the most delusional elf on the
planet. He forced me into this marriage and, despite accepting my fate, I have never let the
words I love you pass my lips. He cups my cheek with his hand. “I’m sorry that you were so
worried about losing me that you felt you had no other choice but to kill your sister. I promise
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you my love there will never be anyone that can take away your husband or title,” he says.
He pulls my face down and presses his lips against mine. I’ve learned over the years to allow
my mind to wander, so I don’t pull away from his touch. I feel him lift me and I know my
reprieve from his disgusting touch is over. I’m just glad that Drake is safe. I have no doubt that
my sister would have done exactly what she threatened to do. I won’t let anyone hurt him. My
children are the only happiness I have, and I will protect them until my dying breath.