Chapter Fifty
Tovi’s POV
Dinner came, and the witches joined us at our table. They were all wonderful and delightful,
answering our pack members‘ questions, especially the pups, and had the table laughing with
some great personal experiences. Our members were curious about our guests and welcomed
them into the pack. They will be staying here until I am trained, which Sienna told me could
take six to twelve months, depending on how strong my powers are and how I learn. I am
excited about starting my training and learning more about my abilities. Winter is excited for
me to understand everything, hinting that the witches will be extremely impressed with my
powers and abilities.
After dinner, we went to the conference room for our meeting with the witches. My dad, Zane,
Morgan, Greg, Corbin, my entire family, our trusted security team consisted of Henry, Travis,
Moneo, and Darren, and Angelica. Jack and Jason are out on patrol, so they will be missing
the meeting. The witches only allowed the people who could be trusted into the meeting and,
luckily, we had a nice amount of people that we could trust in our circle.
“Ok, since everyone is here, I will begin. My name is Sienna Williams, and I am the Mother
Coven of Green Forest Coven, located south of San Francisco. Normally, we would have the
candidates come to the coven to train, but considering the events that are happening right
now, we made an exception. Tovi is considered to be an immensely powerful entity, and she
needs to be protected at all costs, including increasing her security detail here, and
understanding that with her training, she will struggle and will fail before she is successful. I do not want any interference from anyone and if there is, we will take her with us to an undisclosed location where she will be surrounded by protection, and you will not see her until she is done,” she warned, looking straight at Greg. “We need to train Tovi to her full potential
so we can defeat the demons in a few years, and also with the battle that is coming soon with
the rogues.
Now, let me explain what each of us can do with our powers and how we can teach Tovi how
to use them. I am an extremely powerful witch; I can tell who is good and who is bad. That is
why each of you is in this room. I know that Tovi and the Goddess can trust all of you with her
life and duty. I can also read thoughts and can use those thoughts against you. I can levitate
and lift objects off the ground, and I have unlimited knowledge of our spells, as all of us do. I
am over two hundred and fifty years old, but I look like I am thirty. A great thing about being a
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Marguerite here is the master of teleporting, telepathy, and transforming into other beings and objects. Sarah’s knowledge is force field and fire, and Elizabeth’s is healing and invisibility. Tovi will be learning a lot and will be pushed beyond her limits. She will need your help and support. She will be mentally and physically pushed to her limits, to the point of exhaustion.
Are there any questions about what I have explained about her training?” She looked around and everyone seemed to understand what she explained.
“When do I start my training and will it affect my Luna duties here in the pack?” I asked her.
“You will start training after breakfast tomorrow. It will be for about two hours every day, depending on how fast you learn everything. We know that you are a Luna and have duties, so we will do our best not to interfere with your duties,” Sienna replied. I nodded my head, hoping I could do my regular training, training with the witches, and do my Luna duties. If I start getting behind in my duties, I will ask Deidre and Angelica to help.
“If there are no questions right now, we convene and enjoy our evening,” Sienna told everyone. Everyone got up and started to file out of the conference room.
“Luna, Alpha, may I have a quick word with you?” Sienna asked us. We nodded and waited for everyone to leave, “I wanted to tell you, but I wanted to keep it a private affair,” she said concerningly. “You need to go see the doctor right now. You will be happy that I suggested that you go now. When you are done, come, and see me.” Greg and I looked at each other, confused about what she said. Greg linked the doctor, and he said he was available right now. So, we
headed to the pack hospital.
As soon as we got to the hospital, we were escorted to an exam room. Dr. James came into
the room a few minutes later.
“Alpha, Luna, what could I help you with tonight?” he asked, sitting down on the stool.
“Well, we don’t know for sure. We were told to come here by Mother Sienna and I have no clue why,” I explained to Dr. James.
“Well, let’s start with the basics, bloodwork, and urine tests, and then we will go from there,” he explained, linking a lab tech to come to our room and walk out. The lab tech came in, drew a few vials of blood, and handed me a pee cup.
“Luna, I need some urine. You can use the bathroom across the hallway and place it in the door in the wall.” I nodded my head and went to the bathroom. After I was done, I washed my hands. We waited for an hour and Dr. James walked in with a smile on his face.
“Well, everything looked great with the bloodwork, but the urine test showed a positive test.
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Luna, Alpha, congratulations, you are going to become parents!” he announced. It took a
minute for us to register what he said. Greg suddenly whooped and picked me up, spinning
me around!
“We are having a pup!” he yelled, and I was laughing. We are both getting what we want. Now,
Greg will have an heir to the Alpha position. I cannot wait to hold my pup.
“If you please follow me, we will go down and do an ultrasound, to see how far along you are
and make sure the pup is growing perfectly,” Dr. James said, opening the door to escort us to
the ultrasound room.
We got there, and I was asked to lie down on the table and pull my shorts down just a little bit.
Greg growled at the doctor but knew it was necessary. He placed the warm gel on my stomach and placed the wand. There was our pup, right there on the screen. I started to cry
when I heard the heartbeat.
“Luna, Alpha, the pup is healthy with an extraordinarily strong heartbeat. The pup looks like it is three weeks old, almost a month old,” the doctor explained. I got pregnant the very first time we had s*x, back at Blood Stone, “Luna, you have five more months before this little one will make its presence. I will prescribe some prenatal vitamins and iron pills. Make sure you get plenty of rest, avoid stress when you can, eat healthily for this pup, and you can continue your normal activities unless it is too dangerous, and drink plenty of water,” he instructed. “I want you to come back next month for a check–up and make sure this pup is growing like it should be. Congratulations, Alpha and Luna.” He shook both our hands and walked out the door. We both sat there, looking at the pictures of our pup that the doctor printed out for us.
After a few minutes, we walked out of the hospital and up to the guest house where the witches were staying. We knocked on the door and Sienna answered.
Alpha, Luna, by the looks on your faces, it is good news,” she said, smiling. I hugged her,
thanking her for the nudge.
“Will this affect my training?” I asked her, sitting on the sectional. She sighed and looked at
- me.
“To tell you the truth, yes,” she said concerningly. “But we will start with the basic and easy stuff, something that will not use up a lot of your strength. We will train for two hours to start with and when your pregnancy progresses, we will cut it down to an hour, so we don’t wear you out as badly. Elizabeth will monitor your pregnancy, along with your doctor. We will also give you herbs and concoctions to help with the pregnancy, from morning sickness to bloating, to exhaustion. We want this pup to be healthy and strong when it is born.”
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“There is something you are not telling us,” I told her, knowing that she was holding something
“To be honest, Luna, I already know what you are having and its future. If you want, I can tell
you now, or you can wait.”
“Please, what is it, and what is its future like?” I asked.
Traci Cheeseman