Chapter Twenty–seven
A few hours later, I was woken up by Greg’s alarm on his phone.
“Come on, my love, it’s time to get up and train.” I glared at him, rolled over, and threw the
covers over my head. He laughed and pulled them off me.
“Babe, I am so tired! Can it wait until tomorrow?” I pouted.
“Nope, you have been slacking, and it is time for you to get back into training. Meghan, Mathew’s sister, will be training you, to get you up to speed. She is my top trainer for women and one hell of a fighter.” I groaned, got up, went to brush my teeth, put my hair up in a bun, and got dressed. Greg had coffee ready for me when I walked into the kitchen, with sugar and
“Hmmm, this hits the spot!” I said as I took a sip.
“After breakfast, you will be meeting with mom to go over some of the Luna duties that you will be taking over next week. Don’t worry, mom will have your back until you have a hang of things,” Greg tenderly said, as he put his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek. “Come
on, babe, let’s get this done and over with.” We walked out of our suite, down the elevator, and
out the patio doors. We walked down to the training grounds, where I saw Jack, Moneo, Angelica, Mathew, and a she wolf standing there, talking.
“Hey guys, ready for this?” Greg answered, getting groans from Angelica and me. The she wolf
laughed and walked up to us.
“Luna, Angelica, I am Meghan, Mathew’s little sister,” she introduced herself, bowing her head
at me. “I am thrilled that Alpha finally found his mate and our Luna. And last night with Shelia
was epic! I loved the look on her face when you threatened her. It’s about time someone stood
up to her.” The three of us started to laugh.
“No one ever stood up to her before. Why?” I asked.
“Because she got the whole pack to believe that she will be our Luna and Alpha’s mate, which
is why she got away with so much,” Mathew replied, flinging his bangs out of his face. “And
now that you are here, everyone is mad at her and ignoring her.”
“Deserved her right! Ok, Meghan, I am ready for my training.”
“Ok, let’s start by stretching, and then we will run five miles in human form and five miles in
wolf form.”
The three of us stretched there on the ground for about twenty minutes, did our five–mile run,
+9 Point
Chapter Twenty–seven
and then let our wolves out so they could do their five–mile run. We shifted into our wolves,
and I heard several gasps from the warriors who were training, including Meghan. Winter’s
beauty is breathtaking. Winter and Jasmine loved that they were to come out and stretch their
legs. They ran their five miles and then back to the grounds, where we shifted back and
started to work on our sparring. Meghan collaborated with us on how to spot an opening to
attack our opponent and to be patient with our attacks.
“You do not want to rush your attacks because you could mess up and end up dead. Take your
time and think about where you want your hits to land. Never throw first. Let your opponent do
it and when they go to swing at you, their ribs are wide open. Hit their ribs first,” she was
explaining. Mason, her brother, and one of the Deltas that I met yesterday came over to spar
with us. At first, he was taking it easy with us, until he realized that I was aggressive and fast,
placing my hits where it would count. When we were done, I broke his nose and a couple of his
“I am so sorry, Mason,” I said apologetically to him, helping him up after I knocked him to the
ground. “I seriously did not mean to hurt you that badly.”
“I’ll be alright, Luna,” he laughed. “You throw some mean hits, and you are extraordinarily fast.
I couldn’t keep up and did not know where you were going to land your hits. Incredibly good,
Luna.” He gave me a high–five and Meghan was laughing at her older brother.
“Ok ladies, training is over for the day. Mason, get over to the doctor and have him look at you,
Meghan ordered, smiling at us.
“See you tomorrow.” We headed to the packhouse to shower, get dressed, and get some
breakfast. I met Greg in the suite when I got there.
“How was training?” he asked, kissing me on top of my head.
“It was good. I broke Mason’s nose and some ribs.”
His jaw dropped. “You did what?”
“I think I broke Mason’s nose and a couple of his ribs,” I repeated. He starts laughing.
“Mason is one of my best Deltas. He is extremely hard to defeat in training. Did he take it easy
on you?”
“At first, he did. Then he realized how hard I hit and how fast I was. Then we got into a serious
sparring session.”
“Meghan didn’t stop you?” he asked, c*****g an eyebrow at me.
“No, she thought it was hilarious that he got his ass handed to him,” I giggled.
+8 Points
Chapter Twenty–seven
We both jumped into the shower, which turned into an hour–long s*x session there. I was cold by the time I got out because the hot water ran out. We quickly got dressed and went to the dining room. Everyone was piling in when we walked in, sat down at the table and Mrs. Cullens brought out our plates; pancakes, sausage, bacon, and eggs. I was starving after training and cleaning my plate up.
“Well, babe, I must go into town for the day. I have a couple of meetings and contracts to look over. Mom will get you in a few for your training. I will see you tonight,” he said, kissing me gently on the lips and walking out of the room.
Deidre came in a few minutes later. “There you are, dear!” she exclaimed. “Are you ready for this?” I nodded my head and followed her to Luna’s office. We spent the day going over requests by members for upgrades for their homes, applications for the new apartment building that is being built, and a blueprint of the new playground that will be built close to the packhouse for the pups.
It was lunchtime and an Omega brought us some lunch to eat. While we were eating, Deidre looked at me, “Dear, this is your office now. When you are ready, you can redecorate it to your style and make it your own.” I looked around, with dusty rose wallpaper on the walls, a cream–colored couch, a loveseat, chairs, and a big dusty rose area rug.
“Honestly, Deidre, I am not a huge fan of pink. How about we change the furniture into teal,
with a cream–colored rug. And change the wallpaper to midnight blue with gold in it.”
I will get a hold of Rachel, our interior designer, and have her bring in some sample books and catalogs for you to go through.”
“Sounds good. Is there anything else we need to do today?” I asked her.
“One more thing, we need to go over your dress for the Luna ceremony next week. Have you
thought of what you would like to have?” I knew thought of it and I haven’t had a chance to
relax since I got here yesterday. I have no clue what to wear.
“I haven’t. Honestly, I have no clue what a Luna would wear to this.”
“That’s ok, dear. We can go to Clara’s shop tomorrow. She always has the most beautiful
dresses there. Hopefully, we can find something. I also need a guest list from you to invite.”
“My parents, of course, and my brother. Alpha Zane and Luna Morgan and their daughter,
Caitlin. And don’t forget my other best friend, Rocky, Angelica’s cousin,” I replied.
“Ok, I will get those invites sent out today,” she jumped up off the couch and ran out the door. I
up and walked around the office. I cannot believe that this will be mine.
+8 Point
Chapter Twenty–seven
“Tovi, do you need anything?” Angelica asked as she walked in.
“Yeah, a nap.”
“Not yet, Luna. I have some papers from Jack that he wanted you and Alpha to go over. It’s a
request for an alliance from a pack north of here. Looks like they are having a rogue problem
there, too.”
“Ok, I will look over it and then fax it to Greg for him to go over. Thank you, bestie.” She smiled
and walked out the door. I sat at my desk for the next hour, going over the alliance requests
from Red Moon Pack. It is a small pack, with about 150 members. They have been having
issues with another pack that has been bullying and attacking them. They have lost fifty
members, all of them being killed in the attacks. I say we make a visit and try to stop these
attacks, or we could absorb the pack, and have them move here. That way, they could be
better protected. I will ask Greg when he gets home tonight.
I left my office to walk around and talk to the members. I want to get to know everyone and find out what they would like to improve the pack. I asked Angelica to meet me on the patio
and to bring a notebook. Henry was walking behind me, keeping an eye on me, in case Shelia
and the skank patrol tried to pull something.