My Billionaire Like Me 63

My Billionaire Like Me 63

Chapter SixtyThree 

Both Nana and Greg gasped when they saw Winter standing next to me. She c****d her head 

and went up to Nana, nudging her hand

Tovi, she is beautiful, just like you,” Nana gasped, running her hand through Winter’s fur

Thank you, Nana,Winter told Nana. Nana looked at me wideeyed, not believing what she 


She can talk?” 

Yes, I can talk. How do you think I can communicate?Winter growled, lying down at my feet

She looked at Greg, as he was still quiet about having my wolf right next to me. He got up out of his seat, crouching next to me, running his hands through her fur. She nudged his face

rubbing her wet nose on him

This could be good in a way. She could help protect you when I am not around. This could work in our court, with both of you fighting at the same time.” 

I will always protect Tovi and our pup. Without my human form, I wouldn’t exist. I will lay my life down to make sure that she lives.” Winter was looking at all of us, wagging her tail. She 

was enjoying the attention that she was getting

Are you ready to go back into my head, Winter?I asked her. She whined at me like she 

wanted to stay out and play some more

Hell no, I am not ready. I am enjoying this. If you let me stay out a bit longer, I promise to behave. I love spending time with our mate.She started to rub her head against Greg and


Fine, I will let you out until bedtime. Then you have to go back for the night.She jumped up and started to bark, tail wagging so hard that her body was moving with the wags. She jumped on Greg, licking him on the face, and then ran around the suite like a playful pup

“Am I going to get you some toys to keep you preoccupied when you are here?I asked her, and she gave me a confused look. She sat down and snarled at me


Do you honestly think that I am some kind of dog that you can bribe?she growled at me.No, I don’t think so. But a nice big bone would be nice to chew on when I am here in the suite, you know, to kill some time.I giggled and petted her on the head

Ok, I can have someone get you one from the butcher in the town over from us. A nice big 


+8 Point

Chapter SixtyThree 

cow hock sound good?She jumped up and was excited about the mention of a cow hock. We all laughed at her excitement. We finished our dinner and cleaned up the kitchen

We all sat in the living room, watching a movie. Winter tried to get up on the couch with us, but Greg put his foot down and told her that she wasn’t allowed on the furniture. She growled at him, lying down at my feet in a huff. I giggled at them both. I cuddled up to Greg, with my feet curled up under me. He motioned for me to swing my feet onto his lap and he went and started to massage them and my calves. It felt so good, especially being pregnant and having the extra weight that I have been carrying. I moaned a bit because it was helping with the achiness I had been experiencing. The baby decided that it was going to start moving around

kicking me in the ribs. I gasped, grabbing my rib

Are you ok?Greg asked me

Yeah, Piper decided to use my rib as a soccer ball and kicked it hard.He placed his hand on my belly, rubbing it and talking to the baby

Piper sweetheart, you need to be nice to your mom. Kicking her in the ribs is not nice. I know you want to get out, but it is not time yet. You need to cook just a little bit longer, about at least six more weeks. Then you can come out and play as much as you want.It was so cute, watching my mate talking to our daughter. She started to kick his hand that was on my belly and his hand was bouncing on my belly. I giggled at the reaction my pup was having to her dad. I can already tell that she is going to be a daddy’s girl. She always had this reaction to Greg, kicking his hand every time it was on my belly

Ok, that is enough, you two. I am going to end up with either broken or bruised ribs because you two are playing. Which reminds me, I need to use the bathroom.” I struggled to get up

even with Greg helping me. Winter got up and walked with me

Winter, I am just going to the bathroom,” I told her, waddling down the hallway

I know, but you may never know. Remember what happened not too long ago? Two rogues broke into the packhouse, through the balcony door, and tried to knock you out so they could kidnap you,” she reminded me. I nodded and we continued to the bathroom. I had her sit outside the bathroom door, not needing an audience as I used the bathroom. When I washed my hands, Winter was still sitting there, guarding the door

Good girl,” I praised her and rubbed her head. I changed into a nightgown, put my slippers on, and went back to the living room. Nana made us some popcorn while I was out of the room. I grabbed water and a bowl of popcorn. I curled up on the couch next to Greg, cuddling up to him. We enjoyed the evening, watching movies, eating popcorn, and just relaxing. This is what 


Chapter SixtyThree 

we needed after months of stress, planning, preparing, and training. I cannot wait until this is over, and we can relax some before the war with the demons. I want to enjoy my family a bit 

before the stress and chaos ensues

I must have fallen asleep because I could feel Greg picking me up off the couch and carrying me to bed. I snuggled up to his chest, inhaling his scent. It was so relaxing, and I fell back to sleep as he covered me with the blanket

I woke up the next morning, with Greg’s arm wrapped around my waist. I had to get up because Piper was lying right on my bladder and I had to pee really badly. I tried to get up, but Greg was not letting me up

Babe, I need to pee. Please let me up,” I begged him, trying to move his arm. He growled and moved his arm, so I could run to the bathroom. I threw my feet over the edge of the bed and I almost stepped on Winter. s**t, I forgot about her

Winter, I am sorry. I must have forgotten about you last night. You can either come back into my mind or you can stay out. But first, let me use the bathroom and then you can decide.” I ran to the bathroom to empty my bladder. When I was done, I went back into the bedroom, with Winter sitting in front of the balcony door

So, Winter, what do you want to do?I asked her, sitting on the chair next to the door. She came up to me, placing her head on my lap and I ran my fingers through her fur

I can go back in for a bit. I want to check on our pup and listen to her heartbeat,” she replied. I also want to get some sleep because I was up all night last night, protecting you and our pup.” I nodded my head. I stood up and Winter walked right into me. I felt nauseous and ran to the bathroom, puking in the toilet. When I was done, I rinsed my mouth out and then brushed my teeth. Greg walked into the bathroom and looked at me

Let me guess, Winter went back into your mind. I heard you puking and came to check on you.He placed his arms around me, kissing my mark. I moaned and leaned back to him.


go make some coffee and decaf for you and I can meet you in the crow’s nest.” 

Ok, babe. I am going to take a shower, and I’ll be up there shortly.He kissed me and went to the kitchen. I started the shower, letting it get hot while I got undressed, and placed my nightgown in the hamper. I got under the shower head, letting the hot water run down my back. I washed my hair and body quickly, stepping out to dry off when I was done. I brushed my hair and put it into a braid. I went to get dressed, Greg’s sweatpants and one of his Tshirts. I feel lazy today. I joined Greg in the crow’s nest, and he chuckled when I walked in wearing his clothes


+8 Points 

Chapter SixtyThree 

Are you stealing my clothes now?He chuckled, placing his arms around me, and kissing me 

deeply. I moaned, wanting more of him, but with the pregnancy, I just didn’t feel attractive right 

now. I took my coffee off the coffee table and curled up on the couch, watching the sunrise

I just felt lazy and comfy today. So, your sweatpants and Tshirt were going to be my outfit 

today.I took a sip of my coffee, smiling at him

Well, you look beautiful regardless, and you can steal my clothes anytime you want. You are 

so sexy in them.” 

Ugh, I just feel fat. I cannot wait until she is here so I can get back to my normal self. I am 

tired of being tired and being achy all the time.” 

Baby, you are carrying our pup, the heir to the pack, the leader of Mountain Moon. You are beautiful no matter what. You are growing another life inside of you and I think that is 

incredible. I cannot wait to hold our pup and spoil her rotten.” 

Not too rotten. I don’t want her to think that she gets anything that she wants.” 

I know. But still, I will spoil her rotten with lots of love and attention.” He kissed me and walked down the stairs. I’ll get us breakfast. You stay here and relax. Get Winter out to watch 

over you.” 

You wake me up, and I will bite him in the ass when he gets back,Winter growled. I laughed 

at her remark

You can continue to sleep while I am sitting here. I’ll share my bacon with you.” 

up when I said that

She perked 

Ok, deal.I closed my eyes, and she was in front of me. She wagged her tail and lay down in front of me. I linked Greg to bring extra bacon for Winter

Can we go outside today?Winter asked. I want to run for a bit. Maybe Deacon could come 

out and play?” 

Greg has to work, so he doesn’t have time to play today. He has to go to the office for a few days.” She looked at me and whined. I know that she will miss her mate, and so will I. But there is nothing I can do about it. He has to go and make money for the pack, so we can get some more weapons and increase our supplies


Traci Cheeseman 

What do you think with Tovi having Winter out and running around? #Vote

My Billionaire Like Me

My Billionaire Like Me

Score 9.9
Status: Ongoing Type: Native Language: English
My Billionaire Like Me


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